Sales Director: job description, skills, requirements

Sales Director: job description, skills, requirements
Sales Director: job description, skills, requirements

The head of the sales department is one of the key figures in a company whose activities involve the distribution of manufactured products. A well-written job description for a sales director allows you to maximize all the features of working in this position, as well as indicate all the required skills, knowledge and abilities.

General provisions

This section of the document provides general guidance on what kind of person is suitable for the position. This section also outlines how the hiring and dismissal process works.

The sales director is the leading person. The candidate is hired and removed from the position by the CEO of the company in which the candidate is employed. They hire individuals who have completed higher education and have at least five years of experience in senior positions in sales.

sales development director job description
sales development director job description

The person holding the position of Director of Sales reports to the CEO of the organization. During the absence of the director, the performance of duties and responsibility for actions are assigned to a person who is determined by the appropriate procedure. The job description of the Deputy Director of Sales will help to establish a more complete picture of the distribution of responsibilities and responsibilities.

What guides the director?

For the quality performance of their work, any employee, including the management of the organization, must adhere to certain documents and regulations. The job description of the director of sales clearly indicates what the person working in this position should be guided by.

The list includes:

  1. Regulatory legal and legislative acts on trade in the industry related to production.
  2. Charter of the organization.
  3. Local institution regulations.
  4. Administrative and regulatory documents issued by the head of the company.
job description of the deputy general director for sales
job description of the deputy general director for sales

Another document that guides a person in this position is the job description of the sales director.

What should a candidate know?

A candidate for any position must have a certain set of knowledge. This allows him to better perform his immediate duties from the very beginning of his career.

The Sales Director Job Description states what the job seeker should know:

  1. Financial and civil legislation that regulates business and its conduct in the field of sales.
  2. Features of the structure and development prospects of the organization.
  3. The principles behind financial and commercial planning.
  4. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Business.
  5. Basic principles of a market economy, including the principles of pricing for core products, the laws of supply and demand for manufactured goods.
job description of the deputy director of sales
job description of the deputy director of sales

No less important for applicants for the position of Sales Director is the knowledge of the principles by which contracts and agreements and agreements are concluded. It is also necessary to know on what psychological points sales are built. Another important aspect is the knowledge of business communication ethics and skills that help establish business contacts.

Since this is a management position, the applicant must also know how to properly motivate employees. Equally important is the knowledge of the theory of management and team management.

Duty of Sales Director

The scope of duties of the person holding this position is prescribed in a separate section of the job description of the commercial sales director. Its presence in the document is mandatory, because without it the applicant will not have a complete understanding of what he has to doin the workplace.

Responsibilities include:

  1. Managing and holding sales meetings.
  2. Distribution of responsibilities between specialists and structural divisions of the department.
  3. Development of programs for the distribution of manufactured products to new markets.
  4. Implement and control ways of interaction between the company and the client base.
  5. Analyzing the state of the market for products using information received from the marketing department.
  6. Analysis of information regarding the actions of competing organizations.
sales director job description
sales director job description

The job description of the sales development director also indicates that the scope of duties includes keeping records and maintaining documents related to the client and partner base, concluded agreements and contracts, as well as the direct activities of the company (invoices, powers of attorney, etc.). Another of the key responsibilities of the Sales Director is managing the sales staff, developing and implementing activities aimed at increasing motivation and performance.

What is the scope of the sales director's control?

The work of the head of the sales department includes not only personnel management and analytical work. Control is another integral part of the director's job. The area that is included in the field of activity of this head is spelled out in the sample job description of the sales director.

Controlperformed over the following aspects:

  1. Fulfillment of assigned tasks regarding the distribution of manufactured products.
  2. Maintaining standards for customer service.
  3. Sales efficiency and price compliance.
  4. Proper storage and record keeping.
sales development director job description
sales development director job description

Also, the director of the sales department controls how work is organized regarding customer complaints. The scope of its activities also includes control over the optimal distribution of financial and commodity resources. Distribution limits are previously approved supply and sales plans.

What rights does a sales director have

A person holding any position in the company has not only duties, but also rights. The position of director of sales also provides for a certain set of rights.

It includes the following activities:

  1. Development of department work plans.
  2. Making proposals on methods for improving the work of the department, hiring and firing staff, introducing incentives and pen alties.
sales director job description sample
sales director job description sample

Also, a person who holds the position of sales director has the right to request documents or information from the structural divisions of the company that are required to perform their immediate duties. Also in the list of rightsincludes participation in meetings that are related to issues within the competence of this leader.


The job description of the Deputy General Director for Sales helps the applicant to clearly understand what exactly he will have to do in the workplace, what the employer will require from him in terms of knowledge and skills after being hired. It also helps to understand the chain of command within the company, the key aspects to pay attention to when performing direct duties, and to prevent abuse of authority.
