2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
The large white pig is currently the most common variety in Russia. This wonderful highly productive breed in our country is kept by the majority of farmers. Among other things, large white piglets are also considered the best breeding base in Russia. Based on this breed, new varieties of pigs have been created in the Russian Federation for several decades.
The advantages of such piglets include unpretentiousness, precocity and fertility. These pigs attract, of course, not only experienced farmers, but also beginners. The characteristics of the breed of a large white pig will be discussed in detail below in the article.
A bit of history
The Large White and the breeds bred with its participation account for 80% of all pigs bred at the moment in our country. The popularity of such piglets among Russian farmers is primarily due to their precocity, unpretentiousness in feed and the ability to gain a lot of weight. Since this breed is really widespread in the Russian Federation,sometimes it is even called the Russian Large White.
However, these piglets were bred not at all in our country, but in England, back in the 19th century. In those days, the Yorkshire breed of pigs was very popular in this state. After it began to gradually degenerate, British farmers agreed not to cross such animals with any other. As a result, the breed not only survived, but acquired even more outstanding qualities.
These piglets were first brought to Russia in the 19th century. However, in those days, the characteristics of the large white breed of pigs were not so attractive. Therefore, then in our country it did not take root. Later, all the pigs of this breed available at that time in the farms of the landlords were also almost completely destroyed during the First World War and the Civil War.
For the second time, English white pigs were brought to Russia in the 20s. last century. The main purpose of the purchase then was the need to solve the food problem in a starving country and the rapid replenishment of herds on collective farms and state farms. About 600 sows and wild boars were brought to Russia in those years. Later, representatives of this breed began to be grown in almost all regions of the country.
Gradually, the English breed adapted to Russian conditions and acquired even more attractive qualities for farmers. Modern white large pigs are quite calm about the traditional feed in Russia and endure the harsh climate of our country somewhat better than their ancestors.
The breed of pigs is largewhite: description
The main distinguishing feature of these piglets, of course, is their large size. At the age of one year, the young of this breed weighs about 200 kg. The skin of large white pigs is pink and smooth. The features of the breed also include:
- no wrinkles on the legs and body;
- wide forehead;
- slightly longer legs than many other breeds;
- not too long, slightly concave snout.
The photo of the Large White pigs presented in the article shows how large and strong individuals can grow. The back and chest of such piglets are very wide, and the hams are pronounced.
Economic value
Of course, farmers are attracted primarily by the excellent characteristics of the breed of large white pigs in terms of productivity. These animals grow really fast. In addition to precocity and the ability to gain a lot of weight, the advantages of these animals include:
- high fertility;
- calm disposition.
For one farrowing, sows of this breed are able to bring up to 14, and sometimes up to 18 cubs. At the same time, piglets are born almost always strong and he althy. At the age of 2 months, such young animals can already weigh 20-25 kg.
Breed as a breeding base
The economic value of such pigs, as already mentioned, lies in the fact that it can be used to breed new varieties. Even mestizos from large whites usually differ in the ability to grow quickly and in good he alth. Based on thesepiglets in the USSR, for example, the now very popular Ukrainian and Belarusian breeds of large white pigs were bred.
Both of these breeds, like the parent breed, are very popular with farmers. Their representatives also quickly gain weight and are almost no different from their English ancestors. The economic characteristics of the Belarusian Large White breed of pigs, like the Ukrainian one, are simply outstanding. You can feed such animals both for meat and lard.
In what direction the breed is developing
In terms of performance, the characteristics of Large White pigs are significantly superior to other popular varieties. It belongs to the group of meat and greasy direction. Sometimes these piglets are raised even as bacon.
In Soviet times, breeders focused mainly on the greasy qualities of this breed. But in recent years, consumer preferences have changed a bit. At the moment, people are buying mostly less fatty and he althier meat. Therefore, today the selection of a white large pig is aimed at increasing the percentage of not fat in the body, but muscle mass. To do this, large white pigs can interbreed, for example, with landraces.
Meat quality
Large white pigs can be fattened, as already mentioned, using different technologies. When growing such piglets, you can get the so-called marbled bacon meat with a large amount of not too thick fatty inclusions. This product has excellent taste.characteristics, delicate structure and juiciness, and therefore enjoys great popularity among consumers.
Farmers can also get a good income when fattening large white pigs using tallow technology. This technique involves the use of fairly cheap feed. The thickness of the fat in Large White pigs using this technology reaches about 37 mm. This indicator can be considered very good.
Disadvantages of the breed
In terms of productivity, Large White pigs are superior to most other modern ones. There are actually many advantages to such piglets. But still, this breed, of course, has some disadvantages. The diet for such pigs, for example, is quite difficult to develop. The fact is that large white piglets show a strong tendency to obesity. When overfeeding, they become less active and, as a result, begin to get sick more often.
Also, English large pigs do not tolerate the harsh continental climate too well. With intense heat in summer and frost in winter, they can feel depressed and significantly reduce productivity.
What should be the barn
Some susceptibility to difficult weather conditions is a minor disadvantage of Large White pigs. In Russia, the climate is known to be quite severe. And in order to get a good profit when breeding large white pigs in our country, it is necessary to build insulated sheds for such animals. It is allowed to build structures from any materials. Walls, floors andpartitions of such buildings should be strong enough. The fact is that large white pigs are very fond of chewing and breaking surrounding objects. These animals are likely to destroy flimsy building envelopes very quickly.
Most often, pigsties are built from bricks or foam blocks. But you can use a log or timber to build a barn for these animals. Warm pigsties for large whites are usually just inexpensive mineral wool.
How to furnish rooms
In a pigsty for large white piglets, it should be not only warm, but also dry, spacious and clean. The floors in such buildings are usually made slightly inclined. At the same time, a chute for draining sewage is additionally equipped in the pigsty. Sometimes pigs can be kept in a common pen, and in some cases - in individual ones. But under any circumstances, when equipping a barn for these animals, the following standards should be taken into account:
- At least 3 m2 for one young Large White piglet raised for meat in a pigsty2 of area;
- per pregnant sow - minimum 4 m2;
- for a pig with cubs - at least 6 m2.
Because large white pigs are afraid of the cold, the straw bedding in their pens should be thick enough. Also in the building for such piglets it is supposed to mount ventilation. Of course, heating will not be out of place in the pigsty for representatives of this breed. Also, it is necessary to conduct plumbing in such a building.
Fromwhat a diet of pigs can consist of
In feeding, piglets, as already mentioned, are absolutely unpretentious. They can eat any grain grown in Russia. Also, such pigs do not refuse fruits and vegetables, root crops and, of course, food waste. It is believed that in the summer of large white piglets it is very useful to drive out to pastures. Here they find pasture fairly easily.
On large pig farms, such animals are usually kept on specially formulated compound feed. Purpose of pigs of large white breed can be different. Such animals are grown both for lard and for meat. Depending on what product they want to receive in the end, the compound feed formula is selected.
At home, the menu for fattening Large White pigs, for example, might be:
- corn grain - 45%;
- beets - 25%;
- pumpkins - 20%;
- herbal bean flour - 10%.
A day, one adult piglet should receive about 3 kg of food rich in proteins, vitamins, trace elements and amino acids. These pigs are usually fed three times a day.
Of course, piglets should always have fresh, clean water in their drinkers. It is believed that its temperature in any case should not exceed 20 ° C. Otherwise, pathogenic bacteria can begin to develop in it. And this, in turn, can cause an outbreak of an epidemic of some dangerous disease, the loss of part of the livestock and a sharp decrease in animal productivity.
Large White pigs perform well not only in terms of weight gain, but also in terms of the rate of increase in livestock. Such animals usually reach sexual maturity at the age of 5-6 months. Pregnancy in the uterus of this breed lasts about 115 days. Before giving birth, the belly of the manufacturer drops, and the nipples swell. The pig becomes restless, rakes up the bedding and drags it around the corners.
Birth itself in large white queens is usually easy. But during the birth of piglets, a farm worker must be next to the pig. In newborn babies, you need to remove mucus from the nose and mouth and wipe their body with a dry, clean rag. It is also necessary to ensure that the sow does not suffocate some of the babies in the first hours.
Piglets of large white breed are applied to the mother's nipples no later than 45 minutes. after childbirth. In the future, the cubs are kept separately from the pig, letting them near it only for the time of feeding.
Weaning piglets from the uterus, most farmers produce at the age of 45-60 days. Before this, animals are gradually accustomed to root crops, concentrates and roughage.
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