Denim fabric: features and types

Denim fabric: features and types
Denim fabric: features and types

Denim is made from durable cotton. Despite all the ideas about jeans, it can be quite heterogeneous. If initially the material was unchanged in density and “made up” only with dark blue “indigo” paint, then at the present time it can be of different density and color, composition and type. Denim almost always contains additive materials (lycra, viscose, etc.).


There are many types of this fabric.

Denim is the most expensive and popular fabric. It was denim that was used by the legendary Levi Strauss in the manufacture of trousers for gold miners. It is produced by twill interweaving of two threads: a freshly dyed main thread and an undyed one. The main and only distinguishing feature of this material is that the reverse side of these jeans is always white.

Jin is a fabric that is considered the cheapest of denim. It is cotton dyed with just one dye. It is customary to sew denim trousers from such fabric, which are sold in stores.clothes at a low price.

Dashed twill – Herringbone pattern denim. Distortion in the direction of the twill lines makes the surface much more prominent and denser.

dress fabrics
dress fabrics

Chambrey is a relatively thin denim fabric. It is used in most cases for the manufacture of light wardrobe items, such as summer shirts, sundresses, underwear. If you are looking for fabric for a dress, chambris is a great choice.

Stretch is a material in which, in addition to cotton, elastane is added. As a result, jeans perfectly fit the figure. It is thanks to this feature that stretch is used mainly for the manufacture of female models of trousers.

Eikru is a denim material without any artificial coloring, that is, natural color. Nowadays, it is this color that is very popular among lovers of denim trousers.

The quality of denim clothing generally depends on the cotton it is made from. What material is denim made from?

Mexican cotton. Its fiber length is 24 mm. It allows you to get very high quality, almost glossy denim, without unwanted scarring.

Barbados cotton. It is quite soft, shiny and strong. It is attributed to the category of quality materials, but a significant disadvantage of this raw material is that it is too difficult to cultivate and collect. That is why in the current clothing market, the share of jeans made from this fabric is only 7%.

denim fabric
denim fabric

Zimbabweancotton - excellent quality cotton, which also has a fairly low price.

Asian and Indian cotton is obviously the most widely used type of cotton. Almost half of the world's denim is made from this material. Its composition is a fiber of considerable length, which is often called short staple.

Thus, denim fabric is very diverse both in its composition and in appearance. Probably, it is this diversity that has led to such a frenzied popularity of denim clothing. After all, there are hardly any things that are more practical, comfortable, familiar and fashionable than jeans.
