How to name a clothing store: options

How to name a clothing store: options
How to name a clothing store: options

The sign at the entrance is the first thing a potential customer sees when they enter the store. Marketing research is not required to explain this phenomenon. What is met by clothes is known to every person from an early age. Therefore, a lot depends on how you name a clothing store.

To begin with, each businessman must answer to decide who is in the target audience of the company. After all, how you name a clothing store depends more on potential customers. Who should the name bring to the store?

Finding a name for a store is not an easy task, it requires a responsible approach and involves the maximum of human intellectual resources.

fashion women's clothing store
fashion women's clothing store

What factors influence the choice of name

Variants for the name of the clothing store will also depend on the following factors:

  • Is the product linked to the same country of origin (Italian/Turkish/Chinese clothing store).
  • Does the clothing have a specific purpose (cocktail dress shop, sportswear shop, specialized uniforms).
  • Which age group should come shopping. A children's, teens' and adult's clothing store should have different names.
  • Where the outlet is located. A store on the periphery and in the city center will a priori have a different name due to different infrastructure.

There are a lot of methods for finding a name for a company. Most of them require a small team of people. If you don't have business partners, you can invite your friends and find the perfect brand name in a fun environment.

clothing store
clothing store


This method is perhaps the most commonly used. Many have heard of it, but few apply it in life.

For high-quality brainstorming, you need a team of up to 10 people to participate in it. It is desirable that each of them has experience in various fields of activity, as a variety of thinking leads to the birth of truly amazing options.

children's clothing store
children's clothing store

When brainstorming, everyone in the room names the first names that come to mind. Each name is written out, and then the best one is selected from them. In this case, you need to write down as many options as possible (at least 100).

Incredibly, brainstorming is one of the most effective ways in finding a name for any brand, and great ideas for naming a women's clothing store are born. This method is used by marketing teams of absolutely any level.

women's clothing store
women's clothing store

Random association method

This method is even easier. To use it, it is enough to write out the qualities that distinguish the store from other similar companies. It is better to do this in a large company of friends or partners, as you know, one head is good, but two is better. And even better if there are more goals.

When the company's most salient qualities are written out, each person should name the most salient association with each item.

As a result, you will get a long list of naming phrases. Then, from them, you must select 10 matching the following criteria:

  • uniqueness;
  • creating a positive impression;
  • reflecting the essence of the company.

The result should be a quality and bright name for your brand.

Name in store name

Marketing research often shows that the use of a sonorous name or surname in the name of the store gives the brand a special status. There are many great examples of this:

  • "Vyzhanov's heir";
  • Natalia Dorokhova's shop;
  • Emporio Armani;
  • Example from the food program - "Herman Sterling Bread".

People tend to remember names and surnames more easily. Among other things, the combination of a personal brand with the name of the store will allow you to better touch the target audience. People value openness and trust, they are so arranged. Therefore, if an entrepreneur does not hide behind an incomprehensible brand, but openly calls the store by his own name, he shows himself in every possible way on social networks andis in interactive mode with clients, then this will inevitably lead to success.

You can learn how to name a clothing store by its name from such powerful distributors and fashion designers as Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Dolce & Gabbana, Armani.

However, in such an approach, a businessman should be quite careful. All residents of the former USSR remember the first signs of the 90s. It was then that the Natalya hairdressing salons, the Josephine clothing store and the Nikodim toilet water appeared on the territory of most provincial cities.

It is important to remember that naming a store by its name requires the rapid development of a personal brand in social networks and other media, so that such a move is understandable to the consumer.

clothing store - interior
clothing store - interior

How to name a children's clothing store

If the target audience is children, then it would be wise to name the store using words filled with positive connotations.

  • "Children's fashion";
  • Kids &Kids;
  • "Princess";
  • "Karapuz" (for the little ones);
  • "Fairytaleland";
  • "Adventure Time";
  • "Magic Kingdom".

The name should give a fairy tale to children and pleasant nostalgia to parents. A similar approach to choosing a name will turn the eyes of the target audience towards the sign.

How to name a women's clothing store

If the target audience of the store consists of the beautiful half of humanity, then the choice of name becomes more difficult.

Optionsname of a women's clothing store should be related to what ladies value most in stores.

Things like this include:

  • high status;
  • style;
  • quality;
  • exclusivity.

Perhaps these are the 4 main criteria that should be reflected in the title. It doesn't matter what age group your potential customers belong to.

For example, Marks & Spencer, which positions itself as a distributor of clothes for different ages, according to statistics, is more popular among women of a more mature age group. A diametrically opposite situation is demonstrated by the Ostin chain of stores, which is visited mainly by young people.

Thus, the name of the store should simply radiate high status and exclusivity. A potential customer should read the sign and understand that he will buy a thing that sincerely causes envy in the environment.

What is the name of a women's clothing store?

  • "Wish Island";
  • "Queen";
  • "Palace of the Empress";
  • "Maldives";
  • "Mysterious Kingdom";
  • "Castle in the air" and so on.
texas clothing store
texas clothing store

Come up with a name yourself or entrust the matter to professionals?

The answer to this question each entrepreneur must give himself. Specialized agencies will choose the name using the methods described in the article. However, outsourced professionals will not havesufficient immersion in a specific business, which will complicate the task, stretch the deadlines for its implementation, and also, possibly, reduce the quality of the resulting name.

Responsible approach and focus on the target audience will allow every novice businessman to find the right name for his business. A little diligence and optimism, and everything will work out!
