What is drone brood used for?

What is drone brood used for?
What is drone brood used for?

A relatively new bee product to use is drone brood. Very often it is called drone milk or drone-brood homogenate. This natural product has been used in antiquity. In the Chinese province of Huan is the tomb of Ma Was Dui of the Han Dynasty. It found recipes on bamboo, describing the use of drone milk.

drone brood
drone brood

Drone brood is an open or printed brood. Drones develop from it. In Romania, Japan, China, Kenya, based on the homogenate of drone larvae, medicines, cosmetic antibacterial creams, food additives are prepared and widely used.

In Japan, drone larvae are used as a specific food product. People cook them, pack them, and then sell them. In addition, drone brood is preserved with the addition of soy sauce. Such preservation is used as a seasoning or fried.

Worldwide, this product is valued for its powerful biostimulating qualities. In Japan, they produce a special honeycomb with enlarged cells. Thanks to foundation, up to 1 kg of drone larvae are removed from one comb in May-June.

drone brood photo
drone brood photo

How is drone-brood homogenate obtained? Pieces of honeycomb with larvae still open or sealed are pressed. As a result, a viscous liquid with a specific taste is formed. This liquid is called larval milk. Milk is considered the most valuable biologically active product, which contains protein. It is protein that brings milk closer in content to mushrooms and meat.

The composition of the homogenate includes a rich collection of useful substances: trace elements, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and so on. According to the content of vitamin D, for example, the homogenate "wipes its nose" even to fish oil.

Drone larvae are very convenient to obtain with the help of special drone combs. This method significantly reduces labor costs and facilitates the selection of larvae. Also here the cells of the honeycomb can be reused.

The drone brood is used not only for the treatment of the human body. He keeps him superb and he althy. The drug is usually used in the morning and evening. A person eats half a teaspoon 30 minutes before a meal. The duration of the prophylactic course is two or three weeks, and then a ten-day break is observed. After the break, preventive measures are repeated.

drone milk price
drone milk price

Have you seen drone brood? The photo posted in this article is a visual aid for a quick introduction to a wonderful product.

larval milk has a powerful rejuvenating and healing effect. It doesn'tis a hormone substitute, but saturated with hormones and vitamins. This natural natural material perfectly matches the human body. Milk contains natural progesterone, testosterones and extradiol.

How much does drone milk cost? Its price is about 3 thousand rubles for 150 grams of the substance. This is a very expensive product, but its effectiveness has been noted in the treatment of many types of diseases.
