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What is interest capitalization, everyone needs to know

What is interest capitalization, everyone needs to know

What is the capitalization of interest, most likely, not all residents of our country know. Nevertheless, this is an important concept, on which the final amount of income from a bank deposit depends. In its essence, capitalization is an analogue of compound interest, which, in turn, is the accrual of interest on the already accrued interest on the deposit

How to open a demand account?

How to open a demand account?

Any deposit of money in a bank is not only a way to safely store finances, but also an opportunity to receive passive income. It should be noted right away that the profit on deposits is quite small and is expressed as a percentage that is charged on the balance of money in the account. But the income will be stably accrued only until the time the agreement for the placement of funds on the deposit is valid or until the depositor closes the deposit on his own

Baking improver - what is it Types, names and composition

Studying the composition of bakery products, you can stumble upon such a component as an improver. Its use causes a lot of controversy among buyers. Why do we need an improver in the baking business, what is its effect on the body and which of the possible options is better to choose, is indicated in this article

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Drywall: composition, types, production, tips

Drywall: composition, types, production, tips

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The concept and types of liability insurance

For the majority of citizens and business leaders, it has become customary to draw up life, car, and property insurance contracts. Faced with such a category as "liability insurance", many do not understand the need for this type of protection. Although, as practice shows, in the modern world, existing types of liability insurance allow you to protect yourself from possible unforeseen expenses when carrying out various activities and even driving a car

Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bryansk): address, activities, management

Holding fairs, conferences, promoting the development of small and medium-sized businesses and many other profitable business services are provided by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Bryansk. The purpose of this union is to work for the benefit of the Russian Federation, taking into account the interests of local business structures. Information about the leadership, details and action plan of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bryansk is presented in this article

Job description of the deputy chief accountant: duties, rights, requirements and functions

In most cases, employers impose certain requirements on applicants for this position. Among them, the main one is the presence of a diploma of graduation from a higher educational institution in the field of accounting and accounting. In addition, the employee must have at least five years of experience in this field
