Chinese goods on Taobao: customer reviews

Chinese goods on Taobao: customer reviews
Chinese goods on Taobao: customer reviews

Taobao is a Chinese online store designed for the end consumer. The system operates under the C2C protocol. What it is? This is a special form of electronic commerce, which consists in the sale of products and the provision of services by consumers to each other. The site acts as an intermediary between the buyer and the seller. The platform was created by a famous company with one goal - to facilitate transactions with consumers and sellers, whether retail or wholesale. Reviews about Taobao are often positive, although there are also negative points, and this is quite obvious - one cannot form a single opinion on everyone.

General Site Data

Company `s logo
Company `s logo

The site offers customers a wide range of different products for every taste. These are clothes, shoes, accessories, hats, various household appliances and other consumer goods. There are new products with a guarantee, as well as used ones. Those who bought on Taobao left different reviews, because it all depends on the seller, the quality of the product and the buyer (ifhe didn’t like something, then he is unlikely to leave a good recommendation, even if the transaction went perfectly). Sales are possible at a fixed price or by contract, there is also an auction. Previously, in order to register on the portal, it was necessary to have an account with a Chinese bank and a Chinese operator number, but now things are different, everything has become easier and this is exactly what users note in the reviews when buying on Taobao. The main competitors of the company are and

Now Taobao is the world leader in the sale of shoes, clothing and accessories. China annually creates a lot of interesting things that are in demand all over the world. Even eminent brands have established the production of their things in the Middle Kingdom. All due to the fact that in China you can find inexpensive labor, due to which it will be possible to produce goods of excellent quality at a bargain price. Feedback on orders from Taobao says that many users love this platform, because it is successfully developing in the face of fierce global competition. Users like Chinese goods, some buy them exclusively online, because everything is much more expensive in ordinary markets or boutiques.

In addition, Chinese manufacturers always follow fashion trends and trends, their clothes are distinguished by quality, style, they are modern and unusual, and this is what many people are looking for. A lot of users buy things on this site, because it is much more profitable than buying an outfit in a regular store, besides, you can save not only money, but time and effort. On TaobaoProducts with reviews are in high demand because people trust the opinions of others.

Reason for popularity

Today, Taobao occupies the first position among popular online stores, and there are reasons for this. The portal is popular for a large selection of things and different products, known for affordable prices, discounts, promotions and auctions. When shopping on Taobao, consider reviews from other people first. Recommendations are always truthful, no one buys other people's opinions to look better.

On the net you will find negative comments from those who do not like that the portal interface is Chinese. Because opinions and negative, people simply could not deal with the language barrier. It is recommended to simply use the store in a browser with a built-in translator. It will be useful to read various recommendations for working with the site, as well as customer reviews about Taobao.

What are the clothing sizes?

People shopping from Taobao
People shopping from Taobao

Each user will be able to pick up goods from China, clothes or shoes. On the portal you will find a variety of clothing sizes, from XS and XXS to 4-5 XL. Those who ordered on Taobao leave positive reviews, the site works around the clock, so making a purchase will not be difficult. Each product on the site has a quality guarantee. If a thing is sent to you, and it is damaged, then the portal administration will definitely deal with this issue and return the money spent to you. Perhaps because there are so many customer reviews on Taobao,were satisfied with the cooperation and will not exchange the site for any other.

Details about the site

Ordering goods from users does not take much time, but do not forget that when buying goods in China, you will have to wait at least three weeks, but a big plus is cost savings. The fact is that many sellers in the CIS countries have already set up a certain business for themselves: to buy goods in China and sell in their cities, countries with a large margin. So why would you overpay, wouldn't it be better to wait a bit, but buy one more thing with the money saved?

If you are tied to a specific date, then hurry up to order the goods in advance (preferably a couple of months) in order to get it exactly on time. If you have any questions, you can even contact the site's support service and find out more about everything. Questions can also be asked to sellers from whom you wish to purchase this or that item.

Attention! All purchases on the portal are made after full prepayment, goods are delivered to almost every corner of the world.

On the portal you will find a huge catalog of goods, which includes a very different number of items. The catalog is updated daily, each seller tries to offer buyers cooperation on favorable terms for both parties. Unfortunately, you cannot try on the clothes you like in advance, so carefully study the size table on the portal, if necessary, contact the seller to find out all the details.

The portal has an extremely convenient search system that will allow you to selectany item you like. Each product has a detailed description in the catalog, so the client learns everything about the future purchase in advance, looks at the photos and reads customer reviews on Taobao, with or without photos.

Historical digression

Taobao products with reviews
Taobao products with reviews

Starting from January 2014, anyone from anywhere in the world can register on Taobao. All you need to do is provide the mobile phone number of the country where the person wishing to register lives. This phone will receive an SMS message with account activation. All goods on the portal are paid for with Visa cards. Read the reviews about the Taobao online store from satisfied Russian-speaking customers and make sure that there is nothing to be afraid of and you can save on purchases right now!

Back in 2008, the turnover of the main corporation amounted to about one hundred billion yuan, which is about fifteen billion US dollars. Taobao itself accounted for about 1% of transactions in the Chinese market, which is an incredible amount.

As of 2011, Taobao already accounted for 80% of online sales, and the number of users who created an account on the site exceeded 370 million.

According to Xinhua News correspondents, in 2012 the turnover of Taobao and the Alipay payment system reached one trillion yuan, and this is comparable only with the turnover of eBay and Amazon.

In 2011, it was reported that the Alibaba Group Corporation decided to reorganize the company and divide it into three components. The main goal is to increase competitiveness anddevelop different business models. As you can see, the idea was successful, because now all the portals of the Alibaba Group company bring huge income to the owners.

Buy, buy and buy again?

Feedback on the work of "Taobao" positive, negative and neutral. Buying goods there or not is entirely up to you. To calm your conscience, you should place a trial order and see how the system works. Of course, you can rely on reviews about Taobao. There are a lot of them on the network, and many are written in a positive way, so no one can make a choice for you. Trusting customers or not is a purely individual matter.

How to buy goods?

Taobao portal interface
Taobao portal interface

You can find a lot of Taobao reviews on the web that tell you how to shop. This is easy to do if you understand how the site works. For an ordinary user who is not familiar with Chinese stores, it may be difficult at first, so it is worth publishing a brief instruction on how to make purchases on this portal. First you need to register on the site. So you can communicate with sellers, see the entire range of goods displayed on the site - the fact is that there are stores that only registered users can see, while others open a limited number of pages without registration, and further viewing requires just the same password entry. Registration will take you no more than ten minutes.

Step one. Product selection

First you needgo to the Taobao website. Here you will find a lot of information, including in the form of hieroglyphs. As already mentioned, you can use a special browser that will automatically translate the pages. Once you understand the interface, you can go directly to the directory, where you will see a variety of categories. Yes, when translating, half of the information loses its meaning and you can only guess what it is about, so use filters from above (price range, sorting by popularity, and so on). Have you chosen a product? Go to his page and be careful when viewing descriptions.

Step two. Mindfulness check

There are a lot of reviews on Taobao in Russian, so look and study them carefully. Often they write useful information about clothing sizes. Always look at the products, photos and options that are posted on the page. Do not think if the size "M" is indicated, then this is exactly this size! It also happens that jeans listed as XXXL can be 88 centimeters at the hips - and this is not an isolated case. About this you will definitely be told on Taobao reviews in Russian.

Don't forget that Taobao is a Chinese clothing website, because there may be strange sizes of things that do not even correspond to European ones. Study pictures and recommendations of bloggers and other people. Many guys from Russia leave detailed reviews on Taobao to make it easier for others to buy.

Here are some recommendations from others: it is better to take a size up rather than vice versa. It is easier to sew on large clothes, but small ones are found all the time. Inattentive guys who buy small clothes then try to resell them on the Internet and often fail, because the competition is big and the choice is also.

Step three. Shipping

Taobao portal logo
Taobao portal logo

Free shipping in China is on the portal, but you need to look for it. Yes, you will have to pay extra for transportation to your destination, but if you can save a little, then why not use it. A lot of stores on the portal offer free shipping, usually these are manufacturers from Beijing. Choose goods from them, for example, if you do not want to overpay a lot.

Don't forget: you still have to pay for shipping - this is the position of the site, nothing can be done about it. You can read reviews with photos on Taobao and make sure that delivery is paid.

The fourth step. A question of price

Use the photo search to order products at the best value. Many sellers on the portal offer the same product, and prices can vary significantly. For example, a T-shirt at Russian prices can range from 180 to 750 rubles, while all the characteristics are exactly the same. Of course, it is better to buy goods cheaper, but how to find this profitable product?

The fifth step. Checkout

Did you like the product? Are you sure of your choice? Then you can start paying. It is very easy to do this, there are many ways on the portal. Paying with a Visa card is one of them. The transfer of funds should be made in parts: for the goods themselves and delivery services. It's not so expensive and it turns out if you don't buyone thing, and collect a set or order things together with friends (just divide the shipping amount among yourself and thus save). Unfortunately, you will not immediately know how much the delivery will cost (it all depends on the weight), but you can roughly calculate this by contacting specialists for help.

By the way, as soon as the goods arrive at the warehouse in China, the buyer receives an SMS notification. In this case, the goods are allowed to be stored free of charge for twenty days. This is very convenient, especially if you place an order with several sellers, wait until all the goods arrive at their destination and send things to yourself in one package (this way you can save a little on shipping). When all orders arrive at the warehouse, you can go to their list in your profile, click on the green button under the cost of any product to arrange for the parcel to be sent to your country.

If you click on the blue button, you will combine all orders into one. It should be noted that this action is possible if the goods have already arrived at the warehouse. As soon as you combine them, you will see a window where the weight of the package and the total amount of delivery are indicated. If everything suits you, then press the orange button and send the order to your country. Upon completion, a window will open in front of you, where you need to enter the delivery address. Pay shipping costs. If everything is fine, then at the end you will see a message about the completion of the order. Now it remains only to wait for your purchases.

What are the reviews on Taobao?

Computer with Taobao portal logo
Computer with Taobao portal logo

All people's opinionsdifferent, someone liked the portal, and now this is the only place for shopping, other people did not like it. You can even assemble a trendy wardrobe on Taobao from reviews and look perfect. To do this, it is enough to study the recommendations of well-known beauty bloggers who are regular customers on this site. They will help other people sort out their purchases, place an order, and recommend vendors, clothes, or other items. Do not think that the portal has only clothes, the choice and range of products is huge! You can find positive reviews on Taobao about tulle and other things that are unusual at first glance.

Watch and analyze the situation. In some cases, it is better to refuse a purchase, especially if the reviews on the product are overwhelmingly unflattering. Be careful: it doesn't matter what you choose - clothes, shoes or bedding. Always read the reviews on Taobao to make sure that the goods are delivered safe and sound, and also to make sure that they are of high quality!

What negative things do users say?

As it was said, opinions differ about the portal - some people liked it, others didn't. Of the negative points, many note the expensive delivery. Yes, shipping will be paid, and there's nothing you can do about it. Some users did not like that the portal is completely Chinese. Of course, it is difficult to understand the hieroglyphs, but you can use the Chrome browser, which has an automatic translator, and everything will immediately become clear.

Another of the negative moments, users noted a longdelivery. This is also not very good, but unfortunately, this is how all Chinese stores work, some deliver goods faster, others do not.

Users didn't like the "roulette game" yet. What does it mean? Sometimes it is not clear which person will receive the goods (we are talking about sizes and quality). Many users are accustomed to European sizes, but things are different in China. Therefore, you need to study the size table, customer reviews in your country in order to determine the size and quality of a particular item.

Another of the negative points, people noted that parcels can get lost along the way. Unfortunately, there may be problems with logistics, and the post office will not rush to resolve them. Usually in China, everything moves without problems, but abroad, obstacles begin to be encountered along the way. In such situations, you can open a dispute on the portal and get your money back.

Some users have noted the unpleasant smell of parcels, but even this is not the biggest problem. If you wish, you can simply air things out or wait a couple of days and the smell will disappear by itself.

In most cases, people are not satisfied with the delivery, or rather its time, but there is nothing to be done about it - nevertheless, things are sent from another country.

Should I buy on the portal?

Taobao buy buttons
Taobao buy buttons

Before placing an order on Taobao, think: are you ready for this? To find a really worthwhile thing, you have to dig through a lot of unnecessary things. If you intentionally go to the store, then you will see more or less selected items, but here you have tolook for something interesting and unusual on your own. Prepare in advance for difficulties, because the package will not arrive to you in a couple of days, you will need to be patient for weeks.

This method is suitable for those who want to buy unique and interesting things that are hard to find anywhere else. Another difficulty may arise - it can be difficult to resist and buy only what you really need. You may not be the kind of person who loves shopping and always leaves the mall with big bags, but still the temptation on Taobao is great, and you are unlikely to be able to resist attractive prices, beautiful and bright things, shoes and accessories.

What secrets are worth remembering?

It is completely unprofitable to buy goods for a small amount on the site, this is not Aliexpress, where delivery is free. The commission on Taobao can be up to 25% if the purchase amount is up to sixteen dollars. Therefore, it is best to cooperate with friends or other people who want to order goods on the site, but do not want to pay fabulous money for delivery.

Before you buy - sort out the details. It may even take a few days, but it's not scary, the main thing is to understand how everything works on the site. This is not easy, because many people prefer other sites. However, you will be satisfied with the outcome - things on the portal are inexpensive, extraordinary, and by cooperating with others, you can save a lot on delivery.

Taobao is a great portal to buy things at bargain prices if you think about it and do it right. Of course, you can search for somethinganother, it's only your business, but it's worth reading the reviews on Taobao in Russian and then decide something.
