Winter garlic: planting and care

Winter garlic: planting and care
Winter garlic: planting and care
Garlic. Landing and care
Garlic. Landing and care

The highly healing properties of raw garlic are due to the chemical composition of the plant, which contains carbohydrates, proteins, a set of B vitamins, ascorbic acid, trace elements (a lot of phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium), sulfide and arsenic compounds. The pungent taste and specific smell of the plant gives the essential oil - allicin. This organic antioxidant destroys free radicals in cells. In addition to the sterilizing effect, allicin has an irritant effect, which causes expectorant and sap-like effects. Biologically active substances of garlic juice have antimalarial, antifungal, antiviral, antihelminthic and anti-inflammatory effects. Assume immunostimulatory and anticancer effects. As a food additive, it prevents poisoning by poor-quality products. Used as a means of reducing bad cholesterol and high blood pressure. For stomach ulcersor in the intestines, kidney disease and anemia, it is not recommended to consume garlic. Planting and caring for this plant has been known to mankind, as well as its medicinal properties, since antiquity. Growing this he althy vegetable is easy.

Winter garlic. Care
Winter garlic. Care

Winter garlic. Care

Distinguish types of garlic - spring and winter. In the first, the covering scales are white, in the second - with a pinkish or purple tint. Winter varieties: Gribovsky Yubileiny, Gribovsky-60, Komsomolets, Otradnensky are shooters. In addition to the underground head, an air bulb with garlic bulbs in miniature is formed on the thrown arrow of the garlic. Non-shooting variety - Danilovsky local garlic. Planting and caring for spring and winter garlic differ only in the timing of planting. Spring is planted in the spring, at the end of April, winter - a month before the onset of sub-zero temperatures. Loamy fertile neutral soil is the best for winter garlic. Plant care on such soil will consist in regular loosening of row spacing to a depth of 3 cm, watering in May-June-first decade of July. In dry weather, it is watered every 10 days at a water consumption per 1 sq. m. 12 l, in a particularly hot summer - after 5 days. In rainy summers, it is not necessary to water the garlic. Top dressing: first - with 3-4 leaves in a bucket of water, dilute 1 tbsp. l. urea or crystallin and pour from a watering can an area of \u200b\u200b3 square meters. m. The second - after 2 weeks. In a bucket of water, dilute 2 tbsp. l. nitroammofoski - this solution is enough for 3 square meters. m. The third (and last) - in the stage of head formation, in the second half of June. On a bucket of water, take 2 tbsp. l.crushed superphosphate. A bucket of solution is enough for 3 sq.m.

Winter garlic. Care
Winter garlic. Care

Preparing for landing

The bed is made in a dry place open to the sun. If the soil in the area is loamy, then per 1 sq. m. evenly scatter compost and humus - in a bucket, 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and potassium sulfate, chalk or fluff lime - 1 cup. Dig 20 cm deep. If the soil is sandy, then the best would be to add two buckets of loam and a bucket of peat per 1 sq. m. In peat soil contribute 1 bucket of sand and loam. Fertilizers are the same. After digging, the bed must be compacted, poured with a solution of copper sulphate (1 tbsp per bucket of water - per 1 sq.m. beds).

He althy and dried heads are selected from freshly harvested garlic. They are disassembled into cloves, it is advisable to sort them by size. Then rinse the cloves in a s alt solution for 2 minutes, taking 3 tbsp. for half a bucket of water. After that, they are dipped for a minute into a solution of water and copper sulfate with the same concentration as for treating the beds - 1 tbsp. vitriol in a bucket of water. And then immediately planted in the garden.

Planting pattern - in the grooves to a depth of 6-8 cm, rows after 20 cm. The cloves are placed bottom down. After 2 weeks, the bed with garlic is covered with humus with a layer of 2 cm. This is done so that the garlic does not die in winter. Planting and care ends this fall. The most important thing is that garlic does not sprout in autumn and does not freeze in winter.

flower arrows
flower arrows

Agricultural practices

To grow large heads, break out the arrows of the inflorescences. To get excellentplanting material, grow from bulbs, selecting them from the most developed plants, single-toothed garlic. Planting and care for him are the same. Single-toothed garlic will grow into very large, multi-toothed plants next season.

Ripening garlic
Ripening garlic


Garlic is harvested when its stems have turned yellow and have fallen. If you are late with cleaning, then the bulbs will fall apart into cloves, and such garlic can no longer be stored for a long time. Together with the leaves, garlic is left to ripen for 12 days, hanging under a canopy. In cloudy weather, it must be removed indoors. Then the stems and rhizomes from the bottoms are cut, cleaned from the ground and the heads are put in storage.

As you can see, growing a useful and irreplaceable vegetable is not so difficult and difficult. Your family will be provided with environmentally friendly vitamin and healing garlic.
