Who is a marketer? Description of the profession. Marketing Resume

Who is a marketer? Description of the profession. Marketing Resume
Who is a marketer? Description of the profession. Marketing Resume

Have you ever wondered how stores buy goods for later sale? Maybe their assortment is replenished with everything that is offered by the manufacturer, or do they select goods only to their liking? Not! Before the shelves of the store are filled with one or another product, a serious marketing research is carried out. Its purpose is to study the existing demand in the consumer market. If an enterprise is interested in increasing sales, then it cannot do without such a specialist as a marketer who conducts such research.

Main Functions

There is no single answer to the question of who a marketer is. The fact is that the functions of this specialist in different companies can differ significantly. So, one company pays more attention to the organization of advertising its product, while the other focuses on the study of competitors and consumers.

who is a marketer
who is a marketer

In this regard, it is impossible to briefly answer the question of who a marketer is. But this position is very responsible. In general, the functions of this specialist are to providemaximizing the efficiency of the company and increasing the return on its activities. In this case, the whole range of marketing techniques should be applied.

Main responsibilities

Marketers must do:

- market capacity assessment;

- industry analysis;

- demand forecast;

- comparative analysis;- marketing strategy development.

As you can see, the duties of this specialist are very extensive. It is very difficult to cope with such a volume of work alone. In this regard, large enterprises create entire departments to promote goods. In small firms, there is a position of "marketing manager". This employee, in parallel with his main duties, is busy with sales and finding customers.

internet marketer
internet marketer

A successful specialist has career prospects. Over time, he may be appointed as a marketing director or commercial director of the company.

Necessary knowledge

Who is a marketer? First of all, he is a specialist with a good theoretical base. Anyone who does not fully understand the principles of marketing will not be able to conduct research and develop the necessary concept for an advertising campaign. For such a position, in addition to higher specialized education, knowledge of psychology, sociology and the legislative framework will be required.

marketing analyst
marketing analyst

A good marketer, among other things, must have an analytical and at the same time creative mind. He should easily establish contacts with different people, be sociable,have emotional stability and diplomacy. A marketer needs to be a confident PC user, as well as to know the basic package, which includes office and special programs. Mathematical abilities will allow a specialist to master this volume. Knowledge of the basics of programming will not interfere with him.

Practically all marketers are required to speak a foreign language. This is especially important if the company operates internationally.

Internet Marketer

Some specialists study sales markets and promote advertising on the Internet. They are called differently. They are internet marketers. In addition to all of the above, their duties include:

- attracting visitors to the corporation's website;- development of Internet projects.

As a result, a high return on investment in the World Wide Web should be ensured. An Internet marketer is a specialist who knows not only the basics of marketing. He must have knowledge in the field of network technologies, as well as web design and have practical skills that allow you to quickly find the information you need on the World Wide Web.

good marketer
good marketer

An internet marketer is a professional who writes advertising images and texts, who is well versed in electronic payment technologies and who knows how to communicate with customers. As you can see, this position requires a lot. Internet marketing is a painstaking work of collecting the necessary information, which inneed to be systematized and analyzed. Further, based on the data received, the specialist develops a certain strategy for promoting the product.

Marketing Analyst

The task of this specialist is to analyze the market structure, forecast demand and assess the possibilities of promoting newly created insurance products. A marketing analyst must be proficient in all the tools of his profession. This will allow the company to constantly develop and operate successfully.

marketing resume
marketing resume

Who is a marketing analyst? This is a specialist who monitors all newly emerging market trends and knows how to navigate in conditions of uncertainty.

What are the responsibilities of a marketing analyst? This list includes:

- conducting field research of a focus group;

- monitoring the market where competitors are present;

- researching consumer preferences;

- forming an assortment policy; - reporting, etc.

Marketer, who is on the staff of a large company, is also engaged in research of the regional sales market. This is a specialist who is able to generate ideas, find the right information, manage events and people.

At the moment, the profession of marketing analyst is on the lists of the most promising and prestigious. Therefore, it is not surprising that the employer imposes increased requirements on applicants for this position. As a rule, the candidate is tested on knowledge of sociology and economics,jurisprudence and statistics, current legislation and the history of the development of production and trade.

moscow marketers
moscow marketers

Applicant for the position of a marketing analyst should be sociable, have analytical and structural thinking, constantly strive for self-improvement and have excellent memory, organizational and analytical skills.


Currently, it is difficult to find a company in the state of which there would be no marketing position. The main advantages of this profession, in addition to its great popularity, is that it is highly paid. At the very start of his career, a university graduate with no experience yet has an income of thirty thousand rubles. After his earnings grow to fifty or sixty thousand rubles a month. But this amount is not the limit. However, it should be borne in mind that only attentive and hardworking employees make a rapid career.

The choice of a marketing profession can be influenced by its demand not only by manufacturing companies. Specialized consulting firms also need the services of this specialist.

Where to go to study?

So, you already know who a marketer is, and have firmly decided to acquire this speci alty. The skills of this profession are successfully mastered by people who have received a higher sociological or economic education. In addition, many universities have already introduced such a direction for preparing students as "Marketing". Similar specializations are available in almost every university in the country. However, marketers in Moscow, as a rule, are people who graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, the National Research Institute "Higher School of Economics" or the Institute of Business and Business Administration of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. These universities are especially quoted among the employers of the capital. A person with a diploma from such an institution opens the doors of the most prestigious consulting companies that specialize in marketing.

How to write a resume and get a job?

In order to fill the vacancy available in the company you have chosen, you will need to write a resume. A marketer will be hired only by one who, in terms of his education and personal characteristics, will be suitable for the employer. This will need to be taken into account when compiling your biography.

First of all, demonstrate your knowledge of the company you are applying for. This will characterize your professional skills. Focus on your experience and knowledge. This will allow the employer to understand what you can do and whether you meet their expectations. List your accomplishments in previous jobs. Do not hide any information.

Next, of course, education. Indicate not only the main, but also the additional. Profile education will undoubtedly be your advantage.

Pay special attention to the section containing additional information. Here it is necessary to note the knowledge of one or more foreign languages, the presence of a driver's license (if theyavailable), the level of proficiency in various PC programs. If you have a hobby, it should also be mentioned on your resume. A marketer whose passions in life are somehow related to the internal corporate culture or the vacancy in question will be hired faster.

marketing manager
marketing manager

Next, you will have to pass one or two interviews. If there are a large number of applicants for a free vacancy, a test for stress resistance is possible. The most purposeful, uninhibited and ready for active work will be taken to the staff of the company.

The next step is testing and final interviews. It is at this moment that the selection of the best of the best begins.

Career Building

If you successfully pass all the stages of the interview, you find yourself at the starting position of the profession. University graduates who do not have practical experience are taken to the position of "Marketing Assistant". You will have to carry out small assignments and bear the brunt of routine work.

The next stage of career growth is the position of a marketer. This will increase your wages. In this position, you should show yourself as a creative person. This will help create a foundation for future professional growth.

The first serious step in your career will be the position of the head of the marketing department. The duties of this specialist include managing a whole staff of specialists and monitoring their work. However, this is far from the limit. Many companies appoint highly qualified marketersCFOs or offer them a senior management position.

The right choice

The marketing profession is one of the most promising. By choosing it, you will get a large number of opportunities that allow you to work both in simple positions and in the management of the company.

An important advantage of this profession is the need to obtain a huge amount of skills, abilities and knowledge. This will allow you to find yourself in a number of other speci alties if you wish.
