Quik: setup, installation, step-by-step instructions, features of work

Quik: setup, installation, step-by-step instructions, features of work
Quik: setup, installation, step-by-step instructions, features of work

The trading platform plays a very important role in trading. All transactions are made on it. In trading on financial markets, there are different terminals that have their own characteristics and characteristics. This article will talk in detail about the Quick trading platform. The reader will receive information about the correct Quik settings for different trading assets and its installation.

Features of stock trading

Trading in the financial markets takes place in various directions: stock and commodity exchanges, Forex, cryptocurrency, binary options and much more. It is very important for a speculator or even an investor to have complete information in order to timely track any changes taking place in the market.

Quite often, many assets correlate with each other. This property allows us to assume the growth or fall of one instrument in relation to another. Since all assets are very different in their characteristics, it almost always happensit is difficult to track their dynamics in one place.

Types of tools

All trading assets can be divided into several groups, which depend on the direction of trading and the type of market.

Types of trading assets:

  1. Shares of companies, government and commercial bonds, shares, deposits, IOUs and other securities.
  2. Futures, option contracts.
  3. Market indices.
  4. Currency pairs.
  5. Metals (gold, silver) and other instruments.

All trading assets have their own specifics, volatility, features that a trader needs to know and be able to systematize and analyze the data received.

Advantages of the Quik terminal

quik terminal setup
quik terminal setup

Above in the article, information about the variety of assets and features of exchange trading was not in vain. Modern trading means very high volatility for almost all assets, which cannot always be analyzed quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, not every platform provides such opportunities for a trader, where you can fully analyze and predict changes in quotes in one place. For the foreign exchange market, the MetaTrader platform is great, but for the stock market, its use is simply not possible, since there are no corresponding functions for futures and securities.

Therefore, for these purposes, the developers created the "Quick" platform. It allows you to visually see any changes in a wide variety of assets that can be tracked.simultaneously. Setting up Quik for trading is not difficult at all, even a beginner can handle it. It is important to study the instructions and repeat the necessary steps.

You can trade more efficiently by using the Quik settings correctly. In addition, you can simultaneously track the movement of quotes of different assets, analyze the market, systematize the received data, create a portfolio for investment, and much more.

Terminal settings

Depending on the type of market, Quick is regulated differently. There are the following Quik settings:

  • for promotions;
  • for bonds;
  • for currency;
  • for the derivatives market.

Before setting up the terminal, it must be installed. To do this, you need to register with a brokerage company, go through verification and submit the necessary documents.

To trade on the financial markets, you will need to select an account and replenish it. After registration, the client will be provided with a link to download the terminal. It can be obtained both on the broker's website and by e-mail.

After completing all the necessary formalities and installing the platform according to the instructions, you can start setting up Quik. The platform is installed literally in 2 clicks, the process does not cause difficulties.

Stock trading settings

When trading stocks, for clarity, it is desirable to always have two tabs open - for trading and market analysis. Determining the price range will allow you to open and close trades more efficiently and profitably.

quik setup for trading
quik setup for trading

To create a new tab, you must select the function in the terminal menu "Add".

The figure clearly shows how this can be done. Now we need to come up with a name for this tab, let's say "Promotions" or "Promotions charts", and then save all actions by clicking on the appropriate field.

To be always aware of the release of important news, it is recommended to create a special window and name it "News". This is very convenient, since you do not need to periodically go to the broker's website or other specialized resources and view the "Calendar of events and news". In addition, it is simply impossible to miss any important news, as they will immediately be reflected in this window and attract the attention of the trader. To do this you need:

  • go to the "Menu";
  • select "Create window";
  • then "News".
quik terminal setup
quik terminal setup

Everything is very simple, it is clearly shown in the picture.

The next stock trading tool is "Current Trades". This is a table that displays all the necessary information. For example, the name of the trading asset, percentage changes, market supply and demand, the number of transactions and much more. From the list provided, you can select the desired Quik settings for stock trading.


  • open "Menu";
  • "Current trading";
  • "Creating a table of currentbidding";
  • go to the next window "Available instruments", here you need to select the names of the shares;
  • then "Available Options".

In conclusion, you need to confirm all your actions by clicking the "Yes" button.

quik stock setting
quik stock setting

As soon as all instructions are completed, the table will be reflected in the terminal's workspace. One of the most popular tools among traders is the Depth of Market or Depth of Quotations.

setup quik tools
setup quik tools

To add it to the platform, in the Quik stock settings, in the "Current Trades" window, select the name of the instrument and right-click on it.

Price chart settings

After these steps, you can go to the chart settings. This is done according to the principle described above, that is, the name of the stock is selected and the mouse is clicked in the "Menu" section > "Price and Volume Chart". Once it appears, position it to the right of the Depth of Market tool.

setting up quik for stock trading
setting up quik for stock trading

To link these three instruments so that all information appears automatically, you need to connect them in the "Current Trades", "DOM" and "Chart" windows using an anchor. To do this, click on the icon in the upper corner of the plate "Current trades".

In addition, in the settings of the Quik terminal, you can sort shares by turnover, that isthe maximum number of transactions. To do this, select "Turnover", "Sort". In the same tab, you can create tables for deals, orders and stop orders.

quik futures setup
quik futures setup

The figure shows how to set them up correctly.

Many traders also display information about the trading account here: limits, restrictions, deposit status, current profitability, losses on open positions and other parameters.

At this stage, the setup of the stock trading platform is complete. Get to work!

Setting up Quik for futures trading

Let's take a closer look at this issue. Futures are used in the Derivatives Market. To make settings for these assets, you need to create a new tab and label it somehow, for example, "Forward Market". Then, by analogy, you need to create tables:

  • "Current trading";
  • "Futures FORTS" - here you need to select all instruments that have the nearest expiration date;
  • then it needs to be anchored to the chart and the DOM;
  • next be sure to edit the tables of deals, orders and stop orders.

Additionally, two more tables need to be created:

  1. "Account limits".
  2. "Positions on client accounts".

In the first table you will see information about the state of the account, and in the second, more detailed values for a particular instrument. At the final stage, you need everythingsave using the "OK" button.

quik setup for futures trading
quik setup for futures trading

For greater clarity, the article presents a picture.

At this point, the setup for Quik futures is complete.

Foreign exchange market and bonds

There are no strong differences in the settings for trading these assets. The foreign exchange market is a speculative trading in currency pairs, which are the main instruments.

It is recommended, by analogy, to create a special window and name it somehow, for example, "Foreign exchange market". There are no difficulties in the terminal settings. You just need to also create tables and specify the necessary parameters.

quik setup
quik setup

There are no special recommendations for bond asset settings either. The main thing is not to forget to anchor them.


The Quik Trading Marketplace is a very user friendly platform. It allows you to use the working space of the terminal as efficiently as possible and track several types of markets at the same time. Its settings are very simple and accessible even for beginners. Quik has a clear and user-friendly interface and is very popular with traders.