Alexa grapes: benefits and agricultural practices

Alexa grapes: benefits and agricultural practices
Alexa grapes: benefits and agricultural practices

Alexa grapes are a hybrid of table grapes, which favorably differs from other varieties in high frost resistance and productivity. Due to its excellent characteristics, the culture is considered popular in the northern and western parts of Russia. Grapes are resistant to all kinds of diseases, and also show themselves well when transported over long distances and during storage. "Alexa" is a great example of successful breeding, which we will consider in our article.

Fruits of the variety "Alexa"
Fruits of the variety "Alexa"

Variety description

Grapes "Alexa", as a successful hybrid form of early and medium ripening, was bred at the All-Union Research Institute of Winemaking and Viticulture. Ya. I. Potapenko. Pairs for crossing were such grape varieties as Biruintsa and Delight. Today, this hybrid is being tested and undergoes a state variety test called "memoryKostrikin" (the working name of the variety is "VI-3-3-8").

The fruits of the hybrid "Alexa"
The fruits of the hybrid "Alexa"

Outer outlines

The grapes of this variety are large, have a cylindrical shape and weigh from 9 to 13 grams. When fully ripe, the fruits acquire a haze and a milky greenish tint. Alexa grapes are distinguished by a dense skin, which is practically not felt during processing or consumption, and crispy juicy pulp with a high sugar content - up to 20% with an acidity of 6%.

The taste of fresh grapes - with a slight nutmeg note, thanks to which this variety received a high tasting score - 8.2 points. The grapes form large dense clusters of a cylindrical shape. The mass of one bunch can be 800-1000 grams, but with proper cultivation and care, their weight increases to 1.8-2 kg with a length of 30-35 cm and a width of 17-19 cm.

The Alexa vine ripens well with more than 60 fruitful shoots. Cuttings of culture are well accepted and combined with rootstocks. The vineyards are characterized by great vigor and a developed root system. From this we can conclude that it is not necessary to plant bushes too close to each other. The interval between plantings should be at least two meters.

Alexa grape flower is bisexual, so no additional pollination is needed. The leaves of this hybrid are quite large, the shade that differs from different sides: the bottom is light green with a little fluff, the top of the leaf is dark green.

Salad with grapes
Salad with grapes


According to the description, the culture belongs to the table variety, which means that it is consumed mainly fresh. Variety "Alexa" is used for the preparation of fruit desserts and salads, preparations for the winter and grape juice. Since the fruits are very large, the grapes are perfect for decorating the table on holidays. Thanks to its excellent taste, both adults and children enjoy eating it.

Fruits are used for healing and in the treatment of many pathologies, such as digestive disorders, neurotic conditions, bronchitis, asthma, metabolic disorders, diseases of the kidneys, liver, etc.

The description of the grape "Alexa" indicates that the fruits are able to accumulate sugar in themselves, so they are not recommended for those who are diagnosed with diabetes, stomach and intestinal ulcers, hypertension and severe tuberculosis. Interestingly, in terms of the amount of nutrients, in addition to fat, the fruits are identical with milk.

grape ovary
grape ovary


Shrubs should be planted at the beginning or end of the growing season. Holes for planting crops are dug a month before planting young bushes. Landing pits form the following sizes - 80 × 80 × 80 cm. If the groundwater runs too close, the bottom of the hole is covered with crushed stone or small broken bricks. In addition, regardless of the fertility of the soil, the planting hole must be fertilized with organic matter.

Diseases and pests

According to the photo, the Alexa grape has a thick skin thatallows you to create a protective barrier for the penetration of various pests and diseases. This hybrid variety has good resistance to the following diseases:

  • powdery mildew;
  • mildew;
  • grey rot;
  • leaf aphid;
  • basal aphid.

It is also important to carry out preventive actions, which involve spraying grape bushes twice a season with appropriate means. The first time this is done before the vine has released color. The second spraying is done before the ovary appears.

Formation of pagons
Formation of pagons

Prevention measures

To reduce the risk of damage to grapes by pests, it is enough to regularly carry out standard agricultural practices, which include:

  • When affected processes form, they should be removed immediately.
  • It is important to weed the ground around the grapes, pulling out weeds, on which pests and aphids most often “live”.
  • It is important to tie the bushes to the supports, which will ensure normal air exchange. This will prevent the development of fungus, mold and mites.
  • The vine is formed by biological products.

Storage and use

The fruits of "Alexa" should not be removed from the bushes before the full ripening period, because this variety will not ripen after cutting. But according to many responses from farmers, photos and descriptions, it is important to cut the "Alexa" grape variety at the right time, as grape clusters will subsequently be stored for a long time under standard conditions.

At this time, the fruits do not loseappearance and taste. "Alexa" will be cut to early varieties, so the harvest is allowed to be harvested in early August.

The best soil for growing this hybrid is chernozem. In addition, the variety grows well on sandy and loamy lands. During the tasting process, fresh grapes received a high score - 8, 1.
