Forms of business communication. The language of business communication. Business Communication Norms

Forms of business communication. The language of business communication. Business Communication Norms
Forms of business communication. The language of business communication. Business Communication Norms

Forms of business communication are quite diverse in modern social life. Both economic entities of certain forms of ownership and ordinary citizens enter into business and commercial relations.

Business communication: topics for discussion

forms of business communication
forms of business communication

Modern social and economic conditions have prompted citizens to organize and commercial activities. This circumstance brings to the fore the need to learn various language forms of business speech. In this case, we are talking about the need to improve the competence of persons in terms of linguistics.

Competence in this area of communication is directly related to success or failure in any business (for example, science, production, art or trade). As for people who work in the field of management (managers, entrepreneurs, production organizers), the forms of business communication for such professionals are an important component of their professionalism.

Thus, business communication is the most massive type of social communication. It is represented by the sphere of administrative-legal, commercial, diplomatic andeconomic and legal relations.

The ability to successfully conduct business negotiations, competently compose the text of a document, the ability to manage documents are important components of the professionalism of a person who has to make decisions.

Thus, low-level speech culture is closely related to the level of effectiveness of negotiations and meetings. In this regard, often the paralysis of laws drafted in this way does not contribute to their implementation.

Specific business communication

Enterprising Americans position business as the ability to talk with partners.

business language
business language

At the same time, partners can be both various business entities and ordinary people. The language of business communication is a fairly effective tool for the interaction of social regulation and the interaction of economic interests. Often, people may enter into business relationships to legalize a certain interaction in a particular field of activity. The ideal result of such legal registration and interaction is partnerships that are built on the basis of mutual trust and respect.

Another specific feature of this concept is its regulation. In other words, subjection to certain rules and restrictions.

Types and forms of business communication

These rules are determined by certain types of business communication and their forms, as well as the degree of officiality, tasks and goals facing the interacting entities. Important in thisIn this case, it acquires the interaction of such concepts as "culture of speech" and "business communication". In this case, we can talk about traditions and social norms of behavior, which are fixed and formalized as a protocol and exist in the form of norms of social behavior, etiquette and restrictions in the time frame of communication.

Main business relationships

culture of speech and business communication
culture of speech and business communication

The following forms of business communication are known:

- according to the form of speech - written and oral;

- based on the direction of speech between the listener and the speaker - monologue and dialogic;

- depending on the number of participants - public and interpersonal;

- from the standpoint of the presence or absence of the device - direct and indirect;

- based on the position of the interlocutors - contact and remote.

These forms of business communication contribute to the formation of the characteristic features of business speech.

Main types of business speech

The two most common forms are written and oral business speech.

business communication topics
business communication topics

Such forms of business communication are systemically different varieties of the Russian language. If written business speech is the official style of communication, then the oral form is a hybrid style formation.

The language of business communication of dialogic and monologue forms has some differences. So, if monologue business speech can be attributed to book speech, then the dialogical form of speech can be attributed tocolloquial, which is reflected in the syntactic features of speech. The last type of business speech refers to interpersonal communication, and the first to public speech.

Remote (sending by mail or fax, as well as a telephone conversation) is an indirect communication. Its main difference from contact is the presence of increased attention to the intonation of the interlocutors during oral communication. Also characteristic features of this type of communication are brevity and regulation, the impossibility of using various gestures as a carrier of information.

Business communication tools

The culture of speech and business communication quite successfully uses genre varieties of oral and written communication. At the same time, the written form of speech is represented by business letters and other documents that fix social and legal relations (contracts, treaties, agreements and other related documents). Oral speech, with the help of which the norms of business communication are implemented, is represented by meetings, business negotiations and consultations. And meetings and meetings are a special kind of protocol communication, where monologues predominate, which do not have a written nature. Also, monologue business speech can exist simultaneously in oral and written forms.

Spheres of business communication

business communication norms
business communication norms

The scope of modern business communication is expanding significantly. So, its constituent parts are: advertising and secular communication. At the same time, the success of any business entity depends on the ability to representtheir positions in a favorable light with the creation of the interest of any partner, which will contribute to the formation of a favorable impression.

Thus, in addition to the usual monologue, business communication is quite actively prepared and unreadable speech in the form of presentations, opening remarks at official meetings. This also includes etiquette texts and congratulatory letters.
