2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
In most cases, domestic farmers keep pigs for fattening, of course. However, breeding bulls for meat can be quite a profitable business. The organization of such a farm, of course, requires the most careful planning. A novice entrepreneur will need to calculate all upcoming expenses and determine the possible profit. What are the features of such a procedure as fattening bulls for meat? How to properly organize a business of this specialization?
Business Features
When keeping pigs, farmers get income quickly enough. After all, these animals are distinguished by precocity and grow quite large in 4-9 months. With bulls, the situation is a little different. It will take at least 18 months to feed cattle until the time of slaughter. With proper feeding and care, by this time the bulls are gaining weight by about 500-600 kg.

First of all, an entrepreneur who decides to breed cattle for fattening should decide on the breed of animals. Of course, for the farm in this case, it will be necessary to purchase not dairy, but meat young animals.
Beef todaycosts more than pork. However, in order for the meat to be of high quality and people willingly buy it, and for the bulls themselves to gain weight faster, it will be necessary to develop the right diet for the animals. In addition, for cattle, you will have to build a spacious barn that meets all the requirements. Of course, the farm owner will also need to find markets for his produce.
The best breeds of meat bulls
Traditionally, in our country, farmers keep dairy cattle. Meat-producing calves are likely to be difficult to find. Perhaps the cattle will even have to be transported from afar. Thus, at the initial stage, it will most likely be necessary to include transport costs in the business plan for fattening bulls for meat.
The most popular breed of beef bulls in our country is the Hereford. The advantages of these animals include primarily endurance and fairly rapid weight gain. The body weight of adult Hereford bulls can reach 1200 kg. During the day, with proper feeding, the weight of such calves increases by about 1.5 kg. The cost of bulls of the Hereford breed in our country is about 70-100 thousand rubles.

Also quite popular beef cattle in Russia are:
- Scottish gobies;
- Charolais;
- Aderdeen-Anrussian.
Besides this, beef cattle of the Kalmyk breed are also bred in Russia. Such bulls are valued by farmers primarily for their unpretentiousness. It is believed that for beginners who decideto organize a cattle fattening farm, this particular breed of cows is best suited.
A very popular beef cattle in the former CIS is also the Kazakh white-headed breed. The weight of such gobies can reach a ton.
The cost of buying young animals, of course, in any case, will also have to be included in the business plan for fattening bulls for meat. In Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the former CIS, beef calves cost about the same. In any case, of course, you should buy young animals for the farm in a proven breeding farm.
Fatting gobies for meat as a business: diet
There are four beef cattle fattening periods, according to technology:
- milk - 1-2 months;
- basic - 140 days;
- growing;
- final - up to 100 days.
The diet for each of these periods is developed separately. The fattening of bulls as a business has earned good reviews from farmers. However, experienced owners of such farms are advised to use, as already mentioned, only the highest quality feed for raising such livestock. Otherwise, the animals will not develop well and it will be impossible to get a large income from them.
Milk Stage
For this period, the diet for calves should be approached as responsibly as possible. The body of cattle is designed in such a way that the faster the calf gains weight in the first months of life, the better it develops in the future.
In most cases, young cattlemeat breeds are left with the uterus for a long time. Sometimes calves may not be weaned from a cow for up to six months. But more often than not, farmers keep young animals with queens for 1-3 months. Newly acquired calves are milked by hand for the same amount of time.
Whole milk costs today, of course, quite expensive - about 40-60 rubles. per litre. Therefore, sometimes instead of it, farmers use a substitute milk replacer when raising calves. Such a product is supplied to the market today complete with detailed instructions for fattening, which must be followed.
Calculation of costs for the milk period
Growing bulls for fattening is a profitable business. However, the owner of the farm will first, of course, need to make a calculation of the funds that will have to be spent on the purchase of feed. Knowing the cost of whole milk in the region, it will not be difficult to determine the costs at the first stage for the maintenance of bulls. In order for animals to grow quickly and develop properly, they need to drink at least 200 kg of whole milk and 600 kg of skimmed milk in the first 6 months.

Main Stage
During this period, farmers can use three main schemes for fattening steers:
- on the haylage;
- on a mixture of silage and haylage;
- on a mixture of silage, haylage and succulent feed.
In the haylage type, animals usually receive per day:
- hay - 2 kg;
- silage - 10 kg;
- concentrates - 3 kg;
- s alt - 30 g;
- phosphates - 40 g.
The intensity of weight gain by bulls using this scheme is approximately 800 g per day.
When using the second fattening scheme, farmers usually offer bulls:
- hay - 2 kg per day;
- silo - 10 kg;
- silage - 4 kg;
- concentrates - 3 kg;
- s alt - 30 g;
- phosphates - 40 g.
With this type of fattening, the daily weight gain of animals is usually 1.5 kg.
The third scheme involves the use for cattle:
- hay - 5 kg per day;
- silage - 8 kg per day;
- vegetables - 5 kg;
- concentrates - 3 kg;
- s alt - 30 g;
- phosphates - 40 g.
Fodder cost of the main period
Hay in our country, depending on the region, can cost 4-5 thousand rubles. per ton. The price of corn silage in Russia is about 1000-1500 per ton. The main expense item in the business plan for fattening bulls for meat will, of course, be the cost of concentrates. Compound feed for cattle in our country costs about 12-15 rubles. per kilo.
The price of haylage in Russia is about 2000 rubles. per ton. Forage vegetables will cost the owner of the farm in the region of 1.5-6 rubles. per kilogram. Thus, knowing the approximate prices for different types of feed for cattle, it is possible to calculate the final cost of fattening.

During this period, the diet of bulls remains almost the same as in the main one. The feeding scheme at this time, the owners of the farms, in any case, use the same as before. The difference in this case is only in the amount of food offered to the animals. On haylage fattening cattle during this period give:
- hay - 2 kg;
- silage - 10 kg;
- concentrates - 2 kg;
- phosphates - 50 g;
- s alt - 40g
For haylage and silage:
- hay - 2 kg;
- silos - 14;
- silage - 5 kg;
- concentrates - 2 kg;
- phosphates and s alt - in the same amount.
For haylage, silage and vegetables:
- hay - 2 kg;
- silage - 5 kg;
- silo - 10 kg;
- root crops - 6 kg;
- phosphates, s alt and concentrates - in the same amount.
Depending on the chosen breed, the weight of bulls at this time can reach 300-500 kg.
Intensive Stage
This fattening period usually lasts 3 months on the farm. At this time, farm owners usually choose the dominant product for cattle. It can be haylage, bard, silage, hay, beets or beet pulp. The simplest option for intensive fattening is the use of hay or haylage. On the basis of stillage, the diet of animals during this period is usually made up only by farmers in the southern regions of the country, whose cowshedslocated next to grape farms.
In the middle lane, farmers quite often fatten bulls on beets. This scheme is used by farms located in the vicinity of vegetable-growing agricultural enterprises. Beet pulp as the basis for a cattle diet is great if the farm is close to, for example, a sugar factory.
When fattening on hay, bulls are usually given:
- hay - 10 kg per day;
- concentrates - 4 kg;
- s alt - 30 g;
- chalk - 20 g.
On the pulp:
- pulp - 40 kg;
- straw - 3 kg;
- concentrates - 1 5 kg;
- s alts and sulfites - 40g each
On the bard:
- bards - 40 kg;
- corn cobs - 6 kg;
- concentrates - 0.5 kg;
- sugar beet - 1.5 kg;
- phosphates and s alt - 100 g each;
- chalk - 50 g.
According to the reviews, the bull-calf business generates the most income when used as the basis of the diet of bard. Indeed, in this case, the owner of the farm has to purchase the least expensive concentrates.
Fattening bulls as a business: features of the summer diet
Like dairy cattle, beef bulls are usually driven out to pasture during the summer. In the warm season, such animals graze in the meadow in most cases for at least 12 hours a day. More oftenIn total, beef cattle farmers set up temporary paddocks on pastures in the summer. For animals, sheds are being built in the meadow, next to which there is a source of clean water.
Adult calves that have reached puberty are usually tied to the pasture. In this case, instead of chasing females, the animals focus on eating food.
Barn Requirements
The business plan for growing bulls, of course, among other things, will have to include the cost of building facilities for animals. The main sheds for beef cattle should, of course, be permanent buildings. Such farms can be built from a variety of materials. To save money, at the first stage, novice entrepreneurs usually use panel barns. Also quite inexpensive are the boxes of such buildings when using foam concrete. In wooded regions, timber can be used to build a barn.

In the farm yard, next to the main buildings, you will also need:
- build a separate building for cooking;
- build a warehouse to store feed;
- build a storage shed.
In the barn itself, it will be necessary to provide:
- opposite stalls;
- feeders and drinkers;
- separation for breeding bulls.
In order for the bulls to grow and develop well in the future, the barn for them needs to be costedspacious and bright. It is believed that one animal in the barn should account for at least 3.75 m2 area (stall 1.5x2.5 m). Very often, for example, farm owners take 15 heads of bulls for fattening. As a business, raising animals in this case can be a profitable enterprise. At the same time, a farm with an area of 100-200 m2 is usually equipped for such a number of bulls2, taking into account utility rooms.
The floor in the barn should definitely be made hard. If desired, it can be sheathed with boards or poured with concrete. On small farms, start-up entrepreneurs often equip clay floors.
Engineering systems
Growing bulls at home as a business requires, among other things, quite serious costs for arranging a barn. Of course, you should build a barn for meat bulls in the place where there is access to clean water. It could be a pond or a lake. Also, a farm, of course, can be built where groundwater is not too deep. In this case, in the barn yard, among other things, you will have to drill a well.
On small farms, water delivery to animals is usually done by hand. The same goes for manure cleaning. On larger farms, owners typically install plumbing and an automated waste disposal system.
In this case, water pipes are stretched along the cowshed. Sewerage elements on farms are usually slatted folding floors and manure containers. The removal of waste from the barn is carried out in the pits-receivers.
The cost of arranging engineering systems at the farmer will depend, of course, on the size of the barn itself, as well as the number of animals contained in it. In any case, the first stage spending on such communications is likely to be quite high. For example, only a meter of drilling a well will cost the farm owner at least 1,000 rubles.
Raising bulls as a business is, among other things, quite laborious. Of course, the plan for organizing a farm specializing in raising bulls will have to include personnel costs. In order to provide animals with good care, the owner of a farm for 10-15 heads will have to hire at least one assistant. The owners of such a business usually take people from the villages located near the farm to work. Of course, the assistant will have to pay at least 10-15 thousand rubles. per month.
Calculation of profitability
Fatting gobies for meat as a business can give the farm owner a good profit. The main income of entrepreneurs specializing in fattening bulls is, of course, from the sale of meat. Also, such farms can sell animal skins and manure. Farms specializing in fattening beef cattle also receive some income from the sale of milk. Representatives of meat cow breeds sometimes give quite a lot of such a product. Basically, milk on such farms goes, of course, for fattening young animals. However, sometimes the owners of such farms get the opportunity to sell surpluses of such a product.
The cost of raising a bull from the ownersfarms usually amount to about 40-50 thousand rubles. It will be possible to get about 300 kg of meat from one animal. With the cost of such a product of 300 rubles. per kg, the farm owner's revenue will be 90-100 thousand rubles. from an animal. From the remaining 50,000, it will be necessary to deduct staff salaries, expenses for maintaining farm premises and communications.

Sales of products
How the business of fattening gobies for meat can become quite profitable. But only if the owner of the enterprise is able to profitably sell the finished product. Gobies are slaughtered on meat farms, as already mentioned, when their live weight reaches 450-700 kg. The yield of meat in cattle is usually about 55-56%, fat - 3.5-5.5%. To sell the main product produced on the farm, the farmer will most likely have to open his own stores. In this case, income can be received as quickly as possible. The cost of renting premises in cities today can be about 1,500 rubles per month for 1 sq.m.2.
Fatting gobies for meat according to a business plan in Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, using the right technologies, allows you to get very tasty marbled meat. This product is very popular with customers. And therefore, it will most likely not be difficult to sell it.
Also, of course, you can donate meat to the nearest meat processing plant. When using this method of implementation, you can save yourself the cost of organizing retail outlets, as well as arranging a slaughterhouse on the farm. That israising bulls as a business in this case will bring even more income to the farm owner.

Cow skins are usually sold to tanneries by the owners of beef farms. After dressing, such material is used to make shoes, accessories and clothing.
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