Manufacturing industry: sectors, structure, products

Manufacturing industry: sectors, structure, products
Manufacturing industry: sectors, structure, products

As a rule, industry is divided into two main groups - mining and processing (processing).

Mining systems include enterprises engaged in the extraction of various types of raw materials, minerals and energy resources. Products are represented by diverse groups:

  • products derived from agriculture - grain, barley, potatoes;
  • logging institutions - timber;
  • fish farms - different types of fish catch;
  • mining - iron ore, coal, diamonds, gold;
  • energy - obtaining gas, oil, shale, peat, etc.
Extractive industry
Extractive industry

General characteristics of processing systems

The manufacturing industry is based on the manufacture of equipment, the production of chemicals, the smelting of metal and the processing of energy raw materials. In terms of the number of enterprises in one industry, the technological level of production systems, the employed contingent of workers and the territorial development, this industry is the leader.

Obtaining finished products that meet the requirements of customers and consumers is a complex task of the mining and processing parts of the industry.

Development of manufacturing industry

The surge in the creation and spread of industrial enterprises was due to a number of historical factors. These include changes in demographics, growing demand for goods and services, excess capital and the level of technology. The first innovations of the late 18th and early 19th centuries allowed the creation of factories and factories that became the prototype of modern systems. The presence of a powerful raw material base and affordable energy resources (hard coal) gave the prerequisites for the emergence of the first industrial revolution in Western Europe. The construction of steam engines and the first experiments in the field of electrical engineering made it possible to sharply increase the scale of production. This spurred the development of industrialization processes.

For example, the development of deposits in the Urals required the creation of plants and factories (metallurgical plants, chemical plants). For the transportation of extracted resources and processed semi-finished products, railways with car repair depots were designed. A further increase in production capacity required the creation of car building enterprises.

Manufacturing and technology sector
Manufacturing and technology sector

Distinguishing Features

It is customary to refer to the manufacturing industry any activity associated with changing the various properties of materials (mechanical, physical, etc.), andwhich results in new products.

Processing subsystems have the following characteristic properties:

  • presence of products (materials, items, semi-finished products, components) that have already been subjected to certain labor effects in the past;
  • are the basis for increasing the productivity of social labor;
  • determine the level of industrial development of the state (industry);
  • express the progressive development of the structure of a single industry;
  • affect related industries;
  • enable to intensify economic development;
  • directly affect the level of demand for products in the state, etc.
Product processing
Product processing

Main classification features

During the development of the manufacturing industry, a large number of different classifications have been considered depending on the direction and emphasis of the main elements of production systems. As a result, the following groups of signs appeared:

  • level of development of production technology;
  • product types;
  • sales types;
  • scale of resources required for production;
  • types of raw materials;
  • placement in space.

Differentiation of structural elements in terms of the degree of technology development is based on the intensity of scientific research (development) and the percentage of costs in the total gross national product (GDP).

From the second half of the 20th century, there are three groups of subsystems (industries) of the manufacturing industry:

  • high-tech industries (over 4% GDP);
  • industries with medium technology (1-4%) with the division of enterprises according to different levels of technology development;
  • low technology industries (less than 1%).
engineering production
engineering production

Depending on the content and distinctive features of manufacturing products, it is customary to speak of the following classes:

  • industries of local importance;
  • industries of widespread goods;
  • major or main industries;
  • processing and assembly industries.

Product sales define businesses as:

  • production oriented to export operations;
  • enterprises engaged mainly in imports.

The level of resource utilization helps to highlight the following groups:

  • enterprises that are knowledge-intensive in their activities;
  • enterprises, due to the peculiarities of the production system, are resource-intensive;
  • traditional.

In addition to the above groups, processing enterprises of industrial type (ferrous metallurgy) and agricultural (sugar, grain) stand out. In this case, the defining feature is the type of feedstock.

Plastics production
Plastics production

Influence of territorial distribution

An important factor influencing the structure of the manufacturing industry is the location of industry enterprises in relation to sources of raw materials. Note that the distance from them directly affectson the complexity of organizing production systems, transport infrastructure, speed of production processes and cost.

Analysis of placement allows you to consider industry systems that:

  • located as close as possible to sources of inexpensive energy resources;
  • develop mainly from sources of raw materials;
  • gravitate towards areas of labor concentration;
  • strive to consumer areas.
Recycling processes
Recycling processes

Modern stage

Russia's manufacturing industry makes a huge contribution to the global industrial system. The most developed areas are mechanical engineering (machine tools and other industrial equipment), oil refining, metallurgy and food production. Industrial equipment is used throughout the CIS. Metallurgy is represented by large industrial giants - the Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk metallurgical plants, Cherepovets, etc. The oil refining industry employs more than 100 refineries of large and small capacity, allowing Russia to be among the top five in the processing of this type of raw material.


The development of the represented industries is a mirror of the industrial level of the state. As experience shows, the most advanced technologies, as well as the highest production rates, are inherent in enterprises of this particular area.
