Aramid fabric: features, properties, care

Aramid fabric: features, properties, care
Aramid fabric: features, properties, care

Among the variety of fabrics there is textile, which is designed to create special costumes. Most often, such material serves to protect a person, not only when performing work hazardous to he alth, but also in extreme situations. Aramid fabric has extraordinary properties.

aramid fabric
aramid fabric

What is this?

Aramid fiber is used to make this material. This type of fabric is widely used. It is a polymeric material used as a reinforcing component in the manufacture of workwear.

In other words, overalls, body armor, helmets and other accessories are products made from aramid fabric. They are able to protect from bullets and from fire. Such products are used not only by the military and test pilots, but also by firefighters, steelworkers and other representatives of life-threatening professions.

A bit of history

Aramid fiber was first created by a chemist from the American company DuPont in 1964. Initially, the resulting material was called Kevlar. Now it is one of the leading brands. A material similar in properties was also made in the USSR. Its name is SVM - ultra-high-strength material. Latertwaron appeared for a while.

Since 1970, Kevlar fabric has been commercially produced.

aramid fiber
aramid fiber

Where fibers are used

Russian-made aramid fabrics are widely used. Today they are used in many areas. Kevlar fabric was originally used:

  1. When making tires.
  2. The fiber was part of the heavy-duty cables and lines.
  3. The material has been used as a component of composite compounds for the space and aircraft industries, in the construction of high-speed yachts and cars, durable parts, internal pressure chambers, high-speed flywheels and more.
  4. Aramid fabric has been used to create bulletproof vests and helmets.
  5. The fibers were also used for sports equipment, household appliances, modeling and musical instruments.
  6. kevlar fabric
    kevlar fabric

Material properties

Aramid fabric has unique properties. The molecules of this material are long chains. In it, most of the amide bonds are bonded simultaneously with several aromatic rings. This is the main advantage of aramid fabric. After all, such compounds have a sufficiently large dissociation energy. At the same time, aromatic rings provide high thermal stability of molecules.

Among the properties of such material it is worth highlighting:

  1. High strength. Aramid fabric can withstand up to 600 kg per 1 mm2. Indexthe strength of this material is higher than that of steel.
  2. High temperature resistance. Aramid fabric, whose properties are unique, does not melt. The destruction of the fibers begins at a temperature of about 500°C. The material is able to withstand contact with open fire for 50 seconds. At the same time, the fabric does not smolder and does not ignite. However, its strength is greatly reduced by this exposure.
  3. Little density. Aramid fabric is very light, which makes it indispensable in the manufacture of workwear.
  4. Low cost. Most often on sale you can see aramid fiber. The cost of a standard reel of such threads is approximately $20. Length - at least 3 km.
  5. aramid fabric properties
    aramid fabric properties

Fabric Features

Aramid fabric has a higher elasticity than glass and carbon fiber materials. You can create such a fabric using conventional weaving equipment. In this case, the interlacing of fibers can be any. In addition, the finished fabric can be dyed any color if desired.

Aramid fabric practically does not tear and does not burn. The material can withstand exposure to fire, high temperature, petroleum products and chemical solvents. Under load, aramid fibers do not deform. However, when twisted, their strength decreases.

As for the cost of a fabric made of aramid fibers, it is approximately $30 per 1 m2.

Fabric Applications

Aramid fabric is used today for making:

  1. Protective devices and clothing for metallurgists, welders and firefighters. Thanks to its unique properties, the fabric protects the skin of workers from high temperatures, molten metal, sparks, and open flames.
  2. Protection equipment and clothing for employees of many law enforcement agencies and the military.
  3. Blast covers and other equipment.

The cost of a suit made of such fabric depends on the design and type of material. The cheapest one is $250. However, studies have shown that the best protection for a person is a suit that combines layers of plastic and aramid fabric.

Russian-made aramid fabrics
Russian-made aramid fabrics

How to care for this fabric

Products made of aramid fabric can be washed if necessary. Such material does not shrink. However, numerous studies have shown that as a result of repeated washes, exposure to direct sunlight and ultraviolet rays, the basic properties of the fabric deteriorate, it begins to lose its strength.

Experts do not recommend removing stains from the surface of such material with bleaches, as well as products intended for dry cleaning. They degrade the strength of the aramid fabric. Such a disadvantage is deprived of a material that has a waterproof coating. In other cases, washing Kevlar products should be done with extreme caution.
