The most accurate indicators for MT4: rating. The best indicators for MT4

The most accurate indicators for MT4: rating. The best indicators for MT4
The most accurate indicators for MT4: rating. The best indicators for MT4

Are you a trader? Do you need the best indicators for MT4? We will talk about them in the article. In Forex trading, traders use an impressive number of different indicators with which they can accurately enter the market.

All these indicators have different approaches to signal detection, but many of them have an identical structure. We bring to the attention of our readers indicators for MT4 - the most accurate in 2016. With the help of them, trading performance can be significantly improved.


The OSMA indicator is a symbiosis of moving averages and the Stochastic algorithm. It is available on every MetaTrader platform and does not need to be pre-installed. To work with it, you just need to find it among other devices.

indicators for mt4 the most accurate
indicators for mt4 the most accurate

In appearance, OSMA does not look like either Stochastic or moving averages. Rather, there is something from the MACD in it. Similar indicators of the Forex market are great at showing divergences. These are leading tools - they help the trader to see a reversal even at the moment when the price has not yet finished updating itshighs or lows.

Elder's Three Screens

Try using indicators for MT4 (most accurate). With the help of Forex indicators, identical to the Three Elder Screens, you can receive messages from several devices at once, study them and set trading goals. The new model of this algorithm uses special alerts that warn about the likely opening of a trade.

indicators for mt4
indicators for mt4

The basic instruments are MACD, Stochastic and moving exponential average. Of course, the best moment to open a position appears when all the above algorithms give a certain sign.

Moving Average

We continue to consider indicators for MT4 - the most accurate. The Moving Average Index is without a doubt one of the best indicators in the Forex market. Many other well-known devices that are successfully used by traders have been created on its basis.

accurate indicators for mt4
accurate indicators for mt4

"Moving Average" is a trending algorithm that determines the direction of the current market movement. There are several types of this tool: simple, moving weighted average, exponential. Each of these devices has its own qualities and can be used in specific market conditions.

Bollinger Band

What other indicators exist for MT4 (the most accurate)? The Bollinger Band indicator is used when new Forex market instruments are created from a pair of moving averages. In it, all MAs are shifted bysome period in relation to each other. Thanks to this nuance, the so-called envelope was created, in which two curves describe faces, and the third is placed in the middle between them.

The essence of working with this device is easy to understand. The price fluctuates constantly between the edges. She only occasionally leaves them in order to again be in the range of the envelope. Trades can be opened when the price touches one of the edges or is falsely broken.


Every trader needs indicators for MT4. The ADX algorithm is built in a window separate from the chart. Its name is translated into Russian as "addressed movement index". Today's traders use his readings very often.

best indicators for mt4
best indicators for mt4

Using the ADX indicator, you can determine the relevance of the current trend. This device has several values, around which its curves fluctuate. It is better to work with it when applying trend algorithms, since it does not determine the direction on its own.


Many traders say that MT4 indicators help them in trading. Using the MACD, you can not only identify situations where you can open deals already at the current moving rate, but also determine the prospects for a market reversal using divergences. This tool is not new. Nevertheless, today every trader has used it at least a couple of times.

This algorithm is good because it provides different types of signals, as well as oscillators. This device belongs to modern trading systems.

Parabolic Sar

And what other exact indicators are there for MT4? Parabolic Sar belongs to the category of new indicators of the Forex market. The device we are analyzing works with acceleration. It is built on the chart in the form of dots placed below and above the price.

indicator rating for mt4
indicator rating for mt4

When the dots are below the price curve, a buy message appears. When they are found higher, you can sell. This device is good in that it can be used to obtain more accurate signals. But in this case, it should be used in tandem with other indicators.


The rating of indicators for MT4 2016 is a must for every trader. "Stochastic" today enjoys tremendous popularity in the trading environment. This oscillator helps identify oversold or overbought conditions in any market device. It also reports divergences in the market.

In addition, the Stochastic gives warning signals about a reversal of the current trend within the boundaries of a side trend (it works only during a flat period).


This device attracts with its mystery. This algorithm can synchronously indicate the current direction and predict its reversal. The amazing quality of Ichimoku is that, through a device like the cloud, it helps set the balance of power in the market.

Scalping strategies

Every trader uses indicators for MT4. What are the most accurate scalping algorithms? Scalping strategies in all markets are considered the most profitable– they greatly simplify the decision-making process.

If we consider a simple minute candlestick chart, then the CC1 indicator, popular among traders, shows good results. In this option, transactions are made in the direction of the prevailing trend from the extreme units of the indicator:

  • sell from level 100;
  • gain from level 100.

Income is determined when the inverse border is reached.

By the way, most accurate scalping indicators were first created for completely different purposes, and CCI is a prime example of this. It was made to analyze trends in the commodity market back when internal trading was possible only on some liquid stocks and futures.

indicators for MT4 are the most accurate for scalping
indicators for MT4 are the most accurate for scalping

As for non-standard indicators of this kind, it is not known if there is any algorithm that can turn into a ready-made trading strategy. For example, the FX Engine strategy is capable of producing intraday signals. The Golden Varitey indicator, built on typical formulas, is the key link in this system. It turns out that everything has been invented for a long time. It is only necessary to correctly modernize stop losses and select parameters.

Nevertheless, in order to have something to compare the classics with, we will give examples of non-standard algorithms. Many readers are already familiar with "Fischer", since once his first variations made a splash on the Web - at first he was presented as the "Grail", after which a "redrawing" in history was discovered. But in the Fisher_11 version, this defect was eliminated, sotoday it can be successfully applied on minute charts.

Like all accurate scalping indicators, Fisher can be used either in combination with other algorithms (as a filter), or separately - as a signal module.

Another relatively accurate indicator for scalping is WA Scalping. In appearance, it is no different from other histograms. Traders are interested in it because its authors are Arabs. And this is very rare, since many indicators are made either by our fellow countrymen or by colleagues in Asia and the West.

With the help of WA Scalping, it is recommended to trade according to the following canons:

  • after the red bar appears, sell, and set the profit only when the green one appears;
  • in Long we act under inverse circumstances.

Most scalpers do not wait for a return signal to close a position: they apply set take profits calculated taking into account the volatility of the trading device.

Accurate scalping indicators are only useful if you manage your money wisely. After all, a scalper should pinch off the market little by little, and not sip “on everything”, like in a casino.

Binary options

So, you already know what indicators to use for MT4. The most accurate algorithms for binary options - that's what we will now consider. In this case, choosing the most decent signals is similar to choosing a platform for trading. In fact, such indicators are determined only by testing known strategies.

indicators for MT4 are the most accurate forbinary options
indicators for MT4 are the most accurate forbinary options

For binary options, the most correct indicators are:

  • Moving averages that almost all traders use. They are considered the easiest to understand and apply. Such a device shows the most important course of the market. A downtrend is suitable for Put trades, and when the chart turns up, Call options are the most profitable. Exponential moving averages help to smooth out some shortcomings of averages. They are great for trading short term options in highly volatile markets.
  • Trend indicators, which are an easy way to identify pronounced trends in the market. The moving average in this case also applies to popular signals. To determine the general movement of the market, it is customary to use several charts with different periods. The maturation of a pronounced course is evidenced by the synchronous reversal of several curves in one direction. Sometimes traders also use counter-trend indicators. With these indicators, you can determine the course of the market in the near future. Such tools are most convenient for identifying buy points on a trend reversal.
  • Volume indicators are very convenient for binary options. With their help, you can evaluate the activity of other players. These market movement signals do not show, but with the help of them you can clearly distinguish the minimum and maximum, as well as determine the reinforcement of the trend with money. Binary options traders use more than just exact pointers. The use of auxiliary signals allows you to assess the randomness of prices or market volatility. However, they are not suitable for independent testing. They can be used to decide whether to open an option.
