2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Currently, breeding animals such as rabbits is a fairly popular activity. Many experts in this matter note that the cultivation of such animals is a profitable business. There are different breeds of rabbits. Some are raised for meat, others for fur, and still others as pets. In our article, we want to talk about the most popular rabbit breeds.
Characteristics of breeds
As we mentioned earlier, rabbits can be raised for completely different purposes. Depending on the goals put forward, it is necessary to choose the breed of the animal. If you plan to get meat, then you should choose meat breeds of rabbits. Downy breeds are valued primarily for thick and soft fur. However, do not forget that there are also combined breeds that allow you to get both meat and fur. In addition, decorative species are now very popular. Such pets are kept in houses or apartments not to get something, but simply as a pet. In our article we want to talk about the most popular breeds of rabbits for breeding.
The biggest rabbits
It is worth noting that more than 90 breeds of rabbits are currently known. Moreover, they are all very different: from the mostminiature decorative ones, the weight of which does not exceed 500 grams, and up to incredibly large ones, weighing 8-10 kilograms. By the way, it is the latter that are becoming more and more popular among breeders. The largest breeds of rabbits require special conditions from their owners, but they gain weight well and are more enduring. In total, there are ten giant breeds. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The largest breed of rabbits is Flanders (it is also called the Belgian giant). These rabbits are gigantic in size. They are very clumsy. The body length of the animal reaches 75 centimeters. The weight of the pet ranges from 7-10 kilograms. Rabbits are able to bring from seven to ten rabbits. Flanders has tender and juicy meat. Thick and dense fur can be dyed in a variety of colors. It may seem that the breed consists of only virtues. But that's not entirely true.
This breed of rabbits has certain disadvantages. Firstly, certain conditions and large cages are necessary for animals, and secondly, pets need a lot of food, unlike small counterparts. In addition, rabbits are ready for reproduction only by 5-6 months.
Grey giant
The breed appeared as a result of crossing outbred animals with the Belgian giant. As a result, a completely new species was obtained, which was distinguished by its large mass and size, as well as significant resistance to ailments and adaptability to any climatic conditions.
Weight of rabbitsreaches 4-7.5 kilograms, and the length of the body is 66 centimeters. The females of the breed are very prolific, for one litter a rabbit can bring from seven to ten babies. Rabbits gain weight and grow very quickly. Already at three months, their weight is 2.5 kilograms.
And yet, among the indisputable advantages of the breed, there are some drawbacks. The fact is that the breed cannot boast of excellent taste characteristics of meat. This breed of rabbit (described earlier) is usually bred for skins. Animals are usually gray-white in color, but there are individuals in black, white, iron gray and dark gray.
Sheep rabbits
The French ram, as you understand, was bred in France. The main distinguishing feature of the breed are hanging ears. By the way, this breed is currently one of the largest lop-eared. Female rams reach five kilograms. But the males have a slightly smaller weight - about 4.5 kilograms. The breed is very popular among breeders. And the reason for this is the magnificent skin and incredibly juicy and tender meat. Initially, the color of animals was not so diverse, but now there are a wide variety of colors: blue, chinchilla, white, black, many gray tones, etc.

Rabbits of sheep breed are very unpretentious. Such animals are bred primarily for meat, and fur is in the background in importance. Rabbits reach maturity at nine months. They are very prolific, because in one litter they bring up to 12rabbits. However, at the age of one year, physiological changes occur, due to which, in the future, females during childbirth cannot do without outside interference. And at the age of three, rabbits should be isolated from males, since childbirth becomes dangerous for them.
White Giant
Another large breed of rabbits is the white giant. Rabbits of the breed from early childhood incredibly quickly gain weight. Adults weigh at least five kilograms, and sometimes reach 6-8 kilograms. The length of the body is approximately 60 centimeters. The breed is perfectly adapted to our climate. Fertility and vitality can be the envy of many of their relatives. Usually rabbits bring eight to ten rabbits for a litter. Experts think. That babies are born quite large and weigh up to 90 grams. Rabbits grow up very quickly. By about three months, they already weigh up to two kilograms.
The white giant rabbit meat is juicy and tastes great. This species can be safely called albinos, since the animals have only a white color, without any inclusions. By the way, the fur of the white giant is distinguished by its brilliance and density, and therefore is actively used for making fur coats.
Giant Butterfly
The giant butterfly is another representative of modern rabbit breeding. The breed of rabbits is sometimes also called the spotted giant because of the interesting color. White fur has symmetrical dark patches that are shaped like butterfly wings. It is this feature that is reflected in the name of the breed. adultsat the age of 8-9 months weigh up to five kilograms. Fertile females produce up to eight kits per litter.

And everything would be fine if it were not for the significant shortcomings of this breed of rabbits. In rabbit breeding, absolutely all characteristics are important. Of greatest interest are always those breeds that have many positive traits. But the spotted giant has too many flaws. Animals of the breed are distinguished by a pugnacious and quick-tempered character. Yes, and the taste characteristics of their meat does not shine. For this reason, these rabbits are bred for their unusually colored fur.
Giant angora
What breeds of rabbits do you think are bred for beautiful fur? One of them is the giant angora. Her fur is incredibly valued in the world. The largest adults reach 5.5 kilograms. Rabbits of this breed are very calm and kind. Their character can be described as peaceful. Thanks to such excellent qualities, such rabbits are actively used as a beloved pet. Animals are very beautiful. Their fluffy fur makes them incredibly attractive. Children are just delighted with the cute animal.
This breed of rabbits has been actively bred in Russia since 1957.
Giant Chinchilla
This breed, as you may have guessed, can be attributed to fur and meat. Adults weigh up to six kilograms. They gain weight quickly. In addition, such pets are not picky about food at all. The breed is good for any region, as animals quickly adapt to new climatic conditions.conditions. By the way, rabbit meat is also very tasty. But most of all, animal fur is valued. It can have different shades: from light to dark. Rabbits bring 6-8 babies.
New Zealand White
The best breeds of rabbits for meat are characterized by very high growth rates of small rabbits. In a very short period, animals gain weight incredibly quickly, becoming well-fed. Quite a lot of rabbits are born in one litter and at the same time the survival rate is very high.

The New Zealand breed is bred primarily for meat and secondarily for skins. Adult rabbits weigh up to 4.5 kilograms. They have only a white color, since only albinos were taken to breed the breed. Rabbits have a calm disposition, they are not very susceptible to sounds, so they are less likely to get scared. And this means that they are less susceptible to stresses that affect their development. Rabbits, in turn, are milky and prolific.
New Zealand Red
New Zealand red rabbits are domesticated short-haired animals that are of interest in terms of meat and skin direction. The breed was obtained in America in 1910. Gradually, it spread throughout the world. And since 1919, she began to breed in Europe. Rabbits have a strong constitution and perfectly adapt to any conditions. They can be bred in a variety of climatic regions. Fertile females bring six to eight young rabbits. They perfectly feed rabbits, which are rapidly gaining weight. It is worth noting that the short fur of rabbits of this breed is incredibly valuable. It is tough and durable. No less attractive is the color of the fur. The color varies from bright red to reddish yellow. In nature, rabbits were yellow. But the long work of breeders led to the appearance of red individuals.
Young growth reaches an impressive size in just 60-70 days, after which it is slaughtered for meat.
California breed
This breed was bred at the beginning of the twentieth century in America. The Californian breed was named after the region of residence of its creator. Thanks to persistent selection, it was possible to create a balanced breed that combined the best qualities of the progenitors.

California colic are medium in size, adults reach 4.5 kilograms. Animal fur is white. But on the ears, tail and paws there are dark brown spots. An interesting fact is that rabbits are born pure white. And only after a month dark spots begin to appear. Currently, California rabbits are one of the most meaty breeds.
The breed appeared as a result of crossing the New Zealand red breed and the Californian. The name comes from the region of France in which this species was bred (Burgundy) at the beginning of the twentieth century. Experts believe that this breed is one of the best meat. Animals grow very fast. And rabbits are very prolific, since in one litter there are from 10 to 12kids. Despite such excellent performance, such a breed of rabbits appeared in Russia only in 1991, almost eighty years after breeding.

Specialists say that the meat of Burgundy rabbits has a high palatability. Rabbits grow incredibly fast, in 70 days the weight of pets is 2.5 kilograms. Animals have thick, light brown fur.
Black and brown rabbits
Fur breeds of rabbits are distinguished by beautiful fluffy skins, from which, with proper processing, they sew beautiful fur coats. Black-brown rabbits are a domestic breed, they were bred in Tatarstan by crossing chinchilla, flandra, white giant and Viennese blue breed. This species is distinguished by dense and thick fur with smooth transitions. Outwardly, animal fur resembles the color of a black-brown fox. The skins of the animal are especially popular precisely because of the external resemblance to the silver fox. In addition, the fur of this breed is incredibly thick and wearable. That is why it is actively used for the production of fur products.
Russian Ermine
The name of the breed indicates the similarity of animal fur in color with ermines. The incredibly beautiful skin of rabbits is used as an imitation of ermine fur. In addition, the breed is distinguished by excellent taste of meat. It is good to use it as part of a diet. Ermine rabbits are born white and dark spots appear only after a few weeks. The full achievement of the ermine color is formed by sixmonths. Animal fur is incredibly thick, shiny and elastic.
Animals are easy to keep. They can live in the simplest conditions. In addition, they are unpretentious in food. Rabbits are resistant to disease, hardy and can live in completely different climatic conditions. Females are fertile, bringing up to eight rabbits. Babies grow very fast. The excellent qualities of this species contribute to the rapid spread of the breed around the world.
The name of the Rex rabbit breed is widely known even among ordinary people who are not passionate about animal breeding. The breed belongs to the short-haired. Animal fur is very soft and like plush, it is incredibly pleasant to the touch.

Rex originally appeared in France, where they were bred back in 1919. And animals were brought to Russia already from Germany. The breed has become incredibly popular precisely because of its valuable fur. Outwardly, it looks like a sheared one, which is why it can be imitated under a sheared mink or under seals. There are more than twenty colors of Rex. Animal breeds are resistant to cold, but do not tolerate high temperatures or drafts. Despite some capriciousness in breeding, the breed is in great demand because of the expensive fur, which is durable and wearable. According to experts, with good processing of the skins, the fur product is worn perfectly for up to ten years.
White downy breed
Rabbit down can compete with goat or sheep down. It is heat resistant and durable. Downy breeds likeusually long haired. Such is the white downy. Rabbits of this breed reach four kilograms. For a year, one such pet can produce from 300 to 750 grams of fluff, which is of high quality.
The breed was once bred in Russia. Its representatives have a pure white color. But sometimes there are individuals with black, blue and smoky colors. Animals do not tolerate high temperatures very well, and therefore there are difficulties with their breeding.
Decorative rabbits are quite popular. In fact, they are a reduced copy of ordinary animals. The lion-headed breed originated in Belgium. The name of the animals was due to the similarity of their head with a lion. Sufficiently long hair in pets is available only on the head, sometimes a long pile may be present on the hind legs. All other parts of the body are covered with short hair. Adults are quite modest in size and weigh up to 1.7 kilograms. Such pets are very clean, they are easy to care for and do not cause trouble for the owners.
Dwarf Sheep
Dwarf sheep appeared in the 1950s as a result of crossing a French sheep and a dwarf breed. In just a few decades, the breed has gained incredible popularity and spread throughout Europe. And now the animals are quite in demand. The main feature of the breed are cute hanging ears. Sheep can be either long-haired or short-haired. They are kept at home as cute pets.
Pygmy fox
If you plan toto get a cute miniature pet in the house, then it is worth remembering such a breed of rabbits as a pygmy fox. This is the smallest representative of the rabbit family. It's hard to imagine, but an adult weighs no more than 1.3 kg. By the way, there are several varieties: English, silver, black and brown American fox, blue, yellow and others. Despite the modest size of a cute creature, his character cannot be called complaisant. But this does not mean that absolutely all individuals have a bad temper, among them there are both restive and docile creatures.

The dwarf fox has a beautiful unusual coat that looks like a light raincoat. The animal is valued precisely because of its miniature size and unusual coat. And the most successful is the shade of havana or pure white color.
Speaking of the most popular varieties of rabbits, it is worth remembering such a breed as Germelin. The main feature of the animal is the color of its coat. It is worth noting that representatives of this breed have an exclusively white color. Experts note that cute animals are very similar to Persian cats. The breed belongs to the dwarf. The weight of adults does not exceed 1.3 kilograms. Hermelins have some peculiarity in the structure, they have practically no smooth cervical transition. Animals are completely unpretentious in content. The breed appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century thanks to the efforts of Western European breeders. The popularity of the cute creature is explained quite simply. Externallysuch rabbits are very reminiscent of a small toy. Ease of care has contributed to popularizing the species as a pet.
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The rabbit was tamed by man a long time ago. This is mentioned in the written sources of ancient Roman history. From that time to the present, many new breeds have been created by rabbit breeders. Rabbits are bred to obtain dietary meat, fur, fluff. Fur products are highly durable, and the quality of the down prevails over the wool of the merino and angora goats. This article will present rabbit breeds with names and photos