Human resources are the main intangible assets of a business

Human resources are the main intangible assets of a business
Human resources are the main intangible assets of a business

Every entrepreneur, even a beginner, should know that human resources are the main capital of his business. But how can they influence the success of the firm?

Human resources is a comprehensively understood term that characterizes people, their abilities and opportunities, their contribution, work and potential

human resources is
human resources is

power in relation to a commercial or non-profit enterprise or organization. Whatever the equipment of the company, no matter how much a businessman invests in equipment or goods, if there are no competent workers who will manage material we alth, then there will be no development. Everything can soon fall into disrepair, collapse, disappear. Human resources are the source of change, productivity, profit in the long run. You can give an analogy of an abandoned mansion. As long as it has staff, residents, guests, the place lives and generates income. But if there is not a single soul in it, even the most durable walls will begin to collapse from time, atmospheric conditions, physical forces.

No business exists outside of people. humanresources are

human resource management system
human resource management system

necessary condition for the development of the enterprise. The success of the company, and sometimes the whole industry, depends on how competently they are selected and used. The human resource management system should be built in accordance with the latest achievements in psychology, management and knowledge about productivity. We all know examples of companies where people do not stay long. Either a low salary, or an inconvenient work schedule, or a quarrelsome and illiterate manager - such factors cause staff turnover. What follows? Employees begin to treat their work with disdain and negligence. It is uninteresting and unprofitable for them to invest labor and time in the activities of an enterprise that does not value them. As a result, the entrepreneur is forced to spend significant funds on finding and training new personnel, who (if the use of human resources does not become more meaningful and rational) will soon leave the company and go to competitors.

Competent personnel management is based on respect for

use of human resources
use of human resources

capacity and needs of employees. Human resources are an intangible asset, but without it it is impossible to develop and create a product, generate income. If the opportunities of the people working in the enterprise are used wisely, if their needs - for example, in recreation, in training, in professional growth, in decent wages - are met, you can count on their loy alty andcompany dedication. Devoting his time to production, developing new products, promoting goods, a person should not only feel his need and usefulness, but also not worry about his daily bread, that he will not be able to make ends meet.

The overall rating or reputation of the company in the market also depends on the personnel policy. Let's remember that people do not live in an isolated space, but communicate with friends, relatives, neighbors. Consequently, a wide range of people will learn about how the company treats employees, whether they have the opportunity to develop professionally, whether they consider their work promising. It is important that the company's image be positive in this regard as well.
