White broad-breasted turkey: breed description, characteristics, breeding, maintenance, care

White broad-breasted turkey: breed description, characteristics, breeding, maintenance, care
White broad-breasted turkey: breed description, characteristics, breeding, maintenance, care

Cultivation of turkeys is considered a very profitable business today. Broiler bird breeds can grow to truly impressive sizes. There are four main lines of business associated with turkeys: the sale of eggs, feathers, down and tender meat. Many entrepreneurs prefer to deal with the breeding of white broad-breasted turkeys. This is due to a certain combination of positive factors and characteristics of such a breed.

General Description

The breeding of broad-chested turkeys is considered a merit of American breeders. At the same time, the breed is divided into three types or crosses, depending on the weight of an adult bird. The lightest representatives have a mass of no more than 9 kg for a male and 7 kg for a female. The average cross is different in that turkeys weigh from 9 to 17 kg. However, the weight of females in this category does not change. Heavy cross means that males weigh from 17 to 26 kg. This time, the maximum weight of females also increases and is no more than 10kg. Depending on the sex, the birds have a completely different purpose. Males are considered a dietary delicacy, while females are kept exclusively for laying eggs.

The maximum weight of a white broad-breasted turkey can reach 30 kg in some cases. Chicks belonging to the middle cross already at the age of three months have a mass of 4 kg, and birds of the same age from a heavy cross - from 5 kg. It is worth noting that only light representatives of the breed are sufficiently adapted for keeping in cages. For this reason, it is the light cross that is preferred to be bred on industrial poultry farms.

Reviews of the white broad-breasted turkey
Reviews of the white broad-breasted turkey


The plumage of this breed is white and has a special splendor. Of course, the name of individuals already clearly hints at this characteristic. However, in the description of the white broad-breasted turkey breed, there is a mention of one element that is considered a special distinguishing feature. A black mark must be located in the chest area. Breeders call this element a medallion because of its symbolic location.

The bird has a somewhat elongated oval body. The whitish chest protrudes slightly forward, and the very shape of this part of the body is slightly sloping. The paws of this breed are medium in size and have dark pink skin. The body of most representatives looks rather massive against the background of the lower extremities. Like all other breeds of this species, white broad-chested turkeys have characteristic skin folds on the neck. Separately, it is worth mentioning the beak. It has skin growthred.

Productivity and other features

High egg production and meat yield are the main reasons why these birds are so popular in the household industry. A white broad-breasted turkey from a heavy cross reaches an average weight of about 25 kilograms. With a meat productivity of at least 70 percent, the output is quite a lot of product ready for sale. To ensure such productivity indicators, the correct diet, as well as proper care during the growth of birds, helps. One turkey can lay about 90 eggs a year, each weighing between 80 and 87 grams.

When keeping, it is worth giving preference to grazing on a green pasture. Turkeys of this breed are very fond of open free spaces. This is especially true for representatives of medium and heavy crosses, which are usually not kept in separate cages. Active feeding twice a day will allow you to achieve maximum growth rates, which is especially important for males going for meat. The description of the breed of white broad-breasted turkeys also states that they are often used to breed new subspecies of broiler turkeys. Females can start laying as early as 9-10 months of age, and this period lasts from 6 to 8 months.

White broad-breasted turkey eggs
White broad-breasted turkey eggs

Conditions and care

Specialists note that these birds clearly do not belong to the category of capricious. The recommended place of keeping are ordinary poultry houses. If turkeys are kept in cages, then they are more likely to developleg diseases. At the same time, birds must have free space for walking. If we talk about the general rules for breeding, keeping and caring for at home, turkeys require the owner of the site to have a certain area of \u200b\u200benclosures. The existing norms stipulate that the size of the area for walking should not be less than 20 square meters. m. In any case, when arranging enclosures, one should at least strive for such an indicator.

The dimensions of the house are calculated depending on the number of individuals. Every three adult turkeys are located on at least one square meter of free space. Only two turkeys can fit on an 80 cm perch. Juveniles should be kept separate from adult birds. It is recommended in advance to attend to the installation of artificial lighting in the premises for keeping turkeys. The longer the daylight hours of adults last, the better they are able to rush. Good organization of lighting allows you to increase egg production several times.

Keeping a white broad-breasted turkey
Keeping a white broad-breasted turkey

Prevention and sanitation

Without taking preventive measures and taking timely measures to prevent the development of diseases in birds, it is impossible to breed any number of birds normally. Experienced farmers advise treating all premises with antiseptics at least once every few years. Disinsection in the poultry house is a prerequisite, subject to the basic rules for the care, breeding and maintenance of turkeys. At home, the owner needs to pay special attentionindoor humidity levels, as high levels can seriously harm the he alth of birds.

In order to prevent germs and infections in turkeys, you need to regularly ventilate the room even in winter. The materials that make up poultry houses must be safe. For example, poorly sanded boards can damage the legs of turkeys, which will ultimately affect the rate of weight gain. Among other conditions for maintaining sanitation, the need for a weekly change of bedding should be noted, but this procedure can be done more often. Feeders and drinkers should always be clean, and containers for wet mash should be washed after each feeding.

Sanitation for white broad-breasted turkeys
Sanitation for white broad-breasted turkeys

Features and composition of the feed

Proper nutrition is considered the key to early weight gain and good he alth in birds. For breeding turkeys, you should study the composition of the feed that will need to be used. The diet is based on the following components:

  • barley;
  • sunflower meal;
  • corn;
  • wheat.

However, the above composition is only basic for feeding turkeys. Qualitative growth and a high level of he alth of individuals can be ensured by the addition of meat and bone and fish meal, chalk and crushed shell rock. For fattening, it is also recommended to add peas, hydrolytic yeast, alfalfa meal and dry reverse.

Purchasing or making animal feed

There is an opinion that there is no need to make components forbird nutrition. Ready-made compositions, manufactured in a factory way, are not inferior in quality to homemade ones. In addition, the cost of compound feed in the store does not actually differ from the necessary costs for self-production. In specialized departments, you can buy the so-called starter feed for young animals.

When white broad-breasted turkeys grow up, they can be switched to some homemade mixes. Of course, you should not trust the cheapest compound feeds in stores. You should pay attention to products in the middle and highest price category. All individuals, among other things, can be added to the diet of dry and sprouted grains.

White broad-breasted turkey in a poultry house
White broad-breasted turkey in a poultry house

Eating mode

The main rule is that birds should be taught to a certain routine, that is, feed them at the same time. In winter, it is enough to carry out this procedure three times a day, and in summer - already four times. It is allowed to increase the diet of white broad-breasted turkeys during breeding. At this time, it is best to feed them five times daily.

The following are some general guidelines for bird diets:

  • in the first half of the day, turkeys are given wet mash, and in the second - dry food;
  • there should be enough food for all birds, and enough feeders should be placed in the house;
  • drinkers should always be kept clean and filled with water;
  • should additionally place feeders with mineral additives like chalk and shell rock.


There are two ways to start such an activity. The first of them involves the purchase of small chicks, and the second will need a turkey planted on eggs. Not always the bird agrees to such a procedure, so often the farmer has to buy an incubator. It is best to purchase an automatic device with the function of turning eggs without human intervention.

The characteristics of white broad-breasted turkeys make it possible to say that breeding turkeys is not much different from breeding any other similar birds. However, only good quality eggs should be placed in the incubator. All specimens with visible defects and irregular shapes are rejected. Next, follow the instructions that came with the device.

White broad-breasted turkey chick
White broad-breasted turkey chick

Common diseases

Caring for young and adults is sometimes complicated by the appearance of signs of a disease that can spread to the entire livestock. More than others, turkey poults aged from one to three months are susceptible to various ailments. For this reason, young animals are vaccinated during rearing and receive broad-spectrum antibiotics. Feedback on white broad-breasted turkeys among farmers shows that the most common diseases of these birds are as follows:

  • histomoniasis;
  • pulloroz;
  • mug;
  • brucellosis;
  • sinusitis;
  • typhus (paratyphoid);
  • tuberculosis;
  • Newcastle disease;
  • ornithosis.
Description of the breedwhite broad-breasted turkey
Description of the breedwhite broad-breasted turkey

Tips & Conclusions

First of all, you need to carefully consider the choice of chicks or hatching eggs, as well as take care of the issues of housing and feed for food. After that, you can already go for the purchase of turkey poults. At this point, the farmer is faced with the question of choosing a place to purchase. For example, the Stavropol white broad-breasted turkey, bred in a breeding genetic center that has been operating in the city of Stavropol for more than a year, has proven itself well.