Trading212: customer testimonials. How to use?

Trading212: customer testimonials. How to use?
Trading212: customer testimonials. How to use?

For each of us, the Internet can become a source of high and stable income. Take a look at the numerous brokers who trade currencies, securities and shares of companies - they work with thousands of people who manage to make good money from this.

What are you worse? Absolutely nothing! Perhaps you have a talent for conducting financial transactions, and you work as a simple clerk in the office.

If you are interested in this topic and would even like to try yourself in this new business, then we bring to your attention an interesting article about the Trading212 platform. Reviews indicate that this company may be of interest to both beginners and experienced traders and that it has serious prospects. Why you should pay attention to it, we will tell further. In the meantime, let's describe what the essence of the process is.

Trading212 reviews
Trading212 reviews

Forex trading

So, as you can understand without too much thought, earnings on currency instruments from transactions with values are based on trading manipulations. That is, it is about buying and selling. Everything is very simple with this: you buy or sell one of the instruments in a certain volume, follow the movementindicator and see how successful your trade was.

If the value of a product goes up, you make a profit if you buy it, when the instrument goes down, you weren't wrong to start selling it.

That's all. The basis for profitable work in the financial market is the ability to predict how the exchange rate, gold, oil or gas will change. Trading212 works the same way. Reviews show that the main thing here is to find out in time about the further movement of the indicator and, accordingly, make the necessary deal.

"Forex" or binary options?

Trading212 how to use
Trading212 how to use

Essentially, it is similar to Forex trading. Profit depends on how many points you bought or sold of a particular financial instrument. Ultimately, your profit or loss can change quite significantly.

There is an alternative - binary options trading. Such a trading mechanism is not the topic of our today's article, however, for general erudition, you should also know about it. There, the trading process is somewhat simplified - you only need to predict in which direction the price will change, and you will receive up to 85-90 percent of the profit from the transaction if the forecast is correct.

Many experts believe that options are more like a lottery than currency trading. Therefore, preference is given to Forex. The popularity of the trading212 dealer, whose reviews we are going to post next, proves this. Well, now let's take a closer look at the features of this site.

Trading212 Platform

At first glance, the dealer is not much different from dozens of the same mediators in the foreign exchange market. The company has a beautiful website, which describes many years of experience in the market, provides information about tens of thousands of customers, that they are a subsidiary of the Avus group (this is a large European financial association).

Trading212 how to withdraw money
Trading212 how to withdraw money

In general, for an ordinary trader, this site is not much unique. The only thing is that this is an interesting trading platform - not the MetaTrader we are used to, applications for iOS and Android mobile operating systems have been developed for it. Thus, Trading212 (reviews confirm this) is a resource for trading on the Forex market using mobile devices - smartphones and tablets.

How to start trading?

Obviously, in order to get started here, you need to install a broker app. It is very easy to make, it takes approximately 35 megabytes and is freely available in the Google Play and Appstore content directories.

In addition to the fact that you need to install the program on your device, of course, you need to register in it. The system allows for two types of accounts - training and real. In order to try your hand and evaluate how clear and interesting you are for trading on the foreign exchange market, you can safely open a practice account. It's very fast, free and not much different from working on a real account. The only significant difference is that you are not required to invest and,accordingly, you will not be able to withdraw the received profit. A study record is created with a balance of 10,000 "training" euros. Reviews Reviews

Account Creation Terms

In order to start trading with real money, you must have the second type of record - real. It is created empty, with zero balance. You yourself will need to deposit money to trade on Trading212. How to withdraw money later, we will tell. Believe me, it's not that hard to do.

In addition to the fact that in order to open a real account you will need to register your real contact details, you will also be required to confirm them by sending a scan of your passport to the addresses indicated on the site in a certain format. Such a procedure is necessary to exclude any fraudulent actions on your part, as well as to identify the person in the future, when withdrawing money.

The service rules do not prohibit creating multiple accounts.

Currency Instruments

Trading212 pro reviews
Trading212 pro reviews

Find information about what exactly you can trade on (reviews show that many even fail to do this) on the company's official website. In general, eight currency instruments are listed there: the Forex platform itself, oil and gas, gold and silver, Brent oil, American, French, German exchanges, indices, and European exchanges. Accordingly, there can be much more currency pairs, stocks and rates (within these instruments), which gives the user the opportunity to showyourself in many ways.

It is important to clarify that all these tools are available at different times of the day. Therefore, this information should still be clarified in advance.


Reviews www.
Reviews www.

I would also like to say a few words about the application interface offered by Trading212. Everyone can understand how to use it - it has a fairly simple interface. If you wish, you will understand it in a matter of hours.

So, when we first boot, we are greeted with an offer to open a virtual account. Once you've done that, you'll be taken inside your dashboard, where you'll see the tabs "Tools", "Open Trades", "Pending Trades", as well as "News", "Settings", "Contacts" and so on. We are primarily interested in "Tools". Here you will see a list of what you can trade. Further, by clicking on any currency pair, you will see two buttons ("Buy" and "Sell") and a drop-down menu with the number of points available for the operation - 5, 10, 20, and so on. Once you select the quantity and trading direction for an instrument, the currency indicator will be displayed in the center of the screen, and above it a clear calculation of your profit or loss. At the bottom of the screen, there are also statistics on how many users (as a percentage) conduct a buy/sell transaction.

The fact that it is easy to handle and understand is confirmed by the reviews,, in addition to an understandable application, also has various training materials. Let's touch on this topic a bit.


The platform offers free training to its customers. It is carried out in two forms - text materials with general trading theory and video courses on how to trade currencies and make a profit from it, what you should pay attention to, how to make forecasts, and so on.

After studying all this information, even a complete beginner will have at least some idea of how the market works and how profitable trading is carried out on Forex and Trading212. Training also allows you to acquire skills that will be useful to you in the future, including when working with other brokers.

Deposit and withdrawal of funds

The service accepts and pays out funds in the following forms: by bank card, transfer, using PayPal, CashU, UnionPay, DotPay, CarteBleue, SafetyPay, MisterCash and DirecteBanking payment systems. As we can see, it will be most convenient for a user from the Russian Federation to work with the company through a bank or using PayPal. Other currencies are less common, and such well-known payment systems as Webmoney or Yandex. Money are not accepted here.

Minimum deposit amount is $150 - this threshold is mandatory for anyone who wants to start trading. Withdrawal of funds is carried out depending on the method in which your account was replenished. The system has a single rule - funds are paid out in the same way they were deposited. The withdrawal fee is 1 percent (it goes directly to Trading212). How to withdraw money, you will understand the account itself - there is a correspondingbutton.

User reviews

The service has become quite famous in the trader communities due to the novelty of the idea to develop applications for mobile platforms. In addition, this is a new company with which it is profitable to work, carrying out trading operations with various financial instruments. Therefore, there are a lot of reviews about Trading212 Pro (trading clients of the company).

Trading212 training
Trading212 training

They can be divided into two categories: some say that the company is interesting in terms of cooperation, it definitely has a prospect in the market; others note that they cannot understand, based on the materials on the Trading212 website, how to use the trading terminal and what are the conditions for opening and closing certain trading instruments. Some users note that trading from mobile devices is extremely inconvenient.

Service Outlook

Of course, the service cannot be ideal for everyone. There are always people for whom its interface is nice, simple and convenient, and those for whom it may seem unfinished or somehow confusing. This goes to show how varied the reviews are about Trading212 Pro.

Nevertheless, the project has the right to be evaluated. It has been on the market for a long time, user deposits are guaranteed by compensation, so there is no reason not to trust this company.

And if you would like to try trading in currency values, show your ability to analyze the market, predict various events that can affect economic performance, then why not try? After all, even the beginning offree account is already a new experience.
