What is a PUE: registration conditions, required documents

What is a PUE: registration conditions, required documents
What is a PUE: registration conditions, required documents

In the article we will consider what a PUE is. They are recognized as a commercial organization that is not en titled to ownership of fixed property.

It is privately owned by such an enterprise by an individual (jointly owned by spouses or members of a farm) or a legal unit and belongs to this institution on the basis of economic management rights. Thus, property is indivisible and cannot be distributed among contributions (share, share), including between employees of the enterprise.

chup private
chup private

Terms of registration

Let's consider what a PUE is, in more detail.

Registration conditions are usually as follows:

  • The maximum number of actual participants is usually one legal (or natural) person.
  • The Charter of a unitary private enterprise, which is approved by the founder, is considered the basic constituent document. It should contain the name along with the location, the subject and goals of the activity, the management procedureinstitution, size of the fund, sources and terms of its formation.
  • The name of the PUE must necessarily contain an indication of the format of ownership when it is created by an individual. face. They also report the type of activity (for example, production, trade, auditing, and so on).
  • Mark indicating the organizational legal form.
  • Providing the state fee for registering an enterprise (usually three base units).
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    what is chup

Place of registration of PUE

A private unitary enterprise may be located in a residential area (for example, in an ordinary apartment or residential building) of the owner of the property, subject to a number of the following conditions:

  • Real estate is owned by right of ownership (share or joint).
  • Person permanently resides in this premise.


PUE (private unitary enterprise) only with the permission of the owner can act as a member of a business company and a contributor in a limited partnership. A unitary enterprise has no right to make a contribution to the statutory fund of partnerships or business entities, its real estate on the basis of economic management rights without the consent of the owner.

unitary enterprise
unitary enterprise

PUE cannot sell its property and rent it out, send it as collateral, contribute as part of a contribution to the statutory fund of a business company and partnership, or dispose of it in any way.in an alternative way without the actual consent of the owner. The rest of the assets belonging to the enterprise can be disposed of, except in cases established by law.

The owner of property that is under economic management, according to the law, decides on the creation of a unitary enterprise, determines the subject and goals of its activities, along with reorganization and liquidation. Among other things, this person can appoint a leader, exercising control over what is available in the company.

The owner can count on receiving a certain part of the profit from the use of the property under the economic jurisdiction of the organization he created. He is not liable for the obligations of the PUE, except in cases of bankruptcy at the enterprise due to his fault.

construction company
construction company

Authorized fund

As part of the creation of a private unitary enterprise, the size of the authorized capital is determined by the founder and owner of the property independently. The governing body of such a company is the head, who is appointed by an authorized person. It is worth noting that such an enterprise has the full right to be reorganized into a partnership or economic company in the manner prescribed by law, and at the same time by agreement of the parties. What is a PUE is now known. Next, let's talk about the necessary documents.

Documentation package

Let's say a citizen decides to register a PUE. In order to carry out this procedure as quickly and correctly as possible, he needs to prepare the followingdocuments:

  • First of all, you will need a decision to create an organization. This document is important for a temporary bank account.
  • Help on coordinating the name of a legal entity. This will be required to create the charter of a private unitary enterprise (PUE). To obtain such a certificate, you must contact the city executive committee with a special application. Usually the name is agreed on the day of the application.
  • Letter of guarantee regarding the provision of a legal address. Any company should have it.
  • Charter in two copies and in the form of one electronic copy. After the name of the future company is agreed and the legal address is determined, you can begin to create a charter. This is the most important document, since on its basis the institution will carry out its direct activities.
  • Receipt confirming the payment of the state fee in the amount of five basic units. It can be made upon application to the registration authorities.
  • Application in the prescribed form for registration. It is filled upon the fact of the appeal.
  • Order on the deadline for payment of wages. This paper is needed to open a current account. It is worth paying attention to the fact that not all banks need it. If a citizen has decided in which financial organization such an account will be opened, then it makes sense to clarify whether a document is required.

Thus, this is a comprehensive package of documents that must be prepared immediately before applying for the registration procedure.

private construction unitary enterprise
private construction unitary enterprise

It is worth noting that for a private construction unitary enterprise, the registration process will be exactly the same as in all other cases.

Responsibility of unitary enterprises

Such institutions are liable for their obligations with all the property actually belonging to them. A unitary enterprise, as a rule, is not liable for the obligations of the owner, with the exception of cases provided for by the Civil Code.

We have fully considered what a PUE is.