PS-90 engine: history and characteristics

PS-90 engine: history and characteristics
PS-90 engine: history and characteristics

The PS-90 aircraft engine was developed in Perm at the end of the last century and fully corresponded to the world level of engine building development of that time. As in the history of any successful design, several modifications were created, used for various purposes. Serial production of the PS-90 engine continues to this day.

at the exhibition booth
at the exhibition booth

History of Creation

Initially, the engine was intended for a new aircraft, which was supposed to replace the main "workhorse" of Aeroflot - the Tu-154 aircraft, to replace which the new Tu-204 airliner was already being developed. Without delving into the history of the creation of this transport, which, according to projects, was either equipped with 3 engines, or 2, repeatedly changed its configuration and layout, it should be noted that competition among design bureaus for the right to develop an engine for this liner was extremely intense. As a result, the Perm project, which then bore the designation D-90, won.

In the process of finalizing the engine, he received a new name - PS, whichstands for Pavel Solovyov (development manager). The type certificate for the engine was received in 1992. He himself was conceived as unified for different aircraft, but his appearance and certification coincided with the decline of industrial production in aviation.

From 1996 to 2001, not a single PS-90 engine was delivered to consumers. The situation is currently improving. Relatively recently, an order was received for 154 engines for the production of project 476 military transport aircraft, which is underway. The unpacking of the PS-90 engine at the Ulyanovsk Aviastar is shown in the picture.

unpacking at the factory
unpacking at the factory

Trouble with IL-96

The decision to create the PS-90 engine, unified for different types of aircraft, led to a serious change in the design of the Il-96 airbus. Just at that time, its development was being completed.

Due to the fact that “on the go” it was necessary to change the power plant to this unified engine, the fuselage of the new aircraft was shortened by more than 6 meters with a corresponding reduction in passenger capacity and refinement of the wing. Much later, a cargo version of the Il-96-400T was developed, which retained its original dimensions, but in a cargo version. And only a couple of years ago it was decided to resume production of the Il-96 wide-body passenger airbus in its original dimensions under the Il-96-400M brand, the creation of which became possible due to the increase in thrust of the PS-90 engine modification.

IL96-400 in flight
IL96-400 in flight

Features andmodifications

PS-90 is a bypass twin-shaft turbojet engine with thrust reverser. It is installed on the aircraft of the Ilyushin and Tupolev design bureaus. A number of its aviation modifications have been developed with a thrust of 14, 16 and 17 tons, as well as for use in ground power plants. The main characteristics of the PS-90 A engine and its modifications are given in the following table.

Name of the indicator of the PS engine 90A 90A1 90A-76 90A2
Maximum thrust, tf 16, 0 17, 4 14, 5 16, 0
Cruise Thrust, mc 3, 5 3, 5 3, 3 3, 5
Gross weight, tons 4, 16 4, 25 4, 16 4, 23
Dry weight, t 2, 95 2, 95 2, 95 3, 0
Resource before removal from the wing, cycles 1255 643 2500 2500

All modifications have the same bypass ratio - 4, 5 and fuel consumption in flight - 0.595 kg/kgf/hour. The motor length is 4.96 meters and the fan diameter is 1.9 meters.

Features of modifications and their application on aircraft

The very first version of the PS-90A was intended for general use on aircraft of various design bureaus. It was used on Il-96-300 and Tu-204/214. Given the fact that the number of orders was insignificant, a modification was developedPS-90A-76, which was a derated version, but with an increased resource. This modification was intended for the remotorization of military transport and cargo aircraft Il-76.

In the 90s, these machines no longer meet ICAO noise and emissions standards. Replacing the old D-30KP engines with PS-90A-76 made it possible to eliminate this problem. However, their high price and the considerable age of the remaining IL-76 aircraft often made this replacement economically unfeasible.

The installation of PS-90 engines was carried out for a small number of cargo aircraft. A modification of the Il-76TD-90VD was created, currently operated by the Volga-Dnepr airline, and a version of the Il-76TD-90 in Azerbaijan. For the extended version of the Il-96-400T cargo airbus, the PS-90A1 modification was developed, where the thrust was significantly increased and additional noise absorption measures were taken.

During the period of cooperation with the Pratt and Wittney company, using American technologies, the PS-90A2 was created. Many engine units have been replaced with imported counterparts. The quality and reliability of the power plant increased significantly, but subsequently the Americans actually banned the export of this engine, referring to the use of dual technologies, which made it necessary to develop their own, completely domestic engine, called the PS-90A3. The type certificate for it was issued in 2011. However, that didn't help. The contract, as they say, "left".

presidential plane
presidential plane

Application in groundinstallations

The engine for gas pumping units was ordered in 1999 and allowed Perm engine builders to survive the difficult years of stagnation in the aviation industry. If Gazprom had not made this order, there would be neither a plant nor a design bureau.

The power plant is already a single-circuit engine, that is, without a reactive component, and is used as an energy source for power plants and gas compressor installations. To date, a large number of them are in operation, and the creation of the latest modification PS-90GP-25A with a capacity of 25,000 kW was awarded an award in the field of innovative technologies.

in section on the stand
in section on the stand

Maintenance and repair

The PS-90 engine repair manual was developed by Aviadvigatel, and the United Engine Corporation is in charge of servicing operators.

Each unit has its own form, which indicates the assigned resource of the main parts of which it consists, as well as the permissible values of various operating parameters recorded by sensors or measuring instruments.

Spent cycles of parts, exceeding the permissible parameters and various kinds of incidents serve as the basis for sending the engine for repair. Since the design is constantly being improved, when carrying out repairs, its improvements are simultaneously carried out with the introduction of all necessary changes. Usually the engine is repaired in 6 months.
