Team development stages: process, composition, team members and leadership style

Team development stages: process, composition, team members and leadership style
Team development stages: process, composition, team members and leadership style

Let's consider the main stages of development of the project team. This issue is important and relevant, because the final result of the work depends on how effectively the group is formed. What are the main principles and stages of development of the project team? Allocate formation, seething, rationing, functioning, change or parting.

project team development stages
project team development stages


At this stage of team development, it is necessary to overcome all internal doubts and contradictions in order to form a cohesive team. This process is devoid of peace, accompanied by serious risks, but without this stage it is impossible to create a group of genuine like-minded people.

If the actions are performed by a cohesive team, you can count on higher productivity than in a simpleworking group.

After completing the task, teams often break up, this phase is characterized by specific processes.

stages of development of the takman team
stages of development of the takman team


At this stage of team development, the actions of the leader are of particular importance. His task is to focus on helping all team members, getting to know each other, creating an atmosphere of ease. Confusion, fears, insecurity of the team - all these qualities must be eliminated at the initial stage of work on the task. The best way to solve problems is to explain the leader of the role of each member of the group, a reasonable distribution of powers.

how to create a team
how to create a team


At this stage of team development, the leader resolves all disputes between team members. He listens to problems, comments, claims, analyzes them, organizes an exchange of opinions, inspires the team to achieve important goals.

Let's analyze the specifics of this stage and the tasks of the leader. If he chooses an authoritarian style, tries to remove the conflict "from above", the result of such actions may be the destruction of the formation of a single mechanism. At this time, the team may not accept the leader, choose an alternative case management option.

The "seething" phase gives a real chance to clear the group of unwanted members, the complete unity of the team.

principles and stages of development of the project team
principles and stages of development of the project team


At this stage of the development of the team of younger students, the leader must give guaranteesthat the general norms it proposes help build an effective and efficient team. The time spent preparing the new consensus-based rules that the team will operate under will pay off with substantial dividends over time.

The skill of building a team at this stage is to deepen the process of creating a unified team and to build each representative in line with common values and purpose.

features of the operator team of the stage of its development
features of the operator team of the stage of its development


The team is uniting, its fruitful activity. The leader must analyze the effectiveness of the team by looking at team and individual efforts, successes and commitments. What are the features of the operating team? The stages of its development depend on the harmony and cohesion of the team. If one representative of the team is chosen for praise, this leads to hostility, rivalry, split. This is why pay systems that are tied to productivity often backfire.

The leader uses the following actions: assessment, approval, reduction in the number of briefings. He listens attentively to the helpful remarks voiced by the representatives of the group.

features of the operator team of the stage of its development
features of the operator team of the stage of its development

Parting (change)

The team leader must be aware of the uncertainties that come with team members as they move from one task to another. They must be aware ofhow well the work was done in order to assess the possibility of performing a new task.

The team leader should, to the extent possible, reduce the tension that is associated with transitions and changes. If necessary, the team leader encourages team members to work in a collaborative manner.

The nature of the team development process requires a manager to exercise a certain amount of judgment and sensitivity. It would be wrong to assume that the leader is always obliged to interfere in ongoing processes.

The development stages of the Takman team are suitable not only for the economy, but also for schoolchildren.

When the leader realizes the dynamics of the team's development, his ability to "read the situation", he can suggest options to the management for ways out of the crisis.

A. Stanton found that teams that focus too much on self-development are mostly unproductive for team members.

Managing intergroup links

The team cannot function effectively in isolation from the people. In order to achieve the goals set for the members of the group, the relationship between different teams is necessary.

In addition to internal relationships, which are closely monitored by the leader, connections with other teams are also important. In external contacts, the leader acts as a diplomat and lawyer.

In order for long-term and mutually beneficial ties to be established between different groups, leaders must master the elements of compromise, deal, and mutual concessions. Controlsuch external relations cannot be separated from participation in shaping the structure of his leader's team.

Then the most efficient teams gradually reduce the effectiveness of their activities, especially if a situation arises within the organization in which the staff is not encouraged, does not develop. It is difficult to ensure that the team does not influence the changes that are associated with social, business, financial conditions.

Useful information

To cope with such problems, each team member must have communication skills, work in the interests of the entire project team.

The success and development of the team directly depends on correctly interpreted trends that can signal upcoming changes in the external sphere.

The main role in this case belongs to a combination of intuition and caution, which is based on awareness. The significance for the leader's team lies not only in his intellectual abilities and practical skills, but also in the ability to "read" the situation, look at routine materials in a new way, and use external and internal opportunities creatively.

how to work in the same team
how to work in the same team


Distinguish between informal and formal organizations and groups. Managed groups are classified as formal organizations, while interest groups are called informal organizations. People in groups unite for self-respect, prestige, security, achievement of goals and satisfaction of needs.

Groups in the process of their development arecertain stages of team development and the leader's tasks - to choose the right tactics, to choose common ground.

The behavior of the formed groups is characterized by two types of factors: the resources of the group and the external environment. Teams consider the organizational strategy, power structure, company resources, selection of human resources, reward system, performance evaluation, organization of a high-quality and efficient workplace to be the main factors of the external environment.

Workgroups have a permanent structure determined by the behavior of the people in it. The main elements of such a structure are formal leadership, group standards, roles, member status.

The main activities of this group require certain knowledge and skills.

Groups are divided according to the level of cohesion. To increase this factor, the leader coordinates the analyzed task with the team, promotes collective time after work, which positively affects the performance of the entire group. With similar goals, competitions are organized between different teams, work for the result is put forward as a priority.

If the group has one goal, then the members have common interests, ideas, which positively affects the final result.

When creating it, it is necessary to take into account the four stages of the process: preparation, development of working conditions, construction, assistance in activities.

Recently, many leaders of large and small companies have prioritized the strengthening and formation of a favorablepsychological climate. They are aware of the importance of the well-formedness and cohesion of the team, its significant impact on the effectiveness of profitable contracts. A close-knit team is an indicator of a stable company.