Where to get money for a business from scratch?

Where to get money for a business from scratch?
Where to get money for a business from scratch?

When a great business idea has matured in my head and I can't wait to implement it, the problem arises - where to get the money for the business? Every second novice entrepreneur faces the difficulties of financing a new project. That is why many people give up their business before they even start it. Although there are a lot of options for attracting investments.

business project analysis
business project analysis

Signs of a successful business

Before you ask yourself where to get money for a business, you must first answer another question - is it worth looking for. Yes, owning your own business allows you to enjoy your work and not depend on your superiors. But only 15% of business ideas become successful. Therefore, before you get involved in the implementation of your own project, you need to assess the possible risks.

Signs of a successful business:

  • Relevance. A business worth investing in must be in demand in the market. And don't rely on your own opinion. It is necessary to study the niche that the business will occupy in the market and determine the approximate coverage of the target audience.
  • New. With new projects, you need to be extremely careful. Some are able to "blow up" the market, others - to bury the invested time and money.
  • Ease of implementation. If a business idea requires a complex organizational stage and huge investments, then the chances of finding where to get money to start a business are reduced to zero. After all, the faster the investment begins to pay off, the more attractive the project looks in the eyes of investors.
  • Reliability. When profit is built on outright fraud or hack work, you should not even try to look for sponsors. Problems with buyers, and even more so with the law, are not needed by any decent investor.
business idea development
business idea development

Preparing to raise funds

Before you look for where to get money for a business, you need to clearly understand that people who are ready to invest in an idea must be completely sure of the seriousness of your intentions. Therefore, it is impossible to do without preparation for raising funds.

The first thing to do is write a business plan. A business plan is needed not only for investors, but also for the entrepreneur himself. Sometimes the idea that has matured in the head seems just perfect. But after a thorough analysis and systematization of all the data received on paper, the future of business no longer seems so promising. Therefore, investors, considering the proposal, will focus only on numbers.

business plan development
business plan development

Second - you need to learncommunicate the idea to the investor correctly. Numbers are good, but the business acumen of an entrepreneur is much more important. Therefore, when thinking about where to get money for a business, you need to be ready to protect your project and convey its prospects to the audience.

And the last thing - all things that do not concern your business, you need to postpone. All time, attention and effort should be directed only to the implementation of your idea. After all, finding where to get money for a business from scratch is not so easy. But numerous attempts will give results if you fully devote yourself to a given goal.

Sources of funding

It is conditionally possible to divide all sources of financing into two groups: own and borrowed. Of course, when organizing your own business, it is better to use your own resources to the maximum. However, when they become insufficient, one should not be afraid to attract funds from outside. Especially if there is complete confidence in the profitability of the idea.

Own sources:

  • accumulation;
  • sale of property;
  • diversification of capital.

Contributed sources:

  • bank loans;
  • sponsored contributions;
  • government subsidies.
make a deal
make a deal

To determine the source of funding, you need to familiarize yourself with them in more detail. To raise the full amount of initial capital, entrepreneurs often combine several financial resources. But it's still better when most of it belongs to the owner.

Own savings

Accumulatemoney is not the fastest way to finance a business idea, especially if the salary is less than the national average. But often a person has their own savings, deposit accounts in banks or passive income, such as renting an apartment, which can be channeled in the right direction.

If there is a real opportunity to earn start-up capital and support the business until it reaches self-sufficiency, then it is best to use this particular method of financing. Because it virtually eliminates the risk of getting bogged down in debt.

Property for sale

Apartment, expensive car and other property is a potential source of own financing. Moreover, you can get money from the sale quickly enough, discarding thoughts about where to get money for a business without a loan.

But if an apartment, house or other dwelling is the only place of residence, then selling it, of course, is not worth it. The risk of "burning out" exists in the implementation of any business project, so you should not invest in it the only roof over your head.

savings to start a business
savings to start a business

Diversification of capital

The term "diversification" refers to the redistribution of capital from one area of activity to another. The financial flow management system is a rather complicated process that requires a serious approach. This method of financing is suitable for those who have already invested in a business that did not bring the expected results.

So instead ofwait until the first company "sags" completely, the money invested in it can be used to finance a more promising project. However, in this case, the risk of losing everything doubles. Therefore, before diversifying capital, it is worth considering. It may be better to look for where to get money to develop a small business that has already entered the market.

working on a business project
working on a business project

Bank loans

Banks are the No. 1 investors involved in financing legal entities. However, according to statistics, only 5% of business loan applications are approved. Banks are more loyal to existing organizations that have been operating for more than 3 months.

To get a loan, you need:

  • Create a business plan.
  • Register IP, LLC, etc.
  • Open a bank account.
  • Register with the tax authorities.
  • Make a company seal.
  • Apply for a loan with a prepared package of documents.

This method is ideal for those who are looking for where to get money to grow their business. But there are also chances for newcomers. The main thing is to develop a detailed business plan and convince bank employees of the reliability of the investment. When calculating the loan amount, you also need to remember that money will be needed not only at the time of opening a business, but also until the moment the first profit is received.

offer for investors
offer for investors

Sponsor contributions

An investor can be both an individual and a legal entityface. Their goal is to make a profit from their investment. Therefore, you need to be ready right away if an investor requires up to 90% of the company's net income before concluding a deal.

When considering an investment project, investors are guided by the data of the business plan, the level of demand, the market situation and their own impressions of the idea. Experienced businessmen can easily distinguish a promising project from a deliberately unprofitable one. Therefore, numerous failures are a direct reason to think.

Today, finding where to get money for a small business is quite simple. There are many international business portals, sites for attracting venture investments and other online platforms that provide an opportunity to convey your idea to interested parties and receive initial capital. For example, with the help of one of these services, the first esports school in Belarus was born.

Government subsidies

Any state is interested in the development of small business, because it is the foundation of the economy. Therefore, there are government programs to subsidize small and medium-sized businesses. Moreover, at the expense of the budget, you can learn the basics of private entrepreneurship, which will allow you to independently develop a business plan without involving third-party specialists.

To receive a government subsidy, you must be officially unemployed. To do this, you need to contact the Employment Center with an application for registration. Further, when communicating with an employee of the center, you need to declare your intentions to open a private business.


If the commission, before which you need to defend your business idea, makes a positive decision, then a novice entrepreneur can count on state support in the amount of 60,000 rubles. This amount is unlikely to cover the cost of a really serious project. But if this money can be obtained free of charge, do not neglect it. The main thing is not to forget that three months after receiving a subsidy, it is necessary to report in detail on its intended use.
