It is the deepest in the world! Well, the name of which sounds in Russian

It is the deepest in the world! Well, the name of which sounds in Russian
It is the deepest in the world! Well, the name of which sounds in Russian

Getting a job at a company that for many years operated the deepest well on Earth was very difficult. In the early eighties of the twentieth century, hundreds of specialists arrived in the city of Zapolyarny (USSR), of which only a few remained, who immediately received apartments in this city for their qualifications, as well as salaries several times higher than in Moscow.

world's deepest well
world's deepest well

Around a kind of telescope into the inner world of our planet (depth 12, 262 km) in those years there were about 16 scientific institutes that studied the extracted rock samples, as well as the processes occurring at depth. At present, it is in Russia, in the Murmansk region (Pechenegsky ore district), that the world's deepest well is located. Its official name sounds like "Kola Superdeep". The record set once, and even for scientific purposes, has not yet been broken by any other power.

Howexploited the world's deepest well? The name tells us that the work was carried out in the region of the peninsula, which is composed of the oldest rocks on our planet. The equipment used there is not ordinary, since, for example, the drill has a thickness of only 0.2 meters, and many devices are fixed at its end. Raising and lowering the survey tool into the hole takes several days, as the cable can simply break under its own weight at higher speeds.

the deepest well on earth
the deepest well on earth

What did Soviet scientists find out after they had the world's deepest well at their disposal? The name of many of the phenomena they encountered has not yet been found. For example, once a molten drill was taken out of the mine, the melting point of the metal of which is close to the temperatures on the Sun. Another time, something from below pulled the cable. There are legends that the microphone recorded terrible sounds at depth, similar to voices from hell, although in fact, at such a depth, seismic receivers are used that transmit wave patterns of sound reflection from objects.

In addition to the mystical events at the Kola Superdeep, many discoveries were made, among which there is evidence that our planet has a structure different from that usually indicated in textbooks. Moreover, the samples of lunar soil brought by the Soviet lunar rover coincided in composition with the samples taken from a depth of three kilometers in this mine. This suggests that billions of years ago, the Moon broke away fromEarth. Unfortunately, since 1995, work on the Kola Superdeep has been stopped. The mine is just being maintained with UN funds.

deepest oil well
deepest oil well

The modern deepest well in the world, the name of which is also associated with Russia (Chayvinskoye field), in fact, is not such, since it is not so much deep as long (12,700 meters, drilled not vertically down, but under angle to the surface). Also among the longest objects is the Odoptu-Sea well on Sakhalin, the length of which is 12,345 meters.

Development at the Chayvinskoye field (Z-42) can today bear the proud title of "the deepest oil well". The second place is occupied respectively by Odoptu-Sea, and the third - by the facility in Qatar (Al-Shaheen oil basin, length 12,289 meters, developed by Transocean).
