Delicious bell pepper: cultural diseases and how to deal with them

Delicious bell pepper: cultural diseases and how to deal with them
Delicious bell pepper: cultural diseases and how to deal with them

Bulgarian pepper is a popular and highly demanded product. It contains carotene, mineral s alts, proteins, glucose, many vitamins. The vegetable is used for pickling, pickling, preparing salads and hot dishes. However, what is important to know for people who grow bell peppers? The diseases that affect it are varied, and it is worth understanding how to prevent them and how to deal with them. The yield and quality of the product depend on this.

bell pepper disease
bell pepper disease

Bulgarian pepper: fungal diseases

  1. Black leg. How does bell pepper suffer in this case? Seedling diseases are quite common, and this is one of them. As a result, the root neck softens significantly, darkens, and as a result, a constriction is formed. As a result, the plant withers and dies. Often such a disease develops in greenhouses that are not ventilated. If infectedplant seedlings in the ground, they will quickly die. To fight such a disease, you need to treat seeds, disinfect greenhouses, properly care for seedlings in them.
  2. Alternariosis. Hot weather with occasional rains can contribute to its development. The disease usually affects tomatoes, but also peppers. As a result, the leaves of the lower and upper tiers are covered with dark brown rounded spots, then they gradually die off. The fruits also suffer from black spots in places of cracking and near the stalk. The same goes for stems. The disease can also affect seedlings, adult plants. To prevent this from happening, it is important to strictly adhere to crop rotation, that is, return pepper to its previous place no earlier than three years later. During the growing season, plants must be treated with special chemicals.
  3. bell pepper disease
    bell pepper disease

    Septoria. It affects bell pepper in open and closed ground. The disease often occurs in fairly humid areas. Dirty white spots with a dark border appear on the leaves. In case of severe damage, they cover the entire surface. The leaves turn yellow at first, and then dry out. Due to such a disease, yields are reduced by an average of 40 percent. You need to fight it in the same way as with the previous one described above.

  4. Fusarium wilt. It is most dangerous at the stage of fruit formation. In adult plants, the leaves turn yellow and die, they quickly wither. The main source of infection in this case is already "sick" seeds, soil, plant residues.

Bulgarian pepper: bacterial diseases

  1. bell pepper seedling disease
    bell pepper seedling disease

    Black bacterial spot. It affects petioles, stems, leaves, fruits. As a result, small watery spots appear on the plants. This is in terms of leaves. But on the stems the spots are oblong and black. The source of the disease is plant residues in the soil (after harvesting) and infected seeds. But there are ways to deal with it. It is important to treat seeds, discard affected seedlings, decontaminate the soil, use chemicals to protect plants.

  2. Lightning fast bacterial wilt. In this case, bell pepper retains the normal color. That is why these diseases are so dangerous. The plant simply wilts, and white mucus flows from the stems when cut. To prevent infection, you need to observe crop rotation, and return nightshade crops to their previous places no earlier than after 3 years.

So it's not easy to grow bell peppers. His diseases should not be treated, but prevented.
