Non-state pension fund "Lukoil-Garant": reviews

Non-state pension fund "Lukoil-Garant": reviews
Non-state pension fund "Lukoil-Garant": reviews

In the field of pensions, there are state and many non-state pension funds. What are they needed for? Their activities are aimed at providing citizens with pensions, their accrual, calculation. In non-state funds, as a rule, the savings rate is higher. And the transfer of their pension savings to non-governmental organizations has become a prerequisite in Russia. What is NFP? Consider in the article customer reviews about the non-state pension fund Lukoil-Garant.

non-state pension fund Lukoil
non-state pension fund Lukoil

What is an NPF (non-state pension fund)?

This is an organization that provides non-state pension provision. The work of the funds is regulated by Law No. 75-FZ “On Non-State Pension Funds”. Why are such organizations needed? The functions of the NPF are to collect funds that are insurance premiums, finance pension expenses, recalculate pension payments, and pay pensions.

It's worth digging deeper into history to understand how it all began. The first pension funds in Russia appeared after the President of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 1077 “On non-statepension funds” (1992-16-09). It was adopted at the stage of financial reforms. The decree also has the force of law. The latter was received by the President of the Russian Federation under emergency powers.

The work of the NPF is to form a pension. The organization transfers these savings to management companies (MC). In turn, the latter invest them. There may be several management companies, but it can also be one. The funds transferred to her are held in trust. The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes that these finances are assets in which pension savings are invested, and are also the structure of the investment portfolio.

Types of NPFs

To understand the principle of operation of the Lukoil-Garant pension fund, it is worth understanding the types of such organizations. There are several types of NPFs:

  1. Captive - the main work is the maintenance and formation of new corporate pension programs of the founders and their subsidiaries. In assets under management, pension reserves have an advantage over savings.
  2. Conditionally captive or corporate - also their activity is to work with the pension programs of their parent companies. Each time the savings in the portfolio increase. Here, the advantage is the attraction of pension funds that are available in the program from corporate clients.
  3. lukoil guarantor non-state pension fund
    lukoil guarantor non-state pension fund
  4. Territorial - services are provided in one region or group of regions. These funds are founded with the help of legislative andexecutive branch.
  5. Universal or open - serve the population regardless of financial and industrial groups. Their services can be used by both individuals and legal entities. Retirement savings dominate the asset portfolio.


This NPF is one of the largest reliable state funds. It has been in existence for 23 years. Since 2005, the Fund has been successfully working with mandatory pension insurance. Today, 3.7 million people have entrusted him with the storage and accumulation of pensions. Lukoil-Garant is a non-state pension fund. He with great success survived all the existing crisis situations and did not violate any of the obligations to his clients. Payments have always been made on time, and now 70,000 people are already receiving savings.

He also works effectively with pension savings and is in the leading position among NPFs. The goal of Lukoil is to maintain the social protection of citizens of the Russian Federation. To do this, he creates, preserves and increases savings that are focused on ensuring a decent pension in the future. The Fund participates in the state pension reform, reports and explains its work, participates in raising the literacy of the population, including youth, in the field of finance and society. He is also a contributor, thereby creating the basis for the long-term formation of the Russian economy, as well as for maintaining its stability.

personal account lukoil guarantor non-state pension fund
personal account lukoil guarantor non-state pension fund

Investments of Lukoil-Garanta

The fund's investment policy guarantees returns. ForTo achieve this, you need to get the highest return on investment with the lowest risk. The purpose of the fund is to increase funds. In other words, the addition of capital is above the rate of inflation. His success depends on it.

Non-state pension fund "Lukoil-Garant" invests all the accumulated funds. He creates pension reserves only to ensure that they are reliable, safe, liquid and profitable. It is based on the principles of reasonableness and conscientiousness, a professional approach to management. The Fund always informs about the investment process and reports on the operations carried out with the funds. Similar information is posted on the Lukoil website.

All requirements for options for investment objects of pension accumulation and their reserves, as well as the purpose of investment are specified in investment declarations. This is an appendix to trust management agreements. Risks, objectives and methods are followed in accordance with the risk management policy of the fund.

Lukoil non-state pension fund reviews
Lukoil non-state pension fund reviews

All operations are carried out only in compliance with the rules, in accordance with the law. Funds are invested only in assets in accordance with Federal Law No. 111. Requirements for pension reserve options are also regulated by Federal laws and regulations of the Government of Russia.

Non-state pension fund "Lukoil-Garant": personal account

What's in it? In the personal account of the non-state pension fund "Lukoil", the client can see his savings. You can also see what news has appeared, submitelectronic application for services, view your funded balance, your voluntary contributions, use the online pension calculator, and you can also get a statement of your pension account and get advice from a representative of the fund.

Lukoil is a non-state pension fund: customer reviews

Among the reviews you can hear about the literacy and professionalism of the fund's specialists. They clearly explain the pension system. Very high profitability of savings, letters are sent on time. Lukoil-Garant (non-state pension fund) is an official organization. All the necessary information can be seen on the website.

lukoil guarantor non-state pension fund official
lukoil guarantor non-state pension fund official

It is also possible, without leaving home and using only a computer, to conclude an agreement on pension insurance. It is enough just by sending your data to pick up the contract from the office. Or a specialist will come to you himself.

Lukoil-Garanta awards

Lukoil-Garant has certificates and awards. As well as the leadership positions assigned to him by "Expert RA" - a rating agency. The fund is also awarded such awards as the “Highest Reliability Rating” and two “Leader in the Compulsory Pension Insurance System” awards for 2012 and 2013.

The Financial Elite of Russia award was presented in 2007, 2012 and 2016, as well as for the five years from 2005 to 2010. Another award was presented in 2008 under the name "Financial Olympus". But that's not all. There are honorary awards for effectiveanti-crisis management and the Graf Guriev award. Lukoil-Garant participated in the Collective Investment Market competition and deservedly won 1st place.

non-state pension fund Lukoil personal account
non-state pension fund Lukoil personal account

There are also two diplomas "For leadership in the OPS system" and "High reliability". The Lukoil Fund has established itself as one of the best and most in-demand in the pension insurance market. It is evaluated and awarded by various organizations. And most importantly, clients trust him. The staff here is competent and helpful.
