How to find out if an apartment is privatized or not? Basic ways

How to find out if an apartment is privatized or not? Basic ways
How to find out if an apartment is privatized or not? Basic ways

Privatization is a form of property transformation through transfer to private hands. The purpose of the process is to attract a more efficient way of managing property. Depending on the type of object, the privatization of an apartment, land and property enterprises is distinguished. This question may be of interest, for example, to relatives of a deceased person who want to sell a house. For more information on where and how to find out if an apartment has been privatized or not, read this article.

Data access

Today in Russia, most of the housing is privately owned. After the entry into force of the Federal Law “On privatization”, citizens of the Russian Federation can receive the right to own the housing premises they use free of charge. But some of the apartments are still in state or municipal ownership. Therefore, the free privatization of the apartment has been extended until 2018.

how to find out if an apartment is privatized or not
how to find out if an apartment is privatized or not

The parliamentarian made such a decision, since most of the citizens who occupy housing in emergency or dilapidated premises may lose the right to change their uniformproperty. And persons who are registered as needing square meters may not have time to use the same right.

Privatization of an apartment legally allows citizens to make purchase and sale transactions, inheritance transfers, etc. Participants in the process can receive reliable information on the object.

How to find out if an apartment is privatized or not

The easiest and most convenient way is to request information from Rosreestr. The same option is suitable if the housing was privatized before January 31, 1998, but then it was the object of a purchase and sale transaction, donation or exchange. All this information is displayed in the Unified State Register of Real Estate Rights (EGRP). This is the largest database created in 1998 with the aim of exercising state control over the implementation of real estate transactions. In addition, it contains data on the presence of arrests or encumbrances. Any citizen of Russia can receive information on the object by providing:

  • identity card;
  • data request statement;
  • receipt of duty payment.

For legal entities, this list is extended:

  • certificate of state registration of the institution;
  • statutory documents;
  • extract from the state register;
  • document on assignment of TIN;
  • power of attorney and passport of the representative of the organization.

Here's where to get the certificate of privatization. The document is valid for 30 days. The information is 100% correct only on the first day of receipt of the paper. Therefore, it is worth providing the document to interested parties as soon as possible.quicker. If there is no data in the USRR database, it means that the process of changing the form of ownership did not occur at all or was formalized before 1998 and no more transactions were concluded on the object.

privatization department
privatization department

How to get data through Privatization Department

Apply to the Registration Chamber and fill out the application form. The application form is issued by the employee. A copy of the passport is attached to the document, and for legal entities, a certificate of state registration of the company, statutory documents, memorandum of association, a notarized power of attorney will be additionally required. The state duty can be paid directly at the Registration Chamber through the cashier. Next, the employee will issue a “Receipt of acceptance of information for processing”, which will indicate the date for receipt of the statement. Usually it is three days. On the appointed day, you must come to Rosreestr with a passport, a receipt and pick up the original extract with a living signature of the registrar. The apartment privatization certificate contains the following data:

  • cadastral number of the object;
  • name;
  • destination;
  • exact area;
  • address;
  • Name of copyright holders, share of each of them;
  • current restrictions;
  • presence of an equity participation agreement;
  • data on current legal requirements.

Information is provided for a fee. The amount depends on who is requesting the data. Individuals need to pay 200 rubles, legal entities - 600.

Alternative way

More where to find outis the apartment privatized? The key point in resolving this issue is the estimated time of change of ownership. The law was passed in 1991. For the next 7 years, the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI) de alt with this issue. Each privatization department establishes its own procedure for providing data and issuing certificates. Therefore, if there is no information in the USRR database, then you should contact this service.

apartment privatization
apartment privatization


BTI does not provide data to all interested parties, but only:

  • homeowners, their proxies who can confirm their status;
  • heirs who have the right to receive an apartment by law or by will;
  • law enforcement and judicial authorities in ongoing cases;
  • government and local government bodies in accordance with territorial affiliation;
  • statistics;
  • to tax authorities;
  • to justice institutions that are engaged in state registration of rights to objects;
  • to others who have permissions.

Free option

How to find out if an apartment is privatized or not? In the receipt for payment of utility services there is a line "Hiring". If the apartment belongs to private property, then there are dashes in this field. If the property belongs to the state, then the line indicates the amount of debt under a social contract of employment. Privatization of the apartment is issued within two months. Therefore, accurate information can only be found on fresh receipts.


It is not necessary to contact the NEAD Privatization Department to make a request. The application can be submitted through the Rosreestr website. To do this, on the main page of the service, select the section "Public services" - "Registration of rights to real estate".

privatization department
privatization department

In the window that opens, you need to fill out the form point by point:

1. Type of extract - "On registered rights to real estate with public information."

2. Fill in the data for the object.

3. Choose the option of providing data: in paper form by mail, through the territorial departments of privatization of Moscow or any other city, in electronic form (e-mail). Enter the address for receiving the statement.

4. Go to customer details. Here you must specify the type of applicant, full name, passport data, agree with the rules for processing personal data and confirm the request.

5. The next step is to attach scanned documents. To do this, first select their type (for example, passport, power of attorney), and then click on the "Add" button and "Go to data verification".

6. If the form is filled out correctly, then you need to send the information for processing. The number of the registered application will be displayed right there on the page. It must be filled. In the future, you can find out the status of processing the request through the website.

7. An email with a payment code will be sent to the specified email address.

You can also pay for the order through the site. To do this, in the letter there is a link "Specify the code." Clicking on it will open a window with different wayspayment: from bank cards to payment systems. Choose the one you need and make the payment. Money should be transferred within 10 business days. After that, a certificate of privatization will be sent.

privatization of the apartment has been extended until 2018
privatization of the apartment has been extended until 2018

Where else can I get a document? Third party companies. If you do not want to visit the NEAD privatization department, you can get information through an online order at special institutions. Intermediaries take a large commission for their services and process information for a long time. But this option may suit busy people and those who do not have time to go to the authorities.

How to arrange the privatization of an apartment

The process consists of five steps. For each, you need to prepare a number of documents and submit them to the BTI or MFC (Multifunctional Center). At the first stage you will need:

  1. Order or social contract. property lease. These documents can be ordered at the EIRC (Unified Information and Settlement Center).
  2. The registration certificate, which indicates the plan of the apartment, can be obtained from the BTI.
  3. Cadastral passport, which contains data on the area, volume, layout, floor, etc.
  4. An extract from the house book about registered persons in the apartment can be obtained at the passport office by providing social contracts. hiring. The certificate is valid for 14 days.
  5. Extract from the USRR for the property. It is issued by the MFZ after payment of a state duty in the amount of 220 rubles. Depending on the purpose for which the data is requested, the document will have to wait from 7 to 30 days.
  6. An extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate pursuant to Form No. 3. It indicates the presence ofparticipants in the process of any other real estate.
  7. A personal account for an apartment can be obtained from the accounting department of the passport office. If the certificate contains a debt for paying utility bills, then documents for further registration will not be accepted.
  8. If an outsider is involved in privatization, then a notarized power of attorney must be issued for him.
  9. Failure to participate in privatization is granted if one of the registered persons does not take part in this process.
  10. Applicant's personal documents:
  • passport;
  • death certificate of formerly resident;
  • certificate of marriage, birth of children.

If the address of the privatized apartment in the passport is indicated with errors or differs from what is fixed in the contract, then you need to take a certificate from the passport office confirming the place of residence.

Moscow privatization departments
Moscow privatization departments

Additionally, the following documents may be required:

  • Confirming custody of a minor child.
  • For foreigners - a certificate from the OVIR.
  • If minor children who are indicated in the social contract were discharged from the apartment. employment, they still participate in privatization. Therefore, you need to prepare:

    • Permission of guardianship authorities to participate in privatization.
    • Extracts from the house book from the new and old places of registration.

Second stage

Next, you need to get a technical and cadastral passport. It is issued at the BTI on the basis of a warrant,applicant's documents, extracts from the house book.

Third stage

It is necessary to issue an extract from Rosreestr and submit it to the Property Management Department. It is issued on the basis of a warrant, cadastral and technical passports, personal documents of all adults, an extract from the house book.

Fourth stage

The penultimate step is to draw up a privatization agreement and submit it to the BTI. To this end, it is necessary to prepare, in addition to the above passports for the apartment and all applicants, statements on the number of registered and personal accounts:

  • certificates of non-participation in privatization;
  • extract from Rosreestr;
  • an extract from the USRR separately for each subject;
  • Additional Documents for Child - Guardian Appointment Orders;
  • notarized power of attorney from each participant in the process to the person who is engaged in privatization.

Minimum contract execution time is 2 months. The paper is issued to each participant in privatization. The state duty for processing the document is 4800 rubles.

certificate of privatization where to get
certificate of privatization where to get

Fifth stage

The last step is to submit documents to the Registration Chamber for registration of a certificate of ownership. All participants who apply with such an application must pay a state fee of 1,000 rubles and wait 14 days. Registration is subject to availability:

  • cadastral and technical passports;
  • extracts from Rosreestr;
  • notarized waiver ofprivatization of all non-participants;
  • applicants' passports, child's birth certificates;
  • extracts from the house book for each participant;
  • orders;
  • privatization agreements for each participant in the process.

At the end of the procedure, an extract is issued on the availability of ownership of the apartment.


The process of changing ownership of property takes a long time. But without it, it is impossible to legally make purchase and sale transactions, transfer by inheritance. Therefore, it is worth inquiring in advance about the question of who owns the property. How to find out if an apartment is privatized or not? Submit a request to Rosreestr. This can be done both in the privatization department and via the Internet. The term for obtaining an extract from the USRD is three days. The certificate is valid for 30 days. Information on a paid basis is available to all interested persons. If the transaction to change the form of ownership was carried out before 1998, then this data can be requested from the BTI. But only the owners of the apartment, their heirs or government agencies can do this with a certain permission.
