2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
As the saying goes, "cadres decide everything." The quality of the work of any organization depends on the competent use of labor resources, their qualifications, the correct placement of people in positions and their management. These factors directly affect performance. For example, a qualified and properly motivated sales manager will be able to bring up to three times more customers to the company than four poorly qualified managers.
Psychology of personality motivation
From the beginning of time, man strives for the best for himself. Previously, people did not need such motivation as they do today. The motives for the actions of primitive people were justified by the instincts of self-preservation and survival. However, in the modern world, where most of the necessary things are available in abundance and there is no need to make efforts to achieve certain values, the coefficient of individual activity decreases.

According to the theory of A. Maslow, reflected in the pyramid of needs, created in 1943, human behavior is based onvital needs of the individual, which can be divided into five types: physiological needs, security needs, social needs, needs for respect and recognition, and needs for self-actualization, or creative self-expression.
Based on this, we can conclude that the motivation of the modern average person requires the definition of a goal, as a result of which his need is realized.
Motivation of company employees
There is a theory by Frederick Herzberg, according to which there are a number of factors that affect the desire and ability of an employee to carry out his activities. In the event that the employee does not receive the expression of these factors, the work ceases to suit him. To maintain interest, you can use various types of staff motivation.

The factors identified by Herzberg have an indirect identity with some of the needs identified by A. Maslow. For example, for a person who is an employee, important indicators are such aspects as: a favorable climate in the team, comfort and equipment of the workplace, self-satisfaction due to the recognition of his work by others, awareness of the usefulness of the activities carried out. This theory, along with Maslow's theory of human needs, forms the basis of staff motivation, which will be discussed later.
Goals of employee motivation
With the onset of globalization, the development of the economy and the emergence of entrepreneurial literacy among people in recent years in the worldIt has become popular and in demand to open and run your own business. Increasingly, people are neglecting working for anyone and are looking for financial freedom through entrepreneurship. According to statistics, over the past ten years, more than three thousand enterprises have been registered in the Russian Federation alone, and over 60,000 more people have become individual entrepreneurs.
However, there are hundreds and thousands of businesses coexisting in the market all the time selling the same products or services. To survive in such a difficult environment, a company needs to be highly competitive, which consists of several aspects, the most important of which is the personnel component of the company.
For the prosperity of an enterprise, it is necessary not only to use its personnel correctly, but also to improve their literacy in work, to motivate, support and guide. There are different types of staff motivation, but much depends on their competent application. The employer must make efforts to interest the employee in his position. In the event that an employee has no complaints about the activities carried out, the atmosphere within the company and feels his importance for production, he will stay for a long time and will benefit the entire organization.

Types of personnel motivation systems are diverse, but each of them will benefit businesses and employees. Firstly, it will lead to labor productivity, which will positively affect the company's income. Secondly, a motivated employee, a satisfied workerplace and enjoying their actions, will last longer in the team, which will affect the situation with the so-called "staff turnover". Thirdly, staff motivation causes employees to strive to perform their duties efficiently, quickly, strive to improve their knowledge and improve their skills.
The main types of motivation of the organization's personnel are classified into material (monetary) and non-material (psychological) motivation. Consider the main subtypes of incentives.
Material motivation
The concept and types of staff motivation through material incentives do not require special explanation. Such motivation consists in providing the employee with cash payments for the good performance of their labor duties. Types of material motivation of personnel are one-time bonuses, bonus incentive system, additional salary increase, percentage bonuses, etc.
It's no secret that money is the most important resource in everyday life. They can be used to purchase many valuables, invest in large purchases, and direct them into investments. Therefore, material motivation is the most positive solution for rewarding an employee and stimulating his performance.
Intangible motivation
Non-material motivation includes methods of psychological influence on employees. It is this type of encouragement that most corresponds to the realization of the needs of the individual according to the theories of Maslow and Herzberg. This type of incentive includes praise, demonstrating the value of an employee,allows you to be proud of yourself and your actions, as well as feel a favorable atmosphere in the team. Each of the ways of non-material influence on the activities of personnel will be discussed below.
Information as a form of motivation
People are by nature very curious and inquisitive. In the enterprise team, this is manifested by the desire to receive information about the plans and the actual state of affairs of the organization.

These types of staff motivation can include all kinds of planning meetings, meetings and meetings. Moreover, this way of influencing the staff will not only allow employees to obtain the necessary information, but will also demonstrate the openness of administrative issues at the enterprise, which will make the management of such an enterprise open, honest and close to ordinary workers in their vision of the environment.
Pressing attention
Every person is pleased when they pay attention to him, when they remember him and are interested in his state of affairs. Therefore, it is advisable to regularly apply this method of motivation to employees. Whether it's congratulations on the end of a probationary period, an anniversary of employment, a happy birthday, a completed project - the employee will be flattered. The main thing is that such incentives are made publicly, and a person can feel a surge of pride and joy, feel his value for management and colleagues.
One of the needs of Maslow's pyramid is the desire for self-development. The higher the qualification of an employee, the morein demand and useful to the organization. Thus, using this method, the employer not only provides the employee with the opportunity for self-education, but also provides himself with qualified personnel who can apply the acquired knowledge for the benefit of the enterprise, which will contribute to the profitability and competitiveness of the business.
Praise, feedback and choice
Other components of the pyramid of needs are the need for self-fulfillment and respect from others. The embodiment of these desires allows a person to feel irreplaceable and start working for the benefit of the enterprise, without worrying about his possible incompetence, fear of dismissal or thoughts about dissatisfaction with his activities. The praise of the employee (as well as the emphasis) should be public.

Motivation through the provision of the right to choose can be done in different ways. You can ask for advice from a specific employee in a certain area, or you can use voting among employees when deciding a particular issue related to the company's activities. Thus, the employee will feel part of a single system, feel the opportunity to contribute to the development of the organization. Such methods of motivation also have a positive effect on the internal climate of the team.
Workspace comfort
The writings of Herzberg say that a comfortable and convenient workplace is an important factor that attracts an employee. This is not surprising since most of the timea person spends at work. Therefore, it is important that each employee feel comfortable and pleasant to be at his workplace and in the premises of the company as a whole.

Comfort in the workplace is determined by individual and collective needs. For example, individual methods of motivation include a personal account, a plate with a name and position, an equipped workplace, modern technology, the possibility of independent organization of the surrounding space. Collective requests include a single uniform, a lounge, a shared kitchen, a cozy and spacious office, etc.
Customer loy alty system
Motivate employees, while creating an additional channel for selling the company's products or services, by providing the results of the company's work for free or with a significant discount for employees. Especially this method will be useful and used in enterprises engaged in the supply and manufacture of consumer products.
Group activities
Nothing affects a person's desire to work at an enterprise more than the atmosphere in a team. In order to strengthen friendly relations among employees, create a favorable internal climate, it is necessary to hold various team building and corporate events. This method of motivation will be especially important for companies where teamwork is a regular occurrence. Such events allow staff to get to know each other better, share additional information,rally and provide a friendly environment.
Emotional uplift of subordinates is the best staff motivation for quality results. In modern conditions, when it is often necessary to save and reduce costs, it is possible and necessary to motivate non-materially. This increases loy alty, strengthens the team spirit, it is inexpensive and quickly bears fruit - employees enjoy their work. And this means that they will strive again and again to the company and perform their activities even better.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is not necessary to apply all methods of motivation at the same time. After all, the methods, forms and types of personnel motivation in the organization and their application are different. For proper application, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the enterprise, type of activity, areas of expertise of employees, their interests and goals.
The HR manager or HR specialist will be able to correctly determine the types of staff motivation and the effectiveness of their application. Currently, there are enough experts in the field of human resource use who can correctly select the best option for a particular company in the service market.
Thus, having studied and correctly applied the types of motivation and incentives for staff, as well as taking into account their internal beliefs, any manager can get a strong team of employees that can improve profitability, competitiveness and business performance.
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