How does a welding post work? Requirements and equipment

How does a welding post work? Requirements and equipment
How does a welding post work? Requirements and equipment

Each specialist involved in welding should have a workplace called a welding post. Its organization depends on the type of work, the dimensions of the parts and structures that the welder manufactures. Today we will look at the options for arranging the workplace of a welder, talk about the necessary equipment and requirements!

Types of posts

To begin with, let's answer the question - what is a welding post? This is the name of the workplace, which is equipped with a complete set of technologically interconnected equipment. Depending on the types of work, posts can be mobile and stationary. Consider each species in more detail!

Stationary post

As a rule, the equipment of a welding station includes the following items:

  • current source;
  • a set of necessary equipment for work;
  • table for various devices such as electrodes;
  • specialist chair;
  • tool box;
  • electric holder;
  • breaker.
Cabin of a stationary welding post
Cabin of a stationary welding post

Another important component is ventilation devices. Usually these are exhaust hoods or special fans. The fact is that during welding, gases are released that can poison the welder. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to remove gases from the room. The ventilation of the welding station must be powerful enough and provide an air exchange of at least 40 m2/h. If this value turns out to be at least a little less, volatile waste will accumulate at the welder's workplace, affecting the specialist's respiratory organs. By the way, modern exhaust equipment is often equipped with dampers that allow you to adjust the intensity of removal of harmful gases from the workplace.

Another innovation of the ventilation system is a flexible hose that allows ventilation to be located right at the work site. The main advantage of the sleeve is the possibility of continuous welding work in rooms that are not ventilated.


Absolutely all elements of the welding station must be located in the cab. It also has certain requirements. For example, the size of this cabin is clearly defined - 2000 × 2500 × 2000 mm. The top of the cab is open. Walls are usually made from the following materials:

  • tarpaulin;
  • plywood;
  • thin steel.

Please note: tarpaulin and plywood are pre-treated with fire retardant compounds. Another feature is that the walls of the cabin are usually painted in a light gray color that absorbs ultraviolet.

Stationary welding post
Stationary welding post

Requirements for welding stations also apply to the floor - it must certainly be fire resistant. And the lighting standard in the cabin is at least 80 Lx. A knife switch and a magnetic starter are installed at each post - they turn the current on and off.


Another important element is the welding table. The simplest models are made of a metal frame, which is sheathed with sheet steel. If you need a table that can support a lot of weight and is not exposed to the welding beam, you should look at models made of cast iron. Hot metal splashes do not stick to it. For welding stainless steel, a table made of an alloy of copper and aluminum is suitable. This composition is good because it does not leave scratches on the surface of the products.

Mobile post

A mobile welding station is a must for welding large items. Usually it is located in an open area, and therefore it is equipped with a canopy that will protect the welder from light radiation and precipitation. The welder's mobile workplace is equipped with special cabinets - they usually store all the necessary devices - electrodes, various tools.

During the performance of any welding work, the so-called welding aerosol (harmful gases and substances) is released. This aerosol is extremely harmful to the worker. It should be noted that when working at mobile posts, such a mixture quickly dissipates, so the post does not need to be equipped with ventilation. In order for fresh air to enter the workplace, all walls of the mobile post have a gap inhalf a meter.

Mobile welding station
Mobile welding station

The welder's mobile place also needs good lighting, usually the lamp is located directly above the table top or not far from it. A sufficient amount of light can not only reduce the load on the welder's eyes, but also provides conditions for the implementation of labor-intensive products. In addition, grounding is necessary - it will prevent electric shock to the worker.

Equipment for different types of work

The equipment of the welding station depends on the types of welding. As you know, there are different types of it - arc, manual, electric arc, in a protective gas environment, and others. Therefore, the necessary equipment for the post is different. For example, a welding station for arc welding necessarily includes a device for work, wires (they are needed for welding), a power source, electrode holders and start mechanisms.

When working with an electric torch, the welder will need:

  • compressor;
  • rheostat;
  • burner;
  • power source.
Welding station for arc welding
Welding station for arc welding

Three-phase arc welding is impossible without electromagnetic contactors. When welding with alternating current, a transformer is needed (it must be with a high open circuit voltage) and an oscillator that will stabilize the arc.

Welding, grounding and protective equipment are essential for all types of welding. Another requirement is the safety of the work being carried out.
