Plastic waste containers: production, selection, benefits

Plastic waste containers: production, selection, benefits
Plastic waste containers: production, selection, benefits

Plastic waste containers - an alternative to metal bins, which allows you to speed up the collection and removal of solid household waste in different volumes. Polyethylene containers are suitable for offices, construction sites, private houses, factories and factories. They are comfortable, practical, durable and are used in extreme weather conditions in Russia.

Design of plastic tanks

Plastic containers are made from virgin, non-recycled polyethylene. It is a durable material that does not absorb odors and is easy to keep clean. The light weight of the plastic waste bin allows the unloading bin to be moved freely to a garbage truck or around the office to collect waste from baskets. Polyethylene retains strength in winter at -40 °C and in summer at +60 °C.

The design of the trash can is simple. This is the container itself in the form of a rectangle or a truncated pyramid with a reinforced bottom and a rim for a garbage truck comb, covered with a lid. For ease of movement, rubber wheels are attached to the bottom of the tank. The lid of the container can be hinged or removable, have a compositedesign with a hole for a bag of garbage. Sometimes the manufacturer adds additional design elements, such as a foot pedal for lifting the lid.

Small volume polyethylene waste container
Small volume polyethylene waste container

Types of polyethylene containers

Plastic containers are conditionally divided into several groups by design. These are plastic waste containers on wheels and fixed, with or without an arched, flat lid, with a composite “lid in a lid”. The volume of the polyethylene tank is 120-1100 liters.

Containers for separate waste collection
Containers for separate waste collection

Pros and cons of plastic tanks

Compared to metal containers for solid waste, polyethylene containers have a number of positive qualities. This is a high wear resistance and sufficient strength, anti-corrosion qualities. The surface of the container is smooth, easy to clean, does not require painting and treatment with anti-corrosion compounds. Polyethylene is inert to aggressive media, heat and frost. The main advantage of plastic garbage containers is their weight. A polyethylene tank with a capacity of 120 liters weighs about 8 kilograms, and a metal tank of the same volume weighs almost three times more.

The disadvantage of using plastic for storing MSW is that with an increase in the capacity of the tank, its strength characteristics decrease.

Ease of use of polyethylene tanks for solid waste
Ease of use of polyethylene tanks for solid waste

Manufacture of waste containers

Containers are made on an injection molding machine from HDPE primary low-pressure polyethylene by casting. Whole production processtanks is automated. The equipment for the production of plastic waste containers includes a dryer, an injection molding machine, a hopper for melting raw materials, a conveyor and manipulators for releasing finished products.

The production of a unit begins with the drying of granulated polyethylene to a certain level of humidity. Then the dry raw material is fed into a special melting hopper. Further production of plastic waste containers is to supply the melt into the mold of the injection molding machine, where the workpiece is squeezed out by a profiled piston. After cooling, the tank is removed for further assembly - mounting the cover, wheels.

Choosing a polyethylene tank

If you do not need to store heavy garbage, plastic is the best material for a solid waste container. The primary parameter when buying a tank is capacity. Small plastic waste containers of 120, 240 and 360 liters are suitable for installation indoors, in summer cottages, at cottages, in offices and in the territory adjacent to them. 660 and 770 liters of volume are enough to collect and remove garbage from residential complexes, yards, and small businesses. The largest tanks at 1100 liters are suitable for large productions.

In case of constant acts of vandalism on the territory of storage of solid waste, tanks of reinforced design are selected, which are more durable and resistant to damage.

Different models of trash cans
Different models of trash cans

For ease of movement, plastic waste containers on wheels are selected, their number depends on the volume - two or four. If the garbage truck is able to drive up tothere is no place for loading MSW and the need to move the tank, this will affect the price of the purchased container.

If you need to fit a polyethylene tank into the landscape design, it doesn't matter, they are available in a variety of colors, and some manufacturers offer to apply the buyer's logo on the wall of the tank.
