2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
The Birch Grove residential complex in Ramenskoye is a notorious development that began in 2011 and has not ended as of 2018. The developer is the company "Earths of Muscovy". The fate of the complex is still unknown. The owners of unbuilt apartments in the residential complex "Birch Grove" continue to defend their rights. At the moment, they have set up a tent city on the territory of the complex in which they live.

About the complex
The residential complex was built in the town of Ramenskoye near Moscow. The address of the residential complex "Birch Grove" in Ramenskoye is between Oktyabrskaya and Berezovaya glade streets. Initially, it was planned to build a monolithic-block economy class building, it included 14 buildings. The height of each house in the Ramensky residential complex "Birch Grove" is 3 floors. Also, 27 plots in it were allocated for individual development.
The prices were attractive and the choice was wide. There were studio apartments, apartments with 1-3 rooms in the residential complex "Birch Grove" in Ramenskoye. Their area varied from 18 to 87 square meters. Residential complex layouts"Birch Grove" was liked by many. Delivery was planned without finishing. Each residential area provides for the installation of double-glazed windows, metal entrance doors, heating radiators, waterproofing of bathrooms. The layout of apartments in the residential complex "Birch Grove" in Ramenskoye also provided for the presence of glazed loggias.

A kindergarten, a sports stadium, shops, many service organizations were planned on the territory of the complex. In addition to apartments in the Birch Grove residential complex, an open parking lot for 1250 cars was also provided. In addition, 95 places were provided by the garage cooperative. The yard had to be equipped with playgrounds, lighting, lowered sidewalks for people with disabilities. The area around the houses of the residential complex "Birch Grove" in Ramenskoye was supposed to be landscaped - it was planned to plant trees and shrubs.
About the territory
The residential complex "Birch Grove" is located in the town of Ramenskoye, located 30 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road. By car, they get to it along the Novoryazanskoye or Egoryevskoye highway. Shuttle taxis and electric trains run from the city to the capital of Russia. Zhulebino metro station is nearby.
Only 400 meters from the residential complex "Birch Grove" in Ramenskoye there is a grove, the Dergaevka River flows 900 meters from it. The development was carried out in a favorable ecological environment, surrounded by picturesque places.
The soil in the city near Moscow, according to official studies, is practically not polluted, the content of harmful substances inair is at an average level. However, there is a high level of water pollution in Ramenskoye.
At the same time, it is important to take into account that there are no hazardous industries in Ramenskoye, but its active development is taking place. Therefore, there is a lot of construction waste in the air. Also in the city there are a lot of traffic jams, accidents, spontaneous parking. Roads can't handle traffic.
A lot of noise is created by the railway tracks passing through the city, as well as the nearby airfield. Aircraft take off and landing can be heard all the time. During construction, green spaces disappear, and the wind brings smoke and exhausts from the South-East Administrative District into the city. However, the residential complex is located closer to the outskirts of the city, and there is a forest nearby.
LCD "Birch Grove" Ramenskoye is located far from the city center, but the infrastructure around it is developed. So, just 190 meters from the complex there is a school, in the same proximity there is a shop. Only 400 meters from the building there is a clinic. There are cafes nearby, and the distance to the center of Ramenskoye is 1.7 km. It is also important that the developer decided to make the territory of the residential complex "Birch Grove" in Ramenskoye protected.
All these features have attracted many young families who like the new complex. Shareholders quickly bought up apartments in the Birch Grove residential complex from the developer.
About developer
The developer of the residential complex "Birch Grove" in Ramenskoye - "Lands of Muscovy". It has been registered since 2010. In legal form, this is an open joint stock company with an initial authorized capital of about 511,000,000 rubles.
Primary business is financial services, excluding pensions and insurance. Also among the directions stood out: the implementation of operations related to land, real estate, the construction of buildings, mediation in property valuation, legal services in the field of real estate, real estate services.
Until 2013, the developer did not participate in the construction. However, then he took up the construction of the residential complex "Birch Grove" in Ramenskoye. Feedback from residents who have not settled in the purchased apartments prove the developer's dishonesty.
It is known that with the beginning of the proceedings in this case, the developer was placed under surveillance. As a result, the general director of the Land of Muscovy, S. Bubnov, was sentenced to 9 years in a strict regime colony on charges of embezzlement of 600,000,000 rubles. Muscovy Lands was declared bankrupt.
Development of the story
Back in 2016, according to reviews, the residential complex "Birch Grove" began to show the first signs of long-term construction. Then the regional Ministry of Construction took control of the situation. However, this had no effect on her. And the developer justified the worst expectations of equity holders, which were expressed at the first presentations of the complex. Lands of Muscovy was inexperienced and purchasing apartments from them was risky.
Already in 2016, construction was stopped, and the deadline was postponed. According to residents' feedback, some of the houses in the Berezovaya Grove residential complex were to be commissioned in 2015. However, at first the deadline was postponed to 2016, and then completely up to 2018.there were no shifts. And it is obvious that the current dates are completely unknown. Construction work on the territory of the complex is not ongoing.

When there was a fuss around this story, the developer renamed the project "Ramenskiye Alley" back in 2014. Muscovy Lands joined the new group of companies, but construction never resumed. At that moment, the news was no longer published on the Birch Grove website, and the Ramenskie Alley website did not function at all. Photos of the residential complex "Birch Grove" were not published, and the owners of the residential areas of the complex remained in an information vacuum. The only way for them to get information about the construction was to visit the construction site.
However, soon the equity holders of the Birch Grove residential complex established contacts with each other by creating a separate website. In desperation, they turned to the city and regional authorities, sent their calls everywhere to look into the situation.
At that moment, the authorities expressed their readiness to meet them halfway. She expressed her vision of solving the problem: the development of a new project for a complex with a large number of apartments. And it was through their sale that funds should have appeared for the completion of the entire complex. 4 buildings have already begun to be built, now their demolition was planned. The builders believed that it would be more economically profitable to rebuild buildings than to continue working on walls that had stood idle for years. However, despite the promises of the authorities to regulate the process, the work has not begun. Until now, there is no certainty in the fate of equity holders and the complex. Acquisitionapartments here remained a very risky undertaking. There remains hope for a new project, but no one imagined it either.
Meanwhile, Ramenskoye is being actively built up, and there are many more successful alternatives to the problem complex in the city.
More about the story
Back in 2017, information appeared that the developer had ceased operations at the suit of the Ministry of Construction of the Moscow Region. For a year, he could not attract new clients to build houses. At that time, the company was going through bankruptcy proceedings.

2 applications were submitted to the register of creditors for "Lands of Muscovy" with a total amount of 1,524,011 rubles. So it was found out that the company was not going to deal with the resuscitation of the developer, and also did not pay taxes. Later, the amount of claims of all applicants for the developer was about 75,000,000 rubles.
Many meetings were held on this topic with the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Yurievich Vorobyov. The administration of Ramenskoye, district and regional officials were also involved in them.
On March 26, 2016, a meeting was held at the construction site of the residential complex "Beryozovaya Grove", in which Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region G. V. Yelyanyushkin took part. Also present were the administration of Ramenskoye, representatives of the developer "Land of Muscovy".
There was a discussion of the problems that have developed around the residential complex, and ways to solve them were discussed. Then a statement was made that the developer proposed to increase the number of floors in the houses.
Then wasthe position was expressed that the problems concerned the old developer and convict Bubnov S. I. But a new developer with a new concept, increased footage was already appointed, which supposedly should have solved the problem. The governor promised to approve the concept, which was to be submitted to the Interdepartmental Commission of the Government of the Moscow Region.
At this commission, the issue related to the houses of the residential complex "Birch Grove" was considered. A new concept was put forward, the legal aspect of the issue was considered. Vorobyov commented on the idea, clarified certain provisions. As a result, it was decided to take into account the comments of the commission. The Ministry of Construction was supposed to send them 14 days later. The finalized concept was to be considered again at a meeting of the commission. It was supposed to take place on August 11, 2016.
As a result, the new project was approved by the commission. Further, documents were submitted to the office of the Ministry of Construction of the Moscow Region for consideration by the Interdepartmental Commission and the Urban Planning Council of the Moscow Region.

The developer in letters to equity holders emphasized that he was doing extensive work in order to resume construction at the facility. Representatives of the Lands of Muscovy discussed cooperation with the administration of Ramenskoye, the Ministry of the Construction Complex of the Moscow Region, as the general director of Lands of Muscovy S. V. Tolstykh emphasized in her address to equity holders..
Updated plan
When inIn 2015, the management of the developer changed, the roadmap for the construction of the facility was updated and agreed with the Town Planning Council of the Moscow Region. The plan was scheduled for the following indicators: 722 people receive 28,000 square meters of living space. All 14 houses are commissioned in 2020.
Data was published, according to which work on the construction of the houses of the complex has begun. It was planned to complete the construction of the first house by November 2017, and another 7 houses - in April 2018. However, this did not happen.
As of the end of September 2018, equity holders of the Birch Grove residential complex in Ramenskoye set up a tent camp near the unfinished facilities. For 8 years they have been waiting to move here and have not been heard. Although the developer was declared bankrupt, the general director was sentenced to 9 years in a strict regime colony, the construction site has not yet been declared a problem object.
The equity holders said they would live in a tent city until the issue is resolved. On the houses of the residential complex "Birch Grove", the construction of which was once started, but not completed, there are posters with calls to the authorities. All the deceived equity holders are more than 700 people. Dozens of families are currently living in tents.
They set up a common kitchen and eat together. Since there is not enough space, they come to the table in turn. Change houses were arranged for families with children.
Among the residents of the camp, there are many who purchased apartments in the residential complex "Birch Grove" for a pen alty. People got into debt to be left with nothing. So it happened with Alexei and Irina,who invested the amount of 2,000,000 rubles in an apartment. During the time the complex was "built", they already had 2 children. They turned to all sorts of instances to be heard.
At the moment, the money of equity holders has disappeared into nowhere. The building permit has already expired. The administration of Ramenskoye has more than 100 applications with requests to recognize the object as problematic. But all of them were rejected. And deceived equity holders are planning to go to court.
Deputy head of the administration of the Ramensky district Nikolai Vorobyov announced that it is necessary to find a new investor for the construction. But since it does not exist, the construction and delivery period remains uncertain.

There are families who are waiting for replenishment and admit that they have no money left for a rented apartment. After years of waiting for the housing they bought, they spent their money and now live in tents.
It is known that 3 equity holders have already died while waiting for their apartments.
About the struggle of equity holders
The equity holders themselves announce that, actively fighting for their rights, they have come to the conclusion that their problem is hushed up on purpose. Or people who do not correspond to their positions work in government agencies.
They note that officials have repeatedly distorted the real situation, and Governor A. Yu. Vorobyov ignores the problem. It was he who promised to take control of the facility, but since 2013, construction has not been carried out. At the same time, the residential complex has not yet been included in the register of problematic objects, despite repeated statements.
According to equity holders, they found out that during the construction of the facility in 2011-2012, the developer did not have a building permit. In 2013, work was frozen. In June of the same year, the developer received a building permit. Already at that time it became clear that the money of the equity holders was stolen, and the object would not be completed. Despite active appeals to the prosecutor's office, the administration of Ramenskoye, the Ministry of Construction of the Moscow Region, the Ministry of Internal Affairs from equity holders, they all replied that they did not reveal a single illegal action by the developer.
And he continued to sell apartments for 2 years, in the course of marketing campaigns on the Internet, reviews of real equity holders about the construction freeze were deleted and refuted, as a result, the theft of money continued. At the same time, construction work has not been carried out at the facility since 2013.
In 2015, new owners appeared in the Lands of Muscovy, saying that the former owner was to blame for everything. Construction resumed in the summer of 2015, apartment sales started again, but it lasted 2 months. Since then, no construction work has been carried out at the site, and this has been the case for almost 4 years.
The equity holders found out that the new owners at the time of their statements did not have the funds to invest. They would not have been able to complete the LCD under any circumstances. Despite all this, they were supported by the Ramensky administration, as well as the government of the Moscow region.
The financial solvency of the new owners who made loud statements and continued the same business, stealing money, obviously, eitherwas not checked by officials, or their situation suited them. In 2017, only the first owner of the developer was convicted.
Although equity holders actively requested to check the actions of the new owners, all instances, including the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the administration of Ramenskoye, the Ministry of Construction of the Moscow Region, stated that they did not find a single illegal action.
At that time, apartments were being sold, while the funds were not directed to the construction of the facility. As a result, the amount of funds stolen from the facility increased. As a result, after the inaction of the Ministry of Construction of the Moscow Region, the Lands of Muscovy went through bankruptcy proceedings.
In 2017, when a court decision was made to terminate the activities of the developer, the housing interest holders of the residential complex were included in the register of persons whose rights were violated.
In 2016, the Governor of the Moscow Region Vorobyov stated that the object was taken under his control. Throughout the year, meetings were constantly held with the participation of equity holders, representatives of the Ministry of Construction of the Moscow Region, the city administration, and the government of the Moscow Region. And the deadline for the resumption of construction work was constantly postponed. In 2016, a new construction plan was approved to triple the living area (from 50,000 square meters to 150,000). The houses were supposed to start renting out in 2017. But the developer had no money, construction did not begin. And the personal control of the governor did not manifest itself in anything. Questions were forwarded to the Ministry of Construction.
Since 2014, "Lands of Muscovy" have been included in the register of problem developers in the Moscow Region, butthe administration of Ramenskoye has not recognized the object itself as problematic, although there are signs: the construction of buildings has not been carried out for 9 months, the developer has been declared bankrupt and cannot fulfill its obligations, and a number of others.
The equity holders themselves expressed the opinion that the object is not recognized as problematic, since the number of such objects is the main indicator for the government of the Russian Federation to assess the activities of the governor. It is beneficial for him to hide the real number of such objects.
In addition, equity holders note that the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 451-r dated March 19, 2018 on the object was violated. A roadmap was not drawn up indicating the period for restoring the rights of equity holders. And they still do not know when the problem will be solved. The Ministry of Construction does not include the residential complex in the number of problem facilities and does not make reports on its activities in this construction.
According to the testimonies of equity holders, in April 2017, a tractor and two dozen workers appeared at the facility, who simulated work for photographs throughout the day. After that, the news was published on the website of the Ministry of Construction of the Ministry of Defense and in the media that construction at the facility had been resumed.
However, the equity holders themselves filmed the object for a month, clearly proving that construction was not carried out. They sent the footage personally to Governor Vorobyov A. Yu. But there was no response to this.

It is noted that at the moment the object is profitable, according to preliminary calculations for the LCD project. But the profit is not big,why investors are not interested in the object. It is enough for the government of the Moscow Region to give a small bonus to investors - to allocate a compensation site, pay for a social facility, and the investor will become interested.
There are no other problems that could arise at the facility, since due to the bankruptcy of the developer it was released from any obligations, excluding apartments for equity holders.
How to get there
From the Zhulebino metro station, from the ground transport stop on General Kuznetsova Street, minibuses No. 51 and No. 72 go. To get on them, you need to go to the even side of the street. You need to follow to the stop "Experimental Field". Then transfer to minibus number 424 and follow to the station "Derkaevskaya street". Coming out of public transport, go along Derkaevskaya Street towards Instrument Builders Street, and then onto Oktyabrskaya Street. On the right side you will see the unfinished houses of the Birch Grove residential complex.
When driving from the Moscow Ring Road, they drive along the Novoryazanskoye highway, then turning onto the M5 Zhukovsky highway. She goes to Tupolev street. From it they turn onto Gagarin Street, and then onto Electrification Street. Then they turn to Gastello Street, along which they move up to Sosnovaya Street, and then to Narodnaya Street. There is an interchange on it, along which they drive off to Kosmonavtov Street. She turns into the Northern Highway. Moving along it, then turn to the Doninskoye highway, and then to Derkaevskaya street. From it they turn onto Instrument Builders Street, and then drive off to Oktyabrskaya Street. On the right side will be the desiredresidential complex.
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