What is interesting about abandoned villages?

What is interesting about abandoned villages?
What is interesting about abandoned villages?

If you look closely at the map, you can see many abolished villages and cities. Why is no one inhabiting them now? There are a number of reasons for this. Among them are the horrors of the revolution, the civil war and the ensuing Red Terror, which

abandoned villages
abandoned villages

claimed many millions of lives, and, in particular, led to a sharp reduction in the number of men. As a result, the surviving residents left their deserted villages. Part of the settlements in the Civil War were simply burned. In addition, during the famine of the 30s, which affected some regions of Russia, some villages died out. Some of the settlements were destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. In the 60-70s, the process of enlargement of settlements began. Residents moved to larger villages. Nowadays villages continue to disappear. Their residents are gradually moving to the city, especially young people.

Abandoned villages are great places for those who would like to relax alone, in the bosom of nature and away from boring civilization. Some of them have centuries of history. View of old huts, chapels and not cultivated for a long time

abandoned villages map
abandoned villages map

fields gives an idea of how our ancestors lived. In such places, you can not only be in the bosom of nature and take a break from the boring city routine, but also find something interesting. For example, old coins. However, if you are an avid numismatist and decide to visit abandoned villages in order to find new material for your collection, a metal detector will not be superfluous. If you're lucky, you'll come back with a good "catch". To this day, some lucky people manage to find ancient treasures. Old abandoned villages with stone houses are places where rich people once lived. Before the revolution, merchants or we althy peasants could live in them. Ordinary people could not afford such dwellings. In such places, the numismatist's chance to replenish his collection increases. Of course, only if this settlement had not been thoroughly investigated before him, which is already unlikely in our time. In the vicinity of large cities, many abandoned villages, if not all, have long been looted. For example, the abandoned villages of the Moscow region have definitely already been explored. If you want to find any valuable antiques, be prepared for the fact that searching in such places can take a lot of time, but lead nowhere.

But if you, as an amateur archaeologist or numismatist, would still like to try your luck, where to start? Firstly, most often in Russia they hid money in wells and

abandoned villages in Moscow region
abandoned villages in Moscow region

subfloors. Most of the treasures were found in these places. It must be said right away that for two reasons it is not worth looking for anything in old graves. OurOrthodox ancestors did not put any valuables in the coffins with the dead. Secondly, the desecration of graves more than once turned into big trouble for the blasphemers themselves, and this is not an empty superstition. If you decide to visit an amateur archaeologist for some time, then know that in those places where hostilities were fought in the Great Patriotic War, it is not difficult to run into a mine or a bomb to this day, especially if a sapper has never set foot there.

The oldest abandoned villages are interesting because they give an idea of pre-revolutionary life. Until now, you can see curious architectural monuments of those ancient times there: windmills, towers, estates. Unfortunately, many of them have not survived. It can be said with certainty that the ruins of most of the ancient towers now remain. Since such objects are of interest to vacationers, some of them are being restored.

The map of abandoned villages can be useful for both amateur archaeologists and those who want to relax away from their city.
