Sociologist - what kind of specialist? Profession sociologist. Notable sociologists

Sociologist - what kind of specialist? Profession sociologist. Notable sociologists
Sociologist - what kind of specialist? Profession sociologist. Notable sociologists

Today there are many vacancies that people know far from everything about. And if everything is very clear with the professions “plumber” or “teacher”, then not everyone will be able to answer the question of who a sociologist is. This is a person who is engaged in sociology. Basically, you shouldn't count on more.

sociologist is
sociologist is

Who is this?

At the very beginning, it must be said that sociology is an extremely new and very actively developing branch of humanitarian knowledge. The object of her research is society as a whole. Based on this alone, one can understand what the profession of a "sociologist" is.

This is a job for a person who, using a variety of research methods (the most common - survey and questioning) and mathematical processing of the data obtained, draws certain conclusions. Most often, the goal of research is the most diverse processes of the development of society or the moods of certain groups of the population. After the results obtained, the sociologist should also give some recommendations on how to deal with the existing problem.

Generally speaking, a sociologist is in a sensea unique and multifaceted scientist who must possess not only humanitarian knowledge and have the skills of a psychologist in order to communicate with people. He must also have mathematical abilities in order to correctly process the results of the received research.

profession sociologist
profession sociologist

What does a sociologist do?

What does the profession of "sociologist" involve? What can a person who applies for this position do?

  1. Poll of the population. It can be carried out in a variety of ways. This can be a questionnaire, an interview, an in-depth interview, a conversation, etc. Before interviewing the population or a certain group of people, the sociologist independently compiles a questionnaire.
  2. When all the information is received, this specialist must process all the information. Part of the work is done manually, part - on a computer using special programs. For example, SPSS or OSA.
  3. Based on the results obtained, the sociologist must draw certain conclusions about the attitudes of the population.
  4. Further, this specialist should provide ways out of this situation or give recommendations on how to deal with this problem.

One can make a small conclusion that a sociologist is a person who tries to change society for the better. The results of some studies often become the basis for certain projects or actions carried out by various government and public organizations.

Qualities a sociologist should have

sociologist work
sociologist work

The profession of "sociologist" implies that an individual has a range of certain personal and labor qualities:

  1. This specialist must necessarily have a scientific mindset. After all, sociology is not only an applied science. Far from every person will be able to correctly compose a questionnaire and preliminary analyze the mood of society.
  2. Creative approach to work. When conducting research, thinking logically and structurally is not enough. Sometimes sociologists need to make unorthodox decisions.
  3. A sociologist must be assiduous, scrupulous. After all, after conducting the study, you need to process a huge amount of information. And this will take a lot of time and work.
  4. This specialist must also have the skills of a psychologist. After all, it is sometimes necessary to interrogate “difficult” categories of the population. For example, drug addicts or prisoners. And such people need to find a certain approach.
  5. A broad outlook is also necessary for sociologists. They must see the world or the situation in different projections, treating everything without judgment and impartiality.
  6. And most importantly: the sociologist takes full responsibility for the results of the study. This is something to keep in mind.

Where can this specialist work?

Where can a sociologist work? Jobs can be found at the following organizations:

famous sociologists
famous sociologists
  1. Consulting companies or think tanks.
  2. In municipal and state authorities.
  3. In personnel services.
  4. Borganizations that deal with advertising or public relations.
  5. In the media.
  6. In various marketing departments in any self-respecting enterprise.

Sociology and its parents

Until the 18th century, it was philosophy that was considered the "science of sciences" and occupied a leading position. Gradually, however, economics, historiography, and jurisprudence began to branch off from it. And at the turn of the 18-19 centuries, the science of society arose, which was called sociology.

I would like to tell separately what people, famous sociologists, developed this field of knowledge even before it was singled out as a separate science:

  1. Auguste Comte. He is also called the "father of sociology". He considered society as a kind of dual organism, one part of which is a continuation of the biological series. The other was something new, social and human (O. Comte's term).
  2. Be sure to say a few words about such a French scientist as Emile Durkheim. In his writings, he described the multiple methods of research that sociology uses today.
  3. Herbert Spencer was a follower of Auguste Comte and further developed theories of evolution regarding human society. It is worth saying that his opinion and writings were strongly influenced by the theory of Charles Darwin.
  4. Thomas Hobbes, an English researcher, first created the contractual theory of the origin of the state. In opposition to him was the theory of the French scientist J. J. Rousseau, who said that the state is a consequence of precisely the inequality in society.
  5. Otherwell-known sociologists who developed this science even before its appearance: J. Locke, A. Smith, F. Tönnies, C. Lambroso, etc.
  6. American sociologists
    American sociologists

American Sociology

American sociologists also made a great contribution to the development of this science.

  1. T. Parsons. I tried to understand all aspects of the social world, and especially how modern achievements relate to social life.
  2. R. Merton. Studied social structure and its influence on social action.
  3. E. Mayo. Based on the Hawthorne experiments, he began to talk about the nature of human relationships and informal connections.
  4. A. Maslow. He is the founder of the well-known pyramid of the hierarchy of human needs.
  5. Other American sociologists who also developed sociology as a science: A. Small, J. G. Mead, W. Thomas and others.
  6. Russian sociologists
    Russian sociologists

Sociologies of Russia that developed this science

Separately, it is necessary to tell about the sociologists of Russia, who have been actively developing this science over the past couple of centuries.

  1. M. M. Kovalevsky. Positivist, follower of Auguste Comte. He was one of the first to apply the scientific-historical method, which helped him to investigate the emergence and development of multiple social phenomena.
  2. P. I. Mechnikov. He is not only a geographer, but also a major specialist in sociological knowledge. The scientist studied how society depends on the hydrological factor (rivers, seas, oceans).
  3. A. I. Stronin, P. F. Lilienfeld. Followers of Herbert Spencer who were able to go beyond the classical framework of the "society-organism" analogies. Society was already considered as a kind of “social body.”
  4. K. M. Takhtarev. One of the first in Russia began to apply empirical methods in sociology - observation, experiment. He said that without mathematics, sociology simply could not function.
  5. P. A. Sorokin. He greatly contributed to the acceleration of the process of institutionalization of sociology as a science. He became world-famous for his theory of sociological stratification, which viewed society in terms of horizontal and vertical mobility.
  6. Other Russian sociologists who also made a huge contribution to this science: S. A. Muromtsev, N. A. Korkunov, N. I. Kareev, Ya. L. Lavrov, Ya. K. Mikhailovsky and others.
  7. Boris Dubin sociologist
    Boris Dubin sociologist

Modern Russian sociologists

Separately, it is also necessary to consider modern Russian sociologists, who are still developing this science.

  1. Boris Dubin. Sociologist, poet, translator. He studied the youth of Russia, domestic sociological, political culture, post-Soviet civil society. Published many works.
  2. B. A. Yadov, A. G. Zdravomyslov. These sociologists de alt with social problems that concerned work and leisure.
  3. B. N. Shubkin and A. I. Todorosky. Investigated the problems of the village and the city.
  4. Widely known, like Boris Dubin, sociologist Zh. T. Toshchenko. Studied social planning, social mood. Wrote important works onsociology and sociology of labor.

Other contemporary Russian sociologists: N. I. Lapin, V. N. Kuznetsov, V. I. Zhukov and others.
