All-Russian Institute of Horticulture: features, description and reviews

All-Russian Institute of Horticulture: features, description and reviews
All-Russian Institute of Horticulture: features, description and reviews

In life, a lot of things change, improve. All this happens thanks to the activities of scientists and researchers. For example, in the field of horticulture, innovations are introduced by the All-Russian Selection and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery. What is this organization? Are there similar structures in our country? We have to find answers to these questions.

History of the organization

The Institute of Horticulture is now functioning in Moscow. Its history began in 1930 with the opening of a special experimental fruit and berry station. It arose in connection with the changes taking place in agriculture - horticulture began to develop, large gardens began to be planted on state farms and collective farms. It was necessary to revise the existing agricultural practices of berry and fruit plants, as well as the range of plantations.

Experimental fruit and berry station existed until 1960. Then it was transformed into Scientificresearch institute of horticulture of the non-chernozem zone. The organization was faced with the task of solving the problems of horticulture in the non-chernozem zone, which includes 6 autonomous republics and 23 regions of the RSFSR. In 1992, the institution was given its current name.

institute of horticulture
institute of horticulture

Institute currently

The All-Russian Institute of Breeding and Technology today is a multidisciplinary scientific institution. It is proud of the results of its past activities. Over the years of existence, a huge number of collections of fruit and berry varieties have been developed. Winter-hardy and high-yielding varieties have also been bred, measures have been developed to protect crops from pests, and special equipment has been created.

The Selective Technological Institute of Horticulture is not going to stop on the existing achievements. He set many goals for himself:

  • conduct scientific research;
  • create scientific and technical products on orders from various enterprises and government agencies;
  • provide consulting and scientific and technical services to individuals and legal entities.
saplings of the Institute of Horticulture
saplings of the Institute of Horticulture

Scientific and international activities

The All-Russian Institute of Horticulture carries out scientific activities in various fields:

  • in biotechnology;
  • studying viruses;
  • biochemistry;
  • soil study and fertilizer application;
  • physiology;
  • genetics and the creation of new varieties;
  • gene pool and biologicalplant resources;
  • crop cultivation systems;
  • creating technique;
  • nurseries.

To achieve effective results in its activities, the Russian organization cooperates with foreign scientific institutions. Such interaction attracted the institute from the very moment of its foundation. The history of the institution confirms that it cooperated with Poland, Bulgaria, France, Italy and other countries. Employees were trained abroad, participated in international congresses. Today the Institute closely cooperates with Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. Together with foreign institutions, he conducts joint scientific research and prepares publications.

institute of horticulture and viticulture
institute of horticulture and viticulture

Educational activities

Since 1962, the Institute of Horticulture has been engaged in educational activities. It was then that postgraduate studies were opened in accordance with a document issued by the Ministry of Secondary Specialized and Higher Education. Postgraduate studies are available now at the institute. Applicants are offered only one area of training - "agriculture". It has four programs to choose from, related to:

  • breeding and seed production of agricultural plants;
  • vine growing, horticulture;
  • crop protection;
  • common agriculture, crop production.

The Institute of Horticulture provides excellent opportunities for graduate students. It has a scientific library. It presents a hugethe number of own information resources. The library also offers Internet access to users. It provides access to foreign databases, the Central Agricultural Library, the scientific and technical information system of the agro-industrial complex of our country.

institute of horticulture and nursery
institute of horticulture and nursery

Trade activities and price reviews

Seedlings, fresh berries, fruits and fruits - all this the institute sells to those who wish at certain points open in Moscow. For example, one of the retail premises is located at 4, Zagoryevskaya Street. Here, fresh berries and fruits are offered to customers. At the same address, there is another outlet of the institute. It offers planting material - seedlings of fruit, berry plants, ornamental crops.

Prices for seedlings of the Institute of Horticulture, according to reviews, are different. For example:

  • );
  • the same seedling, but with an open root system, costs about 500–600 rubles;
  • for such a flower crop as a perennial aster, the price is from 200 to 250 rubles (with an open root system);
  • herbaceous peony at the age of 3 or 4 with an open root system costs from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.
All-Russian Institute of Horticulture
All-Russian Institute of Horticulture

Similar institution

The institute in question is not the only one in the country. Russia still hasother similar organizations. One of them is the North Caucasian Zonal Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture. It has existed since 1931 and is located in Krasnodar.

This institution, like the All-Russian Institute, is engaged in scientific and educational activities. He has a lot of achievements:

  • a method has been developed for early diagnosis and determination of the predisposition of apple fruits to bitter pitting during storage;
  • a method for the production of white table wine material has been developed;
  • a method has been developed for growing apple seedlings on undersized rootstocks, etc.
selection technological institute of horticulture
selection technological institute of horticulture

Educational activities at the Institute of Viticulture and Horticulture

A research institute operating in Krasnodar in the field of horticulture and viticulture needs young and talented scientists. That is why he opened a graduate school. It has three areas of training, several profiles:

  • "agriculture" ("plant protection", "viticulture, horticulture", "seed production and breeding of agricultural plants");
  • "economy";
  • "industrial biotechnology and ecology".

In conclusion, it should be noted that scientists from both research institutes make a significant contribution to the development of horticulture and viticulture. They carry out developments, conduct various scientific research, implement their results in production activities. Postgraduate studies play an important role in both institutions. She preparesspecialists who in the future will make new discoveries and reach no less significant heights in science.
