Rent arrears: check and liquidate

Rent arrears: check and liquidate
Rent arrears: check and liquidate

Unfortunately, many residents of the periphery can find out rent arrears in the traditional way. That is, by personally visiting a company that accepts payments. Of course, the program of such an “excursion” necessarily includes standing in a giant queue. It’s good that you don’t need to write the number on the palm of your hand with a marker and participate in roll calls too. You can, of course, not go anywhere, but use the wonderful invention of mankind called the telephone. True, it is not a fact that you will be able to solve all issues through it. In the best case, the representatives of the company will still invite you to visit them in order to find out the rent arrears. At worst, the caller will be footballed from one specialist to another for a long time. And it’s not a fact that at the end of the conversation you won’t have to visit the mentioned company.

rent arrears
rent arrears

For those who have no idea how to find out the rent arrears, you should give a list of sources where you can get this interesting information. Firstly, the managing housing and communal organization (most often it is EIRC) sends out every monthhomeowners receipts that reflect existing rent arrears. If, of course, it even exists. In addition to these data in the sent receipt, you can find a lot of useful information. For example, the personal account of the owner of the apartment, which receives the deposited amounts of money. If suddenly in one of the months the receipt did not fall into your hands, then you should immediately call the “hot” line of the service provider to clarify the situation. It is easy to find the corresponding phone number: often the public utilities themselves post them on the entrances and in the front doors.

how to find out rent arrears
how to find out rent arrears

Thanks to scientific and technological progress, many citizens have access to the Internet. Today, almost every housing and communal company has its own website, where your rent arrears can be found without any doubt. In addition, there is comprehensive information regarding its repayment, as well as telephone numbers through which you can contact the operator to ask any questions you have.

find out rent arrears
find out rent arrears

With the possible options, so to speak, the inquiry has decided. Now let's see what terrible rent arrears are for owners of city apartments and private houses. According to the provisions of domestic law, if the amount of the existing debt exceeds the six-month payments, then the company providing a certain service can go to court. It is clear that before filing a claim against debtors, measures of moral influence are first applied, for example,preventive conversations. If you do not make contact with public utilities, then very soon you can find bailiffs in your home who are collecting debts forcibly. Therefore, it is better not to joke with the rent. By the way, if you still managed to get into debt, then it is better to start repayment not with the principal amount of the debt, but with accrued pen alties and fines. Otherwise, the resulting debt can be de alt with for a very, very long time.
