Rules of negotiation: basic principles, techniques, techniques

Rules of negotiation: basic principles, techniques, techniques
Rules of negotiation: basic principles, techniques, techniques

Every person is faced with what is usually called business communication. Therefore, many are interested in how to write an official letter, accept a partner and negotiate with him, resolve a controversial issue and establish mutually beneficial cooperation.

Business communication is of particular importance for people who run their own business. In many ways, the success of their activities depends on how well they master the science and art of communication. In Western countries, training courses covering business communication issues are taught in almost every university and college. Not so long ago, the rules of negotiation began to be studied in domestic higher educational institutions. And, undoubtedly, such disciplines educate students in the ability to establish contact with partners.

This article will tell you about the ethics of business communication and the rules of negotiation. The main stages of negotiations, types of people's behavior and some principles of interaction with them will be described. The rules for negotiating on technical means of communication will also be presented.

What is negotiation?

Before considering the basic rules of negotiation, you should find out what they are and what they can be. So, negotiations are communication between people, which takes place in order to achieve a certain goal. In negotiations, each of the parties to communication has the same opportunity to control the course of the situation and make decisions.

telephone rules
telephone rules

Negotiations always assume that the participants partly have a similar opinion, and partly disagree with the beliefs of the other side. They meet in order to come to a common denominator. However, if the parties agree with each other's beliefs or, on the contrary, are very critical, these are completely different types of interaction - cooperation and confrontation, respectively.

Functions and goals of negotiations

It is generally accepted that negotiations exist in order to come to a common opinion and agree on something. Although this opinion is very logical, there are several more goals.

Negotiations are needed in order to discuss problems (existing or possible), make a joint decision, etc. In addition, negotiations can perform an informational function when people only exchange views on certain things. This type of interaction can be called pre-negotiations. A meeting organized to establish new connections involves such a function as a communicative one, when people meet in order to get to know each other.

Negotiationsmay also have functions such as control, coordination and regulation. They differ from communicative ones in that they are necessary in cases where there are already agreements, and negotiations are underway on the implementation of previously reached joint decisions.

etiquette rules of negotiation
etiquette rules of negotiation

In addition to the above, in practice the case is such that negotiations may not be arranged in order to discuss and make decisions. They are needed as a distraction for competitors or partners. Sometimes such tricks are used by trading companies who want to get the attention of a certain partner by staging business contacts with other firms.

Stages of negotiation

The rules of negotiation oblige a person to know what stages of this process exist. Thanks to this, great results can be achieved during the planning and conduct of business communication.

So, negotiation consists of preparation, the process of communication itself and reaching an agreement. It is worth considering in more detail the stages of negotiations and their stages in the table below.

Steps Preparation stage Maintenance stage Consensus stage
First Choice of means of negotiation Information sharing Choice of agreed solutions
Second Establishing contact between interlocutors (invitation or confirmationparticipation in negotiations) Formulation of the agenda Final discussion of the chosen strategy of action
Third Collecting and analyzing information needed for negotiations Identification of contentious issues Formal agreement reached
Fourth Preparing a negotiation plan Disclosure of deep interests of the parties -
Fifth Building an atmosphere of trust Develop proposals for alignment -

Formally, one more stage can be distinguished - the final one, when both sides, after negotiations, analyze the results and begin to implement the agreements reached.

Negotiating approaches

It is worth remembering one of the most important rules of negotiation - you always need to know the subject of discussion and own certain approaches. Knowing them, you can predict the behavior of the interlocutor. The following approaches to negotiation can be distinguished:

  1. Enemies. The essence of the approach lies in the fact that the parties appear before each other in the role of soldiers who must defend their interests. In other words, this approach can be described as a tug-of-war.
  2. Friends. Both sides are supporters of friendly negotiation. This approach assumes that the weakerside will adjust to the strong side. It should be noted that this approach is extremely rare in practice.
  3. Partners. The third approach has a very solid foundation - a focus on finding a mutually acceptable solution. It is important that the parties with this approach try to find a way out of the situation that would suit both completely and completely. This approach can be described as "pure" negotiation.

Despite which approach was chosen, it should be remembered that the interlocutors can use various tricks that help to get more benefits in favor of their side.

business ethics
business ethics

Dirty tricks

Etiquette rules of negotiation do not approve of the use of various deceptive moves, however, businessmen may deliberately resort to tricks to gain benefits. You should always be on the alert and be able to properly neutralize them. It is worth considering the most common "dirty" tricks:

  1. Inflated entry level. This trick is based on the fact that initially the partner puts forward too complex conditions for cooperation that are beneficial to him, or those that can be painlessly excluded, and during the conversation simplifies them. Thus, the side against which the technique is used must also make concessions on its part. In order to avoid such a trick, it is necessary to study the issue of negotiations and the potential of the partner before the meeting.
  2. False accents. This trick is similar in principle to the one described above. The only difference is that in this casedemonstrates an extreme interest in resolving an issue, although in fact this issue is secondary.
  3. Last minute demands. This trick is similar to the above, but it can only be used at the last stage of negotiations, when it is advisable to use the first two at the beginning. This technique is also called "extortion". Making demands at the last minute is a very dangerous ploy, because when the partners have agreed on everything and come to a consensus, one of the parties puts forward new conditions at a time when the other is already interested in signing the contract.
  4. Creating a hopeless situation. This technique is very painful for the side against which it is used. When using it, the partner creates such conditions under which the other side can either agree to situations or harm themselves in case of refusal. Often, such a tactic of behavior leads to the fact that the trust of the side that is being pressured can be irretrievably lost.
  5. Ultimatum. The principle of this trick is that one of the parties becomes in the position "Either you agree to our terms, or we leave the negotiations!". However, after such a trick, the negotiations turn into a unilateral solution of the issue.
  6. Salami. The principle of the trick comes down to the same approach as in the case of a real sausage product. Salami is a product that is consumed in small portions, since it cannot be eaten whole and at once. One side begins to give out information about the assessment, personal interests, etc. smallportions in the hope that the second will do the same and begin to tell all the secrets. Depending on what the partner against whom this trick is used says, the first side begins to behave accordingly. As a result, the negotiations may drag on in time, and the interlocutor will fully and completely find out the opinion, interests and views of the other side.
  7. Bluff. From the name of the trick, it becomes clear that we are talking about the fact that one of the parties gives its partner deliberately false information. However, in recent years, it has been resorted to less and less, because modern conditions allow you to independently double-check everything that the interlocutor says.
  8. Double interpretation. This trick is based on the fact that one of the parties issues wording with double meanings, which can then be interpreted in their own interests. The trick is that if any documents with such double wording are worked out or signed during the contract, one of the parties will not be able to later not fulfill the conditions. Such a ploy is very dangerous for the party that uses it, because thanks to this, you can quickly lose a good reputation and gain a bad one.

The rules of negotiation say that if in the course of business communication it was noticed that a partner goes to tricks and tricks, then in no case should you reciprocate. You need to understand why this is happening and after that build a line of communication. However, do not abruptly interrupt the negotiations, it is better to listen to all the demands calmly and leave yourself time to think.

collective bargaining
collective bargaining

Rules to follow in negotiations

There are common, so to speak, universal norms of behavior in negotiations, and it does not matter whether the meeting is face-to-face or the negotiations are conducted by technical means of communication. The rules of negotiation to remember are always the following:

  1. Always be courteous and avoid phrases and hints that can belittle the partner's personality. Secular etiquette should always be followed.
  2. You can't ignore your partner's opinion.
  3. Don't ask too many questions without explaining why they are important. In other words, simple inquiries should not be allowed.
  4. We need to adequately respond to clarifications and try to convey information so that all parties understand what is at stake.
  5. Don't let your thoughts be paraphrased.
  6. If your partner's thought seems unsaid, you can continue it, specifying whether it was implied.
  7. Summarizing is possible only at the end of negotiations or after lengthy remarks.
  8. If the negotiations are group, it is necessary to give everyone the opportunity to speak, even if it takes too long. But usually only one person on the potential partner's side keeps the word.
rules of conduct
rules of conduct

How to convince a partner?

From the point of view of business communication and negotiation rules, psychologists have developed some set of tips that will help in those moments when it is necessary not only to convey information to a partner, but also to convince him ofanything. So, it is worth considering this list:

  1. If it was decided to convince a partner of something, you should start with weak arguments, move on to medium ones, and at the end voice the strongest argument, the so-called "trump card".
  2. You can not drive a partner into a disadvantageous position for him or put pressure on him. Everyone has the right to save face.
  3. If you need to get a positive answer to an important question, you should ask two simple ones before it, which the partner will answer with ease.
  4. It is worth remembering that the more influential the speaker, the stronger his arguments sound.
  5. You need to show empathy.
  6. When persuading, you need to start with what is clear and acceptable to both parties.
telephone rules
telephone rules

Telephone conversations: rules for conducting telephone conversations

Telecommunications talks are different from face-to-face conversations. The most important rule of telephone conversations is brevity. Such business communication should be concise and not protracted. You need to speak exclusively on the merits.

In general, there are several basic rules for negotiating by means of communication:

  1. You need to be friendly and welcoming.
  2. Telephone conversations should be conducted by a competent person who understands the agenda.
  3. Before talking, you need to adjust your voice and, if possible, say a few tongue twisters.
  4. Voice during telephone conversations should becalm. If necessary, you can play with your voice when you need to focus on certain things or when persuading a partner.
  5. You can not interrupt the interlocutor. This is a very important rule of telephone conversations. Even if the interlocutor says unpleasant things, criticizes or expresses dissatisfaction, it is necessary to listen to him, and only then start talking.

In addition to the above, it is worth remembering that the etiquette rules for conducting telephone conversations are the same as those that people usually follow in person. In addition, it is worth noting that if, due to technical problems, a part of the conversation was missed, which the interlocutor did not notice, you must apologize and ask to repeat it.

rules of conduct in negotiations
rules of conduct in negotiations

National peculiarities in negotiating

Knowing the basics of telephone communication with partners and the rules of collective bargaining, it is always necessary to take into account the national characteristics of all parties. For example, the Germans do not tolerate lateness and are characterized by excessive pedantry. The English are people who always seem reserved, so don't take it as coldness. It is worth noting that if such a partner gave his word of honor, he will keep it.

Italians are very active and sociable, and they prefer to meet in an informal setting. An important feature of such partners is that they prefer to talk with people of the same rank. Spaniards are people who prefer to work in a team. They are gallant, open, serious, but at the same time they have a wonderful feeling.humor. Just like the Italians, the Spaniards prefer to negotiate with people of the same rank.

negotiation rules
negotiation rules

Speaking of Chinese partners, you should keep in mind that they are very attentive to words. The information voiced by them is always thought out and restrained. Often the Chinese are not the first to express their thoughts and proposals, so you should keep this in mind when negotiating.


Having understood what the basics of business communication and etiquette rules for conducting telephone conversations are, it is much easier to build the right line of conduct. The most important thing in this process is to be honest with yourself and your partner.
