Marvari, horse breed: characteristics and photos

Marvari, horse breed: characteristics and photos
Marvari, horse breed: characteristics and photos

The genus of these horses was bred in the Marwar region (now Jadpur), which is located in India. That is why this breed of horses is called Marvari. Sometimes they may be called malani.

marwari horse breed
marwari horse breed

This genus was bred a long time ago, according to one of the high priests of the monastery, they appeared then, "when the ocean was foaming with the nectar of the gods … times when horses were winds." In this article, we will get acquainted with the Indian breed of Marvari horses, study the features, characteristics and photos of this kind.

The legend of how the breed originated

There are many legends about how and when these horses appeared. According to the most popular of them, once upon a time there was a shipwreck of an Arab ship off the very coast of India. Arabian horses were transported on board, only seven horses of all managed to escape. They were ableget out in Kutch County on the coast. Some time later, the animals were caught by local residents of the Marwar region. Arabian horses were crossed with strong and strong Indian ponies. It is believed that there is blood of Mongolian relatives in malani horses. The breed was bred by several generations of maharajas, tempered in the deserts of Rajasthan. As a result, we got very beautiful, hardy and unpretentious horses of the Marvari breed. She is considered a royal breed, mysterious and the least studied.


The Rajput clan Rathor began to breed in the 12th century, in the Middle Ages they were the dominant caste in Northern India. For breeding, Rakhtors took only purebred and most hardy animals. They managed to create an ideal military breed for battles in the desert. Such qualities of Arabian horses as intelligence, beauty, extraordinary stamina and special devotion of local animals were taken as a basis. With the arrival of the Mongols to the lands of India, short steppe horses and thoroughbred Turkmen horses appeared here, which later contributed to the improvement of the Marvari breed. For several centuries, breeders have improved the breed, selection was carried out according to very strict criteria.

marwari horse breed photo
marwari horse breed photo

The Rathors have bred very hardy Marwari horses, whose way of life takes place in the badlands. Feeding on the sparse vegetation of deserts, they adapt well to climatic conditions and do without water for a long time. These horses are able to travel long distances for a long time.speed. An amazing feature of Malani horses is the structure of the shoulders: they are at a much smaller angle relative to the legs. This structure makes the front of the animal much lighter, which allows it to move well on the sands.

On the brink of extinction

For several centuries, horses were used as cavalry, but only people with a high social status could own them. In the 19th century, India becomes a colonial country belonging to England. The new owners tried to destroy all the customs of this country. Horses of English and European origin were brought to India, and most of the Marwari breed was used for meat. By the thirties of the last century, the animal population had declined significantly.

Marwari Indian horse breed
Marwari Indian horse breed

Since 1950, breeding work to recreate the Marvari breed has been restored. A ban was also introduced on the export of these animals to other countries. In 2000, as an exception, Francesca Kelly, an American, was allowed to take several horses of this breed out of India - only because it was she who organized a society to preserve this valuable breed.

Marwari horses: characteristics

This breed has a very graceful body shape. Malani horses have a lean body, a small head with a straight profile, and a wide muzzle. Animals have large beautiful eyes, a small mouth, and well-developed jaws. Their neck is of medium length, not thick, the head is connected to the neck at an angle of 45 degrees. Chest deep enoughwide, pronounced withers and long graceful legs. The hooves are very hard, these horses are almost never shod. Marwari horses have special ears that no other breed has: they are pointed at the top and close to each other. The length can be from 9 to 15 centimeters, touching the tips, they form a heart. The ears have the ability to rotate 180 degrees. It is believed that thanks to such ears, animals have fine hearing.

Horses are calm, submissive, able to navigate well in space. Parametric indicators: height at the withers is from 152 to 163 cm, in some provinces there are individuals with a height of 142 to 173 cm.


The color of the Marwari horse breed can be as follows: bay, white, gray, red, black, piebald.

marwari horses
marwari horses

The horses of white suit are especially revered. They participate only in sacred rites and rituals.

Animals of gray and similar shades are the most popular among horse breeders.

Blacks or blacks are considered a breed defect. For Hindus, black is a symbol of death and darkness.

Marvari horse breed: photos, interesting facts

It is known from history that representatives of this breed participated in the great battles that took place on the territory of India. Marwari horses possessed exceptional fighting qualities, which allowed them to engage in an unequal battle with elephant drovers. Very often, the Rajuptas won victories due to their cunning and ingenuity. For example, in the Middle Ages, before the battle, warriors put on their horses specially madefake trunks. The war elephants belonging to the enemy mistook them for little elephants and did not attack. At this time, specially trained horses of the Marwari breed stood with their front legs on the elephant's forehead, and the rider struck the driver with a spear.

marwari horse breed characteristics
marwari horse breed characteristics

In the Middle Ages, a trained army consisted of fifty thousand horsemen. Horses of this breed are very loyal and loyal to their owner. It is believed that a horse will never leave a wounded owner, but will carefully protect him and drive away enemies. In the event that the owner gets lost, thanks to a special instinct, the animal will always find its way home.

Reproduction and longevity

In 2007, a genetic study was carried out, from which it became known about the close relationship of Marwar horses with six other Indian breeds, with Arabian riding horses and a Tibetan pony. Marwari horses cannot be found in the wild. They are bred only by the descendants of special warlike clans in the Marwar region. Breeding and conservation of this breed is supported at the state level. Currently, there is a steady increase in the number of these unique animals, which, of course, pleases fans of horse breeding. The life expectancy of these royal horses with good and proper care is about 30 years.

Marvari in Russia

There are rumors among horse breeders about the presence of two Marwari horses in the private stables of very we althy people. But how they got to Russia, only the owners andthe horses themselves.

Where this breed is used

In the Indian army and now there is a cavalry unit. But, despite all the outstanding qualities of the Malani horses, they are rarely used to staff the army. This is due to the fact that the bulk of the livestock is used to restore the population.

marwari horse breed lifestyle
marwari horse breed lifestyle

Marwar horses are universal in their purpose. Use them for riding or transporting goods. Representatives of this breed are often harnessed to carriages. In the villages they are used for agricultural work. The best individuals are crossed with thoroughbred riding breeds for an even more versatile horse. Marwari horses are used to play water polo, they take part in various festivals, weddings and Indian dances.
