Team-building activities for the team

Team-building activities for the team
Team-building activities for the team

A friendly, close-knit team, ready to do everything possible to achieve their goals, is the dream of any leader. At the same time, every top manager wants to see a real team at his enterprise. In a broad sense, this concept means a work team with a high level of cohesion, each member of which has a commitment to common goals, as well as the values of the organization. A team is nothing more than a group of like-minded people moving towards their goal under the guidance of a leader. He is the highest official of this organization.

But how to create such a team?

people help each other to climb the mountain
people help each other to climb the mountain

Team building helps to form such a team. From English, this term is translated as "creation, building a team." In other words, team building. So what is team building and what techniques does it use?

At the dawn of history

Back inat the very beginning of the development of human society, people, losing their aggressiveness and socializing, began to acquire the possibility of cooperation and mutual assistance. The emerging group territoriality contributed to the consolidation of all members of the tribe. This made it possible to conduct collective labor activities on the hunt and at home. If we consider the modern concept, we can say the following: what we call team building today arose in ancient times. This phenomenon became a forced measure designed to increase the effectiveness of the collective actions of a certain group of people, at the head of which was always a leader (leader, leader) or a group of leaders.

In ancient times, the importance of maintaining the team spirit at the proper level became one of the main goals of the commanders. In order to achieve the cohesion of the army, competitions were held among its soldiers for ingenuity, endurance and strength.

Centuries passed, one generation succeeded another. But this idea was not abandoned. It began to be implemented by the leaders of large companies. It was they who first thought about using a methodology that was designed to increase the efficiency of group work. This problem was especially urgent during the years of the industrial revolution. Nevertheless, scientific developments in this area were not created at that time.

Introduction of gaming techniques

Active team-building events began in the 40s of the last century in the USA, France and Great Britain. For this, group and sports games were used. The purpose of suchevents was the rallying of people who did not know each other well enough, who subsequently had to fulfill a common task. As a result of the use of such games, their effectiveness became obvious. In those years, team-building activities were actively used during military training.

Development of the concept

In business literature, it is simply impossible to find the exact date when the term "team building" was first mentioned. But the ancestor of this concept is considered to be an American sociologist and psychologist, Professor Upton Mayo. This scientist at one time was engaged in the study of the influence of various factors on the growth of labor productivity. His research was carried out at one of the Chicago industrial enterprises. Mayo was able to prove the special role of the group and human factor. According to the scientist:

  • Productivity is directly affected by the relationship between subordinates and supervisor;
  • Increase in output depends on work norms;
  • support and care are very important to people, they stimulate more than improvement of working conditions;
  • the workplace has its own culture.

All these conclusions made during the experiment were the first impulse that allowed the concept of team building to emerge.

Modern management theory

Team-building event - what is it? Management theory considers team building from different points of view. On the one hand, it is believed that a team-building event isprocess that brings the team together. At the same time, it is based on such scientific areas as organizational development and dynamics, group psychology and group dynamics. Many prominent figures in psychology and management are developing this concept.

hands laid one on the other
hands laid one on the other

On the other hand, team building activities are seen as an alternative direction in development and learning. This is confirmed by the fundamental difference between this process and the classical forms of obtaining skills and knowledge. After all, team-building events are often held in nature. At the same time, their participants learn through their experience and active interaction.

The need for team building

Do the staff of your organization need team building activities? Without any doubts. The fact is that today there is a constant increase in competition in the economic markets. That is why companies operating in today's environment have to make great efforts in search of non-standard solutions that would allow it to become a leader in its field, and after that to hold on to the highest positions.

people by the sea hold hands
people by the sea hold hands

No less intense competition is observed among specialists. To climb the corporate ladder and receive a decent salary, an employee has to constantly prove to his manager that he is the best in his business. This trend often affects the relationship between members of the team. But the leader needscoordinated team work. Only in this case it will be possible to increase the company's rating in the market. That is why it is necessary to establish productive communication between employees. Team-building activities for the team will help the leader in this. They represent the most shared evenings, field trips and competitions that contribute to the formation of a common corporate philosophy and unity of employees.

Professional help

How can team building activities be organized? Professionals can help the head of the company in this. For example, it is not at all difficult to order a team-building event in Moscow for 250 people or more. For this, specialized organizations offer their sites for outdoor activities, as well as for banquets and receptions.

Team-building events are held every day. The head of the enterprise only needs to choose any of them. It will also be necessary to agree on a scenario for a team-building event. It can be of very different directions.

For example, some companies choose hiking trips, during which specialists use elements of team building. In the most interesting and original form, such an active holiday will contribute to:

  • formation of motivation aimed at joint achievement of results;
  • creating a high emotional background and favorable conditions for the physical relaxation of employees;
  • providing the opportunity to realize the potential of specialists in a non-standardsetting;
  • creating conditions for rallying people and making a collective decision when setting goals.

Very popular today is a scenario called "Chain Reaction". This is a unique newly developed team building program. Its implementation involves the emancipation of employees, the development of their creative potential and informal relationships, as well as increasing the efficiency of group work and the ability to achieve a common result.

Holding such team-building events allows people to get positive emotions, distracts them from their daily routine. But in addition to building relationships in the team, such a vacation is a vivid demonstration of the care and attention the authorities show to their employees. A very useful team-building event for company executives. The director and heads of departments are given the opportunity to get to know their employees better, discovering their capabilities to make decisions in the most difficult situations.

How much does it cost to organize team building events? The specific amount will depend on the size of the team, the venue, as well as the need to use special equipment, etc. Based on existing practice, this cost, as a rule, turns out to be less than that which is poured into the organization of ordinary parties. However, the effect of team building activities is much stronger.

Positive results for the company

Quality organization of team buildingallows you to develop a corporate culture among employees, form a single spirit in the team and focus on joint activities. In addition, the purpose of team building activities is:

  • employee stress relief;
  • increasing the level of trust in the team;
  • psychological relaxation of people;
  • soft adaptation in the team of new specialists;
  • quick suppression of unfavorable moments that take place in communication between people.

What is the benefit of corporate team building? Today, such joint spending of time is becoming an excellent option aimed at stimulating employees. With a regular schedule of team-building activities, they have a greater effect than bonuses and bonuses for employees. In addition, a high-quality organization of team building allows you to strengthen the company's image in the market and attract specialists with the highest qualifications to its ranks.

Positive results for workers

Organization of team building helps each of the employees to get to know their colleagues better and get closer to them, while revealing their best qualities. During such events, each person receives confidence that he is significant for the company.

When organizing team building, various options can be used. Let's take a closer look at them.

One day programs

Let's get acquainted with examples of team building activities. As one of the options for organizing team building - a game that is held onthemed playground and is associated with exciting adventures. Sports activities may also be included. This is, for example, the team-building event "Rope Course", as well as "Laser Tag", etc., held in nature. Employees of the company go to a picturesque place and are in the fresh air. This contributes to their psychological and physical recovery.

competitions in nature between employees
competitions in nature between employees

In addition, all members of the team receive the skills of joint decision-making, the ability to work in a team and take responsibility for all the actions of partners.

Departure for the weekend

Such activities are interesting and fun pastime. They bring together even those people who are little known to each other. Departure with the team for the weekend allows you to wonderfully rally the team. In this case, exceptional conditions are created for overcoming the difficulties that stand in the way.

The holding of such team-building events, as a rule, is organized on forest glades, picturesque shores, in sanatoriums, etc. If the necessary funds are available, the management can organize team building abroad, including educational and educational activities in the form of trainings, master classes, visits to exhibitions, etc.

A team building weekend is remembered as dynamic and exciting.

Office team building

Team-building events in this case are organized directly at the workplace. This type of team building for management is the most economical. Howeverless at low cost possible to obtain the highest result.

In addition to saving money, the office option is beneficial because of the speed of preparation. This makes it possible to tighten the schedule of team-building activities. It will be possible to conduct them even on weekdays. Such a move will ensure the presence of 100% of employees. There are quite a few examples of team-building events for the team held in the office. These can be various scenarios, including entertainment and business, intellectual, etc.

The games and tasks used to organize such an event in the office are selected depending on the size of the premises, the number of employees, as well as the goals that the manager sets for himself.

Team building ideas

How to hold a team-building event at the highest level? To do this, you will need to approach its preparation with all responsibility. For example, to improve relations between employees, it is best if the Rope Course is used.

people pull the rope
people pull the rope

Even before the event, you will need to form a team, without taking into account the personal sympathies of the workers. At the same time, the captain of the team is selected, its motto and name are thought up. Sometimes participants are introduced to the rules of the game in advance. All tasks must be selected in such a way that they correspond to the characteristics of the team as much as possible.

Active team building

Such programs will increase trust between employees. Examples of team building activities forthere are quite a lot of collectives held in an active form. So, a game of builders can be played. It helps to increase concentration and teach composure.

people raise their hands
people raise their hands

According to the scenario of the game, the participants are invited to complete the task, for which they must receive virtual money. Further, for the points received, team members have the right to "buy" all the necessary materials. At the same time, the better the players will cope with their tasks, the greater will be the list of acquired by them. During the event, the leader's task is to correctly redistribute roles in the team. This will orient people towards achieving common goals.

Photo hunting

This is one of the most wonderful team building ideas. During such an event, its participants develop their imagination, reveal hidden talents. At the same time, all the necessary conditions are created to rally the team.

Organizing a photo hunt is quite simple. The facilitator will simply need to set the topic that the photographs should be devoted to, as well as the time for their implementation. For the brightest works, participants are given valuable prizes. The assignment must be specific. It can be, for example, a selection of pictures of random passers-by for social advertising, collage, etc. In the performance of photo hunting tasks, not professionalism should be taken into account, but the creative abilities and creativity of the participants.

Holding such an event will not require large financial costs. However, it will give excellent results inachieving the goal of teambuilding.

Quests and adventures

This is one of the most interesting options for team building events. The scenario in this case can be very different. Often, the principle of the well-known game "Fort Boyard" is used as the basis. Participants in such a quest must cope with various tasks, the successful completion of which is possible only with the effective actions of each of the team members.

The best time for such an event is the warm season. This will allow employees to escape from the hustle and bustle of the office, to visit nature. An outdoor quest will certainly bring people together.

Creative workshops

Such events are recommended to unleash the creative potential of employees. In this case, a variety of directions can be involved. Among them are cooking and painting, pottery and so on. When choosing one or another option, you should take into account the characteristics of the team.

For such events, you will need to attract a specialist. With its help, it will be possible to learn the basics of mastery in the chosen field of creativity.

The team in this case should be set up in a friendly way. It is very important that the moments of rivalry between the participants are completely excluded.

Rope Course

Such training is an effective technology to build a team and develop leadership. The tasks of the Rope Course involve overcoming physical, emotional and intellectual obstacles, which allowsimprove teamwork skills and relationships within it. The program provides for the passage of team diagnostic exercises, as well as the performance of tasks that require a personal impulse.

The strength of the Rope Course is the involvement of all group members in the work without any prior training. In this case, the company's employees are brought to the training site, which, as a rule, is a forest. Throughout the day, they are waiting for a variety of adventures, which are training.

The nature of the tasks set is unusual for the participants. This is what deprives them of the opportunity to hear a hint from their more experienced colleagues. Most tests do not have one correct way to perform. Sometimes the number of correct options reaches a dozen or more. That is why the way to solve the problem must be chosen by the whole group.

Before each exercise, the participants develop a strategy and tactics for completing the task, and all roles are distributed among team members with the appointment of responsible persons. If necessary, the group makes trial attempts, honing or supplementing a previously drawn up plan. Only after that the team gets the opportunity to complete the task before it without errors. In connection with the existing clear criteria for doing or not doing the exercises, the group is given the opportunity to see the degree of their effectiveness. This allows you to create responsibility - personal and collective.

board competition
board competition

A mandatory condition forthe passage of the "Rope course" is the participation in it of all members of the team. It can be any available method, namely emotional support, advice, or a knee-high. In this case, the participant who, due to his objective limitations, is physically unable to perform the exercises, sometimes becomes the main strategist.
