Citibank credit card: credit reviews

Citibank credit card: credit reviews
Citibank credit card: credit reviews

Now almost all banks offer their customers a variety of cards, including credit cards. It is often difficult for people to decide, since each program has its own offers. According to reviews, "Just a credit card" from Citibank has favorable conditions. Read more about it in the article.

About the bank

Citibank is one of the first foreign banks to operate on the Russian market. The first representative office was founded in 1992. Since that period, the organization has always been in the rating of large banks in terms of assets and capital. Citibank is part of the global financial corporation Citi with a history of 200 years. It serves more than 200 million customers in more than 160 countries.

citibank credit card reviews
citibank credit card reviews

Many financial services offered to private clients, institutions:

  1. Lending programs.
  2. Insurance.
  3. Security procedures.
  4. Deposits and deposits.
  5. Cards.
  6. Investment banking.
  7. Money management.

Today, the bank employs more than 3 thousand employees in 11 Russian cities. It serves from 600 thousand customers. Due to the high level of banking technologies, modern ATMs and payment terminals, compact offices and mobile services are used.

The bank has many different types of premiums for economic, social and technical indicators. For example, in 2016, Citibank ranked 1st in terms of reliability among financial institutions in Russia. Everyone can apply for the necessary service, as citizens are offered cards, loans on favorable terms.

General information

A credit card is not only a convenient payment instrument, but also a type of loan. When choosing it, it is important to take into account the rate, the duration of the grace period, the size of the credit limit. According to reviews, "Just a credit card" from Citibank combines all the benefits of the product.

This card is ideal for payment transactions, it can pay for goods and services, including via the Internet. It has a contactless payment feature due to the PayPass system. Bank partners provide a discount of up to 20%. According to reviews, a Citibank cashback credit card will be even more profitable, since it returns part of the funds.


Should I get a Citibank credit card? Reviews confirm the favorable conditions of the bank's programs. All customers can count on:

  1. Bet 22, 9-32, 9%.
  2. Grace period - up to 50 days.
  3. No late fee.
  4. Activation of the "pay by installments" program up to 3 years.
  5. Credit limit - up to 300 thousand rubles.
  6. No service charge.
just a citibank credit card reviews
just a citibank credit card reviews

The rate and limit are determined by the bank for each client on an individual basis, after consideration of the application. When activating the "Pay in installments" service, the rate increases at the discretion of the bank and can range from 13.9 - 29.9%. There is no annual service fee, you can get an additional card for free.

Grace Period

According to reviews, a Citibank credit card is beneficial due to a grace period of up to 50 days. You just need to be able to calculate, but in this bank it will work out like this: the settlement period begins on the 1st of each month and ends on the 1st of the next month.

It turns out that the client can make purchases within 30 days, and then within 20 days to repay the entire debt without interest. The grace period applies only to non-cash transactions, and does not apply to withdrawals and the "Pay in installments" system.


The "Pay by installments" service involves paying for purchases on credit. First you need to pay with plastic for the goods, and then connect this service, the bank will calculate the amount for the selected period in equal payments. It is included in the monthly payment.

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credit card citibank reviews is it worth opening

Citibank credit card reviews allowmake sure they are profitable. The "Pay by installments" service is used according to the following principle:

  1. It is necessary to pay by card for goods in the amount of at least 1,800 rubles.
  2. Then, not earlier than the next day and not later than the date of the statement, you should call the bank or in your personal account for this amount, issue an installment plan of up to 3 years.
  3. The bank, within the specified time, connects the amount to the statement.

For early payment of funds, you must notify the bank about this, otherwise the amount will be reserved on the account, and the bank will write off the due funds on the appointed date of payment.

Tariffs and services

Customer does not need to pay anything to get a Citibank credit card. Credit card reviews testify to the benefits of plastic, as there are no fees for the following services:

  1. Reissue card.
  2. Mobile phone and utility bills.
  3. Replacing the pin code.
  4. Mini ATM statement
  5. Blocking and unlocking an account.

But there are also paid services. These include an operation to deposit funds at the bank's cash desk in the amount of up to 45 thousand rubles, you have to pay 250 rubles for it. But when transferring money using terminals and other remote services, there is no fee. Reissue in case of loss of the card will cost 750 rubles.

According to customer reviews, the Citibank credit card is beneficial due to the lack of fees for withdrawals, no matter what device you use to receive money. Paid remote services are also offered: Citibank Alerting Service and Citi Express. Second serviceallows you to pay for travel in the metro and ground transport in Moscow in one touch. This is due to the presence of an embedded microchip. The service costs 65 rubles per month, but you can use it if you wish. Citibank Alerting Service is a service that allows you to receive transaction alerts via SMS. The price is 89 rubles.


Reviews and opinions about the Citibank credit card allow you to be convinced of the benefits of a banking product. Registration is simple: you can fill out a questionnaire at the bank office or on the website. In the first case, you need to collect a list of documents, and then visit the office. From the documentation you need to provide:

  1. Income certificate.
  2. TIN.
  3. SNILS.
  4. Passport.
citibank credit card customer reviews
citibank credit card customer reviews

This is a mandatory list, but you may need a passport, driver's license, military ID. The bank may request additional securities. If there is not enough time, you can create an online application. To do this, you need to visit the site and choose the appropriate one from the list of banking products. To wait for a preliminary decision remotely, you should open a detailed questionnaire, fill it out, and then the bank will notify you of the decision.

According to reviews, a Citibank credit card is issued only if you meet the requirements. The age of the client must be between 22-60 years, it is important to have a steady income, supported by documents. The salary must be at least 30 thousand rubles. Cards are issued to residents of cities where there are bank offices.


According to reviews, a Citibank credit card is great for cashless payments for purchases and services. But if the client needs cash, they can be withdrawn from an ATM of Citibank, another credit institution, or through the PVN with a passport.

You can use the card only within the established limit, you cannot withdraw and spend the amount over. But the credit line is revolving - with the repayment of the debt, the client can use the limit again. Interest must be paid for the use of borrowed funds.


The card is issued to the client not activated, so it cannot be used for different transactions yet. Unlocking is done after activation. You must create a 4-digit PIN and phone ID in advance.

citibank credit card cashback reviews
citibank credit card cashback reviews

Activation is performed on the bank's website or automatically by calling the hotline. After this operation, you can use the ATM, requesting, for example, the balance on the card. The plastic becomes active so it is ready for banking.

Replenishment and repayment of debt

According to reviews, the Citibank credit card has convenient payment methods:

  1. Make a cash deposit using a Citibank ATM.
  2. Replenishment via Eleksnet.
  3. Bank deposit.
  4. Sending a money transfer at another bank.
  5. Postal transfer.
  6. Replenishment of the card in Internet banking.

If you choose to transfer funds from third-party institutions, services andresources, it is necessary to take into account the period of crediting funds to the account so that there is no delay and interest charges.

Increased credit limit

The established limit can be increased by the bank or at the request of the borrower. Decisive factors include:

  1. Active application is best for paying for services, goods.
  2. The solvency of the cardholder is the presence of a permanent income or regular cash receipts.
  3. Factors such as age and marital status determine the client's discipline.
  4. Responsibility of the borrower.

To increase the limit, the client needs to use the card regularly for more than 1 month. This confirms solvency.

citibank credit card employee reviews
citibank credit card employee reviews

The client can independently apply to the bank to increase the limit, confirming the income or do without it. To do this with an income designation, you need:

  1. The credit card must be open for at least 1 month.
  2. Certificate of income certificate.
  3. Good story.

The certificate from the accounting department of the enterprise must indicate the size of the salary for at least 3 months. Increasing the limit without proof of income is possible based on credit history and the period of use of the card.

Balance check

You can find out the balance of the card in several ways. One of them is SMS notification. This method is used by banking institutions and is considered proven. With the issuance of a credit card, the SMS informing service can be connected. Her costinexpensive, and for some programs it is free.

After the operations are completed, the telephone number specified in the contract receives a message about the terminal in which the operation was performed, for what amount, at what time and the balance. You can activate the service using CitibankOnline or CitiPhone Support. The service is charged 65 rubles per month.

You can find out the balance through the support service. The phone number is on the back of the card. The service is available through Citibank ATMs. To do this, insert the card into the device, enter the pin code, click on "view balance" and "balance on check".

Find out about the balance from the Citibankonline system. To do this, you need to visit the bank page, register by inventing a username and password to enter the system. You need to find the "My Accounts" tab and find out the available amount.

Pros and cons

Employee feedback on the Citibank credit card is also positive, because it has many advantages compared to credit programs of other banks. Plastic is really profitable, most importantly, you should familiarize yourself with each condition in more detail, for example, not all people know what a grace period is and how it is used. In addition, not everyone understands how to use the installment service. For each service, it is advisable to consult a specialist before using it.

citibank credit card credit reviews
citibank credit card credit reviews

The disadvantages include a small credit limit, moreover, when applying, a person does not yet know how much will be approved. The rate is quite loyal.

In general, the card isan attractive banking product with favorable rates. Citibank ranks 17th among Russian banks and serves many clients. At any time, you can visit the office or call a specialist for advice on the banking product of interest.
