Biological Waste Recycling Highlights

Biological Waste Recycling Highlights
Biological Waste Recycling Highlights

Utilization of biological waste today is the most urgent problem. To solve it, special equipment is used. Incineration is considered the most efficient and simplest method of disposal of various wastes.

The very word "utilization" in translation from Latin into Russian means "useful". Thus, only those resources that have not found their direct use or are secondary resources of consumption and production waste are recycled.

biological waste disposal
biological waste disposal

Recycling efficiency

Recycling efficiency is defined as the percentage of the volume of material that is recycled and the material that is obtained after recycling. It should be noted that it is impossible to accurately determine this indicator, since:

- the composition of the material that goes for processing is different;

- this waste is mixed, - Biological waste disposal is carried out in several stages.

biowaste oven
biowaste oven

There is the followingwaste classification:

- A-class - non-hazardous;

- B-class - dangerous;

- B-class - too dangerous;

- G-class - similar in composition to industrial waste;

- D-class - radioactive waste.

Depending on this classification, garbage must be collected, transported and processed.

Thus, A-class waste is collected in special bags or containers. The collection of such garbage is carried out on the basis of the requirements that are put forward for solid ordinary household waste.

Disposal of class B and C waste is carried out after the collection of this garbage in a one-time special package. Transportation in this case is carried out in closed form.

class b waste disposal
class b waste disposal

Class G waste is disposed of in accordance with the requirements for industrial waste.

Assembly, storage and disposal of class D waste is based on the requirements that apply to the work with radioactive substances.

The very same disposal of biological waste is carried out taking into account all sanitary and hygienic standards. An important aspect in this matter is their proper assembly and storage.

In addition, there is a certain scheme in accordance with which the disposal of biological waste is carried out:

- availability of accurate information on the quantity and quality of waste;

- the availability of accurate information about the places where containers are installed for collecting this garbage;

- availability of data on the site wherecontainers;

- availability of accurate information related to the transportation and disposal of this waste.

Biological waste disposal oven

Utilization of biological waste, as you know, is carried out using special equipment. This installation allows you to destroy waste from medical institutions, animal corpses, waste from food industry enterprises.

This unit allows you to prevent the further reproduction of various microbes, which can be the main carriers of numerous infectious diseases.

The biological waste disposal furnace is a unit that consists of a tank and the furnace itself, which is made of metal and fireclay bricks. The water tank, in turn, is presented in the form of a hermetic metal structure with shutoff valves and a loading hatch. The furnace that burns the waste is connected to the tank by means of a chimney made of stainless heat-resistant steel. The chimney has an air filter, exhaust fan and damper.
