Enamel EP-773: specifications, colors and reviews

Enamel EP-773: specifications, colors and reviews
Enamel EP-773: specifications, colors and reviews

For the successful and long-term operation of metal products, protection of these elements from external influences is required. Enamel EP-773 is the best coating option that will protect against moisture, corrosion and scratches. In order to understand how to properly apply the coating in question and the features of its operation, it is necessary to study in more detail the composition and rules for handling this tool.

Shades of enamel EP-73
Shades of enamel EP-73

Purpose and properties

The chemical basis of enamel EP-773 and the technological features of its preparation are determined by the provisions of GOST-23143-83. Given the official documentation, the composition in question was created on the basis of epoxy resin with impurities of various pigment fillers and additional ingredients.

The product belongs to two-component solutions in which the coloring mass is mixed with a hardener right before being applied to the object to be treated. Advantages lie in significant protective propertiesagainst external influences of a diverse nature.

Using the specified substance, you can protect the surface from the following problems:

  • increased exposure to moisture;
  • oil substances;
  • s alts of mineral origin;
  • combustible components, including gasoline and similar compounds.

Anti-corrosion enamel EP-773 (GOST-23143-83) is appropriate for processing ferrous and non-ferrous metals, ensuring their long-term use. In addition, it is suitable for painting concrete areas after preliminary priming. In domestic conditions, this composition is indispensable for finishing plumbing units, pipelines, various structures and equipment. Additional benefits: economical and practical.

Container for enamel EP-773
Container for enamel EP-773


Enamel EP-773 perfectly protects metal surfaces from thermal effects, alkaline solutions, atmospheric precipitation and rapid wear due to mechanical stress. The paint composition of this configuration creates a semi-matte or matte finish. Other enamel specifications:

  1. Working viscosity - 25-60, which allows the composition to be applied manually or by spraying.
  2. The density index is achieved by a pair of layers, the thickness of which is not more than 25 microns.
  3. Material has excellent adhesion to metal surfaces, can be applied with or without a primer.
  4. Drying at the finishing stage takes 24 hours, with artificial heat treatment this figure is reduced to two hours.
  5. The resultant layer is highly elastic.
  6. For each applied layer, the consumption is about 75 grams of paint per square meter of area.

Color palette

Epoxy enamel EP-773 is available in two basic colors: green and cream. Under the order, you can choose any of the popular colors. One nuance should be taken into account here: under the influence of potassium alkali, the tones of cream directions lose their stability. After the painting procedure, the color, if chosen correctly, does not differ from the standard color, and a smooth film coating is formed without foreign inclusions.

Epoxy enamel EP-773
Epoxy enamel EP-773

How to prepare the solution?

When making the composition indoors, the tank is kept at room temperature for about 24 hours. Before direct preparation of the main mixture, you should make sure that the semi-finished product has turned into a homogeneous mass.

Further stages of preparation of EP-7736 enamel:

  • A hardener is added to the composition, taking into account the proportions indicated in the paint application guide.
  • It is recommended to mix the components of the composition for 10 minutes, which will allow you to get a homogeneous mass with good performance and appropriate appearance.
  • Viscosity when using the spray gun should be no more than 16 s, with a 4 mm nozzle, otherwise the recommended brand of thinner is added. It should be remembered that an excessively liquid composition can cause streaks on inclined and verticalsurfaces.

Final mixing is done using a screw nozzle for a mixer or a construction drill.

Safety measures when working with EP-773 enamel
Safety measures when working with EP-773 enamel


In case of heterogeneity of the resulting solution based on EP-773 enamel, the painted part in some places may discolor and dry out. Solving this problem is somewhat more difficult than taking measures to prevent it. Due to these nuances, the hardener is distributed unevenly, which leads to premature thickening of the composition. In connection with such features, an open trough is used for processing.

For reference: painting is not carried out on wet surfaces, the base should be covered with a primer in 1-2 layers, before applying the composition, the object is thoroughly dried and cleaned with a clean rag.

Paint enamel EP-773
Paint enamel EP-773

Preparatory work

At this stage, not only the consumption of EP-773 enamel is calculated, but also the ability of the composition to process a given area. When preparing the surface, the following procedures are performed:

  1. Clean from scale, foreign implants, dirt and debris.
  2. Sand and remove rust.
  3. Degrease the surface.

Before applying enamel EP-773, a preliminary primer is produced, oriented to the treatment of surfaces with epoxy materials. To obtain the desired result, standard solutions such as EP are quite enough. Concrete surfaces are recommended to be additionally treated with a Sibton type agent.


Technical characteristics of EP-773 enamel indicate that the composition of the mixture is flammable and requires certain rules to be observed during storage and transportation. Painting of products should be carried out in open ventilated areas or in hangars with an appropriate level of ventilation.

The mixture used in the form of enamel EP-773 (GOST-23143-83) should not be stored near sources of fire. Fire safety requirements imply the prevention of storage of the substance in question near aggressive factors that provoke deterioration of the container or damage to the paint itself.

If the composition gets on the face, skin or mucous membranes, the affected areas must be washed with running water, and then washed with soap and water.

If the treated surface will be in contact with an aggressive environment, it makes sense to purchase high-quality compounds, without focusing on cheapness. The fact is that low-quality paints quickly disappear and do not provide proper protection. Enamel EP-773, the technical characteristics of which are discussed above, is a semi-finished product that reliably protects the treated surfaces from various kinds of aggressive influences.

Multi-colored enamel EP-73
Multi-colored enamel EP-73


There are many paints and varnishes on the market. Enamel EP-773, the consumption of which is one of the lowest in terms of one application layer per square meter, protects the surface from corrosion and scratches. At the same time, the product range is presented in several colors, which makes it possible to choose a shade for a specificdesign decoration.
