The prop is a responsible job on which the success of the performance depends

The prop is a responsible job on which the success of the performance depends
The prop is a responsible job on which the success of the performance depends

A proprietor is a responsible position. The success of a performance, concert, television show or movie largely depends on the person who is on it. Such a profession requires a lot of knowledge and special skills, as well as artistic abilities.

Props it
Props it

Responsibilities of the prop agent

The main duties of this specialist are to provide shooting, performances, shows and rehearsals with furniture, draperies, and other props. Sketches, as a rule, are created by the artistic director of the group, and the prop designer must design the scene according to the specified schemes. To do this, you need to get the required things in the warehouse, deliver them to the place of filming or performance, and then put everything in its place. While on tour, the props manager is responsible for packing and safely transporting sets and other equipment in a timely manner. Also, his duties include minor repairs of props directly during the performance, concert, video filming, ensuring the safety and sanitary condition of items. Forperforming duties, he is constantly present at the shooting, performances and rehearsals. A high-class employee is also involved in the development of sketches, diagrams and drawings for stage design along with artists.

Job props
Job props

Necessary education, knowledge, skills

Property is a difficult job, but special education is not required here: it is almost impossible to get the necessary knowledge while sitting at a desk. Most of the skills the employee receives in the process of work. However, the applicant for this position must:

  • be able to create, read and understand drawings, props placement schemes;
  • implement the ideas of the artist, based on the sketches he created and using the available props;
  • know the basics of drapery, carpentry and prop works;
  • know the main styles and directions of interiors of different eras;
  • be skilled at making minor repairs to props.

Also, the employee must be attentive, responsible, able to work in a team, have a good reaction.

The theater props

Whenever you see a sword, a book, a goblet or a candelabra on the stage, know that this is the result of the work of the props. This employee is responsible for providing historically accurate accessories, furniture, weapons, interior items. Most theaters stock many props from past productions that can be used in other productions. If the desired item is not available, the props agent must find it and buy or make it.manually. Some parts can be made to order, but if it's something that is not too complicated, like an umbrella, the prop designer creates the staging part himself.

Studio Props

The main task of the film studio props is to find the right props for the upcoming filming. In order to select the right items that suit the style, historical era and mood, the worker needs to delve deeply into the idea of the production designer and implement it on the set. Finding props is not an easy task. Some things can be bought, others can be rented, and others have to be made to order. At the same time, every detail should correspond to the director's idea, in harmony with the costumes of the actors and the scenery. To successfully work at a film studio, a props manager must have extensive experience, so such workers are worth their weight in gold. Most often, employees specialize in certain styles, for example, there is a prop for art-house films, historical films, science fiction films or modern series.

Responsibilities of a prop agent
Responsibilities of a prop agent

TV studio props

This work is related to the preparation of the studio for television, knowledge of styles and eras in this case is not required. The prop master is engaged in decorating the premises with draperies and laying out the necessary props, as well as their subsequent cleaning, packaging and storage. Depending on the subject of the TV show, the studio may require various items: dishes, books, certain furniture, or even culinary dishes. To have all the necessary things in the shooting pavilion,the property agent must ensure the selection, purchase or rental, timely delivery of goods, and also monitor their safety in the future. Of particular difficulty is the work of a prop during a live broadcast, since in this case you need to have a lightning-fast reaction: in the event of a breakdown of any thing, promptly repair or replace it without getting into the frame.

Theater props
Theater props

Event Agency Props

Working in an event agency is less complicated than a similar position in a film studio, in an opera or drama theater: historical accuracy can be very conditional, the main thing is to reflect the spirit of the desired era and genre. The main responsibility of the property owner is the purchase of game materials, interior and decor items, their packaging and storage. On the day of the party, things must be transported to the venue of the event, put everything in its place in accordance with the prepared scheme, and then returned to the warehouse.

Arthouse cinema prop
Arthouse cinema prop

The prop is an interesting creative work. At first glance, it may not be noticeable, but it is no less necessary than the work of actors. The prop master handles hundreds of items and must know exactly how and where to use them, as well as remember where they are stored. The main task is to make the performance as realistic as possible so that the viewer is immersed in what is happening on the stage. Each piece of props also plays a role as an artist.
