Rokla with scales: description and advantages

Rokla with scales: description and advantages
Rokla with scales: description and advantages

Weight control is an extremely important operation that requires high-quality and precise equipment. The scales themselves are different, it all depends on where they should be used. It is the scope of use that determines the specifics and parameters of these devices. The article will consider a hydraulic trolley with scales, which is a widely demanded unit in our time. It is she who allows you to simultaneously transport and weigh goods.

Rokla trolley with scales
Rokla trolley with scales

Purpose of the unit

The trolley with scales is designed to measure the mass of the load placed on it, both in motion and in a static position. This device is used during a variety of technological and accounting operations in many industries, agriculture, transport companies and, of course, in retail outlets (large and small stores, warehouses, sites). Simply put, a rokla with scales is an indispensable thing at a wholesale base, hypermarket, factory, factory, customs terminal, etc. The unique trolley is capable of weighing boxes, pallets, pallets, barrels, warehouse and constructionmaterials.

Basic elements

In general, a rokla with weights, reviews of which are mostly positive, consists of the following nodes:

  • Load forks.
  • Running wheels.
  • Handle.
  • Hydraulic drive.
  • Scales.
Hydraulic trolley rokla with scales
Hydraulic trolley rokla with scales


Rocla with weights has the following undeniable advantages:

  • The use of this type of equipment can significantly reduce the time required to process a variety of goods. Saving a significant period of time is due to the fact that pallets and other containers do not need to be transported to stationary scales.
  • Excellent maneuverability. The machine is easy to use even in very limited spaces (such as narrow aisles between racks in a warehouse).
  • Compact.
  • Easy to operate, requiring no specific skills or education from staff.
  • High load capacity.
  • Reliability of all components and parts.
  • Ability to use in almost any climate.
  • Fully independent power supply of scales.
  • High weighing accuracy.
  • Ability to use on uneven underlying surfaces.
  • Automatic zero balance.

If necessary, the rokla can be provided with a wireless connection with a computer in order to display measurement data on the screen. It is also quite possibleinstall and label printer.

Main parameters

Any rocla with weights is selected according to the following technical features:

  • Capacity.
  • Length of lifting forks.
  • It is necessary to take into account the volume of goods flow.
  • Type of running wheels. Tires on them can be both rubber and polyurethane. At the same time, the wheel rim is made of steel.
Rokla on the floor
Rokla on the floor

Operating Rules

Rokla with scales is quite expensive equipment and therefore requires careful handling by the user. In order for this hydraulic technique to last as long as possible, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • Do not overload. The trolley should carry only that cargo, the weight of which does not exceed the maximum weight indicated in the passport of the rokla. If this indicator is exceeded, then the hydraulic unit will fail very quickly.
  • It is strictly forbidden to transport items using paired carts. In such a situation, the center of gravity of the object of transportation is often not taken into account, therefore it may well lead to a breakdown of the unit.
  • It is impossible to lift objects with the tips of the rokla forks, it is necessary to place the load on it evenly.
  • We must not forget that the rokla needs to be pulled along, and not pushed forward. By following this simple rule, it is quite possible to greatly extend the life of the unit.
  • It is necessary to periodically lubricate all joints of the cart. All friction parts must contain grease.material that reduces abrasion of their surfaces and premature wear.
  • It is forbidden to turn over the rokla. Upside down, air can enter the hydraulic system and cause malfunctions of the cart.
  • Inflating the hydraulic mechanism should be done in full, that is, pumping with the handle must be done from the bottom to the top point completely.
Rokla with built-in scales
Rokla with built-in scales

In conclusion, I would certainly like to note that a rokla equipped with special scales today is an indispensable assistant where you need to weigh various objects in the shortest possible time. In addition, in terms of price-quality ratio, the device has proven itself from the best side, providing its own very fast payback after purchase. In general, rokla is an excellent choice for those people and companies that always try to keep up with the times and use the most modern technology in their work.
