UIP - what is it in a payment order? Unique payment identifier

UIP - what is it in a payment order? Unique payment identifier
UIP - what is it in a payment order? Unique payment identifier

A payment order, or, as it is called in the slang of bankers, entrepreneurs and legal entities, a payment order, is one of the documents for transferring money. All fields on this form must be completed, including the UIP field, where incorrect information may result in the transfer of funds to another account. This may cause a late payment.

The concept of documents used for payment

Payment documents are used to confirm payment for products. They can be cash and sales receipts, forms of strict accountability, payment requests and payment orders.

Cash and sales receipts are issued to customers when purchasing any product. A strict reporting form is issued to a client receiving a certain type of service instead of a cash receipt.

payment documents
payment documents

Payment order is applied inwhen you need to make a non-cash payment using a bank account. This document serves as confirmation to the person who made the payment.

The concept of UIP in the payment card

UIP - what is it in a payment order? This is one of the most important elements of this document. In literal decryption, it means a unique payment identifier. If there is no information on this code, the field corresponding to it must be filled with zeros. If the code is incorrectly formed, the money may be credited to another account, and when paying to government organizations, this may lead to additional pen alties.

wip what is it in the payment order
wip what is it in the payment order

In this regard, you need to take into account some subtleties when filling out the code in the field.

PSI appointment

It organizes the transfer of funds.

Government bodies have the ability to track payment documents, which is used for the purposes of statistical research.

Ensures the transfer of the amount that is necessary to complete a specific transaction.


In the payment order, in addition to the UIP code, which is not related to budgetary transfers, the UIN code is given, which stands for a unique identifier for accrual. According to this code, all types of transfers are made to the budget. The numbers entered in this field must also be checked for correctness of the input, otherwise the funds may not be where they were planned to be transferred. In this case, money will be neededreturn, and then re-list using new details, which will take some time.

code unique identifier of accrual or payment
code unique identifier of accrual or payment

Thus, codes of a unique accrual or payment identifier should be used in different cases. They must be entered in the same field, which is called Code.

The purpose of the appearance of these fields since 2014 is to improve and optimize the work of civil servants in order to make payments faster. This is due to the fact that when specifying the code, there is no need for the TIN, KPP or CCC of the organization.

When UIP is mandatory.

It is not always necessary to indicate this requisite in a payment order. Cases of mandatory indication of UIP are regulated by the Bank of Russia.

payment ID
payment ID

There are two such cases:

  1. If this number was assigned by the recipient and the payer was informed about it in pursuance of the terms of the contract. The procedure for generating the code, its verification by the bank is regulated by the Central Bank.
  2. When paying taxes, fees, various contributions. Since the above payments must be made by everyone, it is useful for everyone to know about the UIP and where to get it. However, it must be borne in mind that for these types of PIS is required not for ordinary payments, but for payment of arrears, pen alties, fines imposed by the Federal Tax Service.

Regulatory Framework for PIS

Legal regulation of the PIS is carried out using two documents:

  1. Appendices 2 to the OrderMinistry of Finance No. 107n, which determines the mandatory indication of the UIP if this identifier is present.
  2. Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 383-P, according to which the bank should not accept a payment order if the UIP column is not filled out. The code is mandatory, if there is no identifier in field 22, enter 0.

Code writing rules

In addition to knowing what it is - UIP in a payment order, you also need to be able to write it down correctly.

whip code
whip code
  • The number that makes up the code of the identifier in question cannot include less than 20 and more than 25 digits.
  • These figures indicate the payer and the reason for the payment.
  • The payer must find out the numbers related to this code.

Find out the code

What is UIP in a payment order, we found out. Where can I get this code to fill out the document correctly?

First of all, such a code must be reported by the party in whose favor the payment is made. It can also be found in some government agencies that control payments to the federal budget. These organizations include FNI, FTS, FIU and Customs.

For example, on a paper receipt, this code will be indicated as the index of the document, which is located above the barcode.

In "Sberbank online" in the personal account, enter information about the payment, click on the "Information" button, and then receive a check, where the number will be indicated. Each transfer of funds is accompanied by a separate receiptnumbers.

payment order fields 22
payment order fields 22

The next way to find out the required code is to use special directories. At the same time, the codes in them are given with a decryption, so it is necessary to carry out identification correctly, which will avoid problems when transferring a payment.

What to do if the payment went with the wrong code

If there is no code in the payment order field that corresponds to the UIP code, it may not be filled in, or zeros can be entered there. If the wrong code was written, then it is necessary to perform a series of sequential actions:

  • It is necessary to rewrite the payment order, in which to indicate the correct UIP, and then make the payment again.
  • An application must be written to the organization to which the payment was made with the wrong details, in which it is necessary to indicate the reason why it should return the money to the sender. In this case, the reason for the return is indicated as erroneously entered details.

In the application, you must specify the details of the current account where the funds will be returned.

Waiting for a refund can take quite a long time. It depends on where exactly they ended up.

Don't forget to check UIP codes

With the annual dynamics of the forms of documents, codes, including UIP, may also undergo changes. Therefore, when making a payment, it is always better to check not only the correctness of the code at a certain point in time, but in order to know for sure that there was nono changes, you need to check for amendments made to the codes.

"1C: Payments" and other software

The 1C:Enterprise program stores data about counterparties and employees. It is possible to enter specific information based on other documents. The complex includes the software product "1C: Payment documents".

Information about issued payment orders is transmitted through this system to specialized programs that serve to exchange information via electronic channels with banks.

Printing forms in this program meet the unified requirements.

With the help of the 1C: Enterprise program, you can change forms by varying the width of the columns, inserting a logo, etc. Documents are registered in journals.

Following the instructions of the Bank of Russia regarding the transfer of funds to 1C, UIP appeared in the list of payment order details.

Formation of new payments with UIP was available in the version of "1C: Accounting" starting from version 3.0.30.

Also for 1C: Enterprise 8, version 11.1.5 of the Trade Management configuration has been released, which adds the ability to add UIS to payment orders.

In addition to using this software package, UIP can also be specified using other programs. So, in particular, in Raiffeisen Bank, the Elbrus program is used to draw up payment orders, with which you can also enter the UIN and UIP values \u200b\u200binfield Code.

In closing

Thus, to the question of what is a UIP in a payment order, you can answer that since 2014 this is an important requisite that needs to be filled in if provided by the seller. And also if this identifier should be considered as a UIN when it is indicated in payment orders for payment of fines, pen alties for taxes and fees. This code is indicated in field 22 of the payment order. It can be filled in both manually and with the help of special software tools, the main of which is 1C.
