Welder's gaiters - what to look for when choosing?

Welder's gaiters - what to look for when choosing?
Welder's gaiters - what to look for when choosing?

So many things around us are created thanks to the skillful work of a welder. Bridges and metal fences, joints in cars, elements in buildings, arches supporting chic weaving roses are the results of their work. They can only be performed at high temperatures, leading to the melting of the material. Boiling under the welder's tool, the metal scatters a lot of fiery splashes around. From under the electrodes of his apparatus, upon contact with the surface of the material, a beam of incandescent sparks is ejected. They carry the danger of burning and injuring a person. This is one of the professional risks. Welder's leggings are used as protective measures.

welder's leggings
welder's leggings

What are leggings?

In order to prevent industrial injuries, various protective devices are used. These include the welder's leggings, which are elongated cuffs that overlap the area of the shoulder and forearm, the front of the lower leg. At the same time, there are shortened models, and there are elongated ones that cover the leg from the foot to the hip joint and above, or from the fingers of the glove to the collar zone. Such a cuff has a rigid shape and is made from a non-combustible composition capable ofwithstand the mechanical impact of a sharp object and prevent cuts.

split welder's leggings
split welder's leggings

The welder's gaiters must be durable and not subject to rapid abrasion, not ignite from sparks, do not melt when hot splashes that melted during metal processing hit them. A high-quality product should be securely fixed on the body, but at the same time not squeeze it so that blood circulation is not disturbed. Structurally, they are made in such a way that it is simple and easy to attach them to the limbs, and, if necessary, to throw them off with a slight movement.

Leather split leggings

To enhance the protective properties, natural leather material obtained by special processing is used. It is used to make split welder's leggings, which acquire the following properties.

welder's leggings price
welder's leggings price

Firstly, they become tear-resistant, do not pierce with pointed objects and are not dissected by a knife blade or metal fragments.

Secondly, welder's split leggings have high fire-resistant properties, and are also resistant to moisture and do not get wet in rain and sleet.

Thirdly, their durability increases. The special type of processing and tanning of the leather gives them qualities that determine the long life.

Of course, these high-quality welder's leggings will be more expensive than simple gloves that do not have split linings, but the safety and reliability in work are worth it.

What to look for when choosing?

NeatnessA product is always a testament to its quality. Therefore, when considering a welder's leggings in a store, pay attention to the quality of tailoring. If the seams on them are uneven and threads stick out of them, then most likely this option is not worth attention. If there is a split in them, it is important that it is evenly distributed over the product, and its density is satisfactory.

There are welder's leggings on the market with or without insulation. Fur and jersey linings keep the cold out. For work in the summer, it is better to choose leggings that have an inner part of their cotton, which has heat-shielding properties.
