Sentinel collection agency: reviews, law, legal advice

Sentinel collection agency: reviews, law, legal advice
Sentinel collection agency: reviews, law, legal advice

When applying for financial assistance to a banking institution, people are always sure that they will be able to pay off their debt within the specified period. But very often it happens that a person is unable to fulfill the payment on the loan. Fines begin to accrue to him, and in the future, paying off the debt becomes something impossible.

Of course, most banks do not want to lose their money and for this reason turn to the appropriate organizations for help. One of the collection agencies is an organization called Sentinel. Learn more about her.

collection agency sentinel reviews
collection agency sentinel reviews

Information about Sentinel

This agency started its collection activity six years ago. This organization provides its clients with a wide range of services, including:

  • Procedure for the collection of loan debts.
  • Extrajudicial system of conflict resolution by remote work and on-site pen alties.
  • Organization along with completeaccompaniment of recovery within the framework of judicial, in addition, enforcement proceedings.

Who is the founder?

The agency sells collector services throughout Russia, providing all possible assistance related to debt collection at any stage. The collection agency Sentinel uses modern approach methods that allow you to quickly solve certain problems that arise between creditors and persons who owe them. An important point with all this is the factor that the only founder of this organization is Alfa-Bank. At the moment, the staff of Sentinel has about a thousand people.

collection activity
collection activity

The leadership of the presented collection agency appreciates the activities of its employees. The existing reward system makes it possible to motivate employees well to perform their work.

Sentinel official website

The official website of this collection agency was opened in 2013. Over the entire subsequent period, it has been constantly improved and developed. Thus, on the official portal of the organization today you can find out the following information:

  • Information about the agency itself.
  • Required data for customers.
  • Important instructions for debtors.
  • Contact details to keep in touch with agency employees.

It is important to note that the portal has a feedback function that allows clients, as well as debtors, to create appeals toagencies on the quality of services provided by collectors, on various aspects of activity, on any questions of interest. You can do this at work or without leaving home. The support team is very fast, responding to email within a couple of hours.

debt collection
debt collection

In addition to general information for clients, the site has a section of vacancies, which contains information about the positions that the agency needs today. A section called "Property for Sale" gives you the opportunity to purchase confiscated real estate or cars at reduced prices.

Debtor reviews of Sentinel

If we analyze the comments of debtors who had to pay the debt to this agency, then we can say from the reviews of the Sentinel collection agency that during negotiations, collectors behave extremely aggressively, constantly violating Russian law.

Moreover, if you believe the reviews, then from the words of the debtors we can conclude that it is extremely difficult to influence collectors. Of course, the comments are exclusively negative and embittered.

Employee reviews of Sentinel

Despite all kinds of bonuses and allowances, many employees do not like working in this organization. This is primarily due to the fact that people have to work almost around the clock, without any breaks, let alone weekends. This is evidenced by reviews of the collection agency Sentinel.

Moreover, according to feedback from the employees themselves,we can conclude that, working in this organization, it is almost impossible to get a vacation. The only option for this is dismissal. But, despite the large number of negative reviews from employees reporting uncomfortable work, getting a job at Sentinel, according to their stories, is quite problematic.

collector services
collector services

Customer Reviews

Clients who have collaborated with this institution write that the representatives of the agency do an excellent job of helping to collect debts within just one week, according to various nuances of collection activities.

But, as already noted, debt collectors' reviews are extremely negative and indicate that they often violate the law. In this regard, at the beginning of last year, the Government adopted a number of laws that forced collectors to carry out their activities exclusively within the legal framework. True, again, judging by the reviews of the debt collection agency Sentinel, the law is not fully observed by the employees of the institution represented.

Although some reviews report that in many cases, collectors initially try to resolve all issues peacefully, and only realizing that the debtor is not going to pay debt obligations, the agency, represented by its representatives, begins to behave in an aggressive and rude form.

What methods are used?

The methods used by the collection agency Sentinel are completely identical to those used by other similarorganizations. According to the reviews of the collection agency Sentinel by the debtors themselves, the following methods of influence were applied to them:

debt agency
debt agency
  • The threat of physical violence. Moreover, in this case, not only the debtor is threatened with reprisals, but also members of his family: children, parents, grandmothers, and so on.
  • Threat of damage to property: car, apartment, etc.
  • Psychological methods of influence in the form of intimidation, various threats and so on.
  • Psychological pressure phone calls up to thirty times a day.

It should be noted that in all these situations, as well as when knocking out debts in every sense of the word, it is necessary to urgently seek help from law enforcement agencies. It is also advisable to ask for help from lawyers.

How should one fight?

There is no law prohibiting collection activities, but the State Duma adopted another law that establishes clear rules for the interaction of collectors and debtors.

There are some recommendations on how to deal with illegal collection methods:

collection law
collection law
  • After receiving a notification from collectors, it is important to check the statute of limitations of the debt. Three years must elapse from the date of the last payment. After the expiration of the statute of limitations, the collection of collectors is considered illegal.
  • In case of illegal collection methods, the firstthe turn is required to seek advice from a lawyer who should suggest further actions.
  • In extreme cases of illegal debt collection, it is advisable to write a statement to the prosecutor's office.
