Industrial water heaters: description and reviews

Industrial water heaters: description and reviews
Industrial water heaters: description and reviews

Boilers and heating installations are usually used where there is no way to ensure a stable supply of hot water. The most common scope of such equipment is private operation in summer cottages and in the infrastructure of suburban households. But manufacturing industries are also interested in providing hot water. For such needs, industrial water heaters are used, which may differ in the type of connection, principle of operation and other characteristics.

industrial water heaters
industrial water heaters

What is special about industrial water heaters?

Differences from standard household water heaters are due to the nature of the operation of the equipment. Industrial units have a large capacity of about 100 kW, large reservoirs and, accordingly, massive dimensions. Such parameters make it possible to use the units for maintenance of administrative buildings, infrastructural communal facilities and in production. As a rule, industrial water heaters operate from the mains at 380B, so their choice for private use involves significant limitations. However, there are also models that are connected to a 220 V network. These are units with average power ratings that are suitable for servicing small industries and private cottages.

Flow-flow installations

This is one of the most common types of equipment described. The design is based on a powerful heating element, which provides almost instantaneous heating of water. A cold stream of liquid passes through this element, then goes to the consumer. Among the advantages that a flowing electric industrial water heater has, one can single out the stability and uninterrupted supply. In addition, water can be used in unlimited quantities in accordance with the requirements of the user. However, for the full operation of flow equipment, an equally effective system of centralized cold water supply is required.

Flow-through units are very powerful, so you should initially prepare for high energy costs. Actually, this nuance is a kind of compensation for quickly bringing the liquid to the optimum temperature. In addition, industrial flow-type water heaters are small in size, since their operating modes are designed for rapid resource consumption.

industrial water heaters
industrial water heaters

Storage equipment

This system offers an alternative approach to the hot water function. Operation of accumulative installationsbased on the principle of a thermos with heating mechanisms. In practice, this means that the equipment tank accumulates water, then heats it up and maintains the specified mode as the liquid is updated during consumption. It is beneficial to use an industrial storage water heater at facilities that do not have a connection to centralized communications at all.

Filling the tank can be done in any other way - the unit will perform its task regardless of the load and in accordance with the specified program. Of course, storage systems also have disadvantages. The main one is the large size, due to the massiveness of the reservoir. On the other hand, the absence of the need to use high-power heating elements allows you to save on electricity, which distinguishes such equipment from flow analogs.

Gas models

Electrical units are quite widely represented on the engineering equipment market, which allow instant heating and do not require special maintenance costs. Flow systems operate on this principle. However, high energy consumption rates still force many to turn to gas appliances. If an industrial electric water heater itself is cheaper, but its operation is more expensive, then gas installations, on the contrary, save fuel costs, but are sold at higher prices. Also, the features of such equipment include the complexity of the design, due to which installation is recommended to be carried out exclusively withwith the help of specialists.

industrial electric water heater
industrial electric water heater

Indirect heating units

Such units are called boilers and, despite the similarity with storage water heating systems, have a number of significant differences. The installation is a tank in which there is a spiral that provides heating. But, unlike the classic heating element, this coil increases the temperature of the liquid in contact with it not through the power grid, but through the coolant. It is important to keep in mind that an indirect type industrial water heater must be connected to a heating system. The fact is that the action of the spiral involves connecting a source with a hot mixture or water to it. In terms of economy, this option is sometimes more economical than gas equipment, but, again, for the operation of an indirect heating system, a stable functioning heating system is required.

Reviews of Baxi models

The Baxi Premier line includes equipment designed for use both in domestic needs and for industrial purposes. According to users, the units of this brand are characterized by a combination of ergonomics, attractive appearance and high performance. In addition, these qualities are reinforced by the durability and safety of the systems. For example, industrial electric storage water heaters are equipped with temperature control systems, which allows the use of liquid in accordance with specific needs. Often consumers complain about the lack of precise controlheating, getting only hot water at the outlet. In the case of Baxi heaters, such shortcomings are practically not observed.

instantaneous industrial water heater
instantaneous industrial water heater

Buderus products. User opinions

If the choice fell on an indirect heating system, then you can turn to Buderus products. In particular, fans of the brand highly appreciate the boilers from the Logalux series, in which there are models with a capacity of about 750 liters. According to users of such systems, they are optimally suited for servicing domestic hot water. Also, there are ample opportunities for additional equipment. As an option, industrial water heaters of the Logalux family are equipped with the LAP device, which is an intermediate heat exchanger.

instantaneous electric industrial water heater
instantaneous electric industrial water heater

Among the features of such equipment is the versatility of use. This is just the case when the boiler can do without the presence of central heating. If the facility does not have access to hot water at all, then an optional control system kit with a heat exchanger and an electric heating element can be used.

Reviews of Viessmann models

Viessmann DHW cylinders are also suitable for use in the maintenance of administrative buildings and industrial facilities. The owners of such equipment emphasize the high degree of safety, the stable performance of the main heating function and the availability of modern control systems. As many say, convenient andtechnical content of the units of this brand. The coil, which is equipped with Viessmann industrial water heaters, is made of high-quality stainless steel. On the one hand, this solution increases the reliability of the equipment, and on the other hand, it affects the heating efficiency. By the way, the capacity of medium-sized models is 500 liters, which are brought to the required temperature in the shortest possible time.

storage water heater industrial
storage water heater industrial

How to choose the right water heating unit?

If the task of choosing an industrial water heater was set, then many aspects of its operation should be taken into account. First of all, the principle by which the installation will work is determined. Flow systems are the optimal solution for industries that consume a liquid resource in a continuous mode. Storage units can be suitable for public service, and for general use as an emergency source of hot water.

industrial electric storage water heaters
industrial electric storage water heaters

It is important to consider the energy efficiency of installations. For example, an industrial instantaneous water heater is the most demanding in terms of energy consumption. For facilities whose operation involves saving maintenance costs, it is advisable to prefer gas equipment or boilers. But it should be remembered that systems with indirect heating also require uninterrupted operation of the heating system. Then you can proceed to the direct performance of the unit. On the marketmodels of high power (up to 200 kW) and a capacity of about 1000 liters are presented. Specific performance indicators are determined by the needs of the facility.
