2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
It was decided at the family council that pets should live in the family. Rabbits may well compete with dogs and cats, especially with hamsters and rats, and certainly with parrots and fish, for the right to be near you and become a joy to your children. Domestic rabbits are pretty smart animals.
They are trainable and trainable. They respond to the call by name, can overcome barriers, play with the ball and do a funny stand on their hind legs. And keeping a domestic rabbit is not a difficult process and does not take much time and effort.
Rabbit house
Rabbits are unpretentious animals. By supplying enough food and water for them, you can leave the animals at home alone. But leaving them unattended for a long time outside the cage is not safe. They can gnaw through the cables of electrical appliances. It is best to buy a special cage where the animal can move freely. The height of the side walls of the cagemust be from fifty centimeters and above, so that the animal can sit on its paws without interference from above.
In the cage you need to place a stable feeder and drinker. It is better to cover the bottom with wood filler, sawdust and hay. In warm seasons, the animals will be happy to walk on the green lawn. In this context, the answer to the question of whether fresh grass can be eaten by rabbits is only positive.
Pure Lovers
Domestic rabbits are very clean. They are easy to train to the toilet tray. It is important to keep it clean and change the filler in time. Your pet will defiantly not use a dirty tray. It is better to wash the cage with organic detergents without extraneous pungent odors. Residues from chemical detergents can harm the cleaner, and rabbits cannot stand the smell of kitchen cleaners. The animals themselves take care of the cleanliness of their fur. You can wash them only in emergency cases, because when bathing, the protective layer of fat is washed off, and the coat becomes dull, it may fall out. It is enough to comb it out with a special brush.
Pet's he alth is in your hands
It is useful to remember the proverb "cowardly as a hare" and do not let children overdo it with boundless love. Little rabbits are afraid of sharp cries, noise. In order for the animal to grow up he althy, and not shy and nervous, you do not need to pull it often. A good family atmosphere is important. A well-groomed, he althy rabbit is active, inquisitive, happy to make contact and eat out of hand.
ForFor a pet, not only regular food and cleanliness are important, but also calm, affectionate communication with the owner.
Food costs
Domestic decorative rabbits are fed twice a day. In the morning, like English aristocrats, it is better to give them oatmeal and other cereals. In the evening, fruits, vegetables and greens are better. Be sure to lay hay during the day for snacks. Not eaten, but good food leftovers do not need to be removed from the feeder. The rabbit is a nocturnal animal and will chew everything later. In general, the cost of feeding a rabbit will pleasantly surprise you with its insignificance. But it is important to think about the diet in advance. It is not much different from the diet of a wild relative and should satisfy all the needs of the animal in minerals and vitamins.
In the wild, rabbits eat a variety of grasses. They love stems, leaves, flowers, roots, roots of many plants. When feeding decorative rabbits, you do not need to deviate from the usual natural menu. It is only important to introduce them to a varied herbal diet from an early age.
The Need for Grass Food
Herbs such as dandelion, clover, alfalfa, nettle, for rabbits are needed, first of all, for the normal functioning of the stomach. It is a source of fiber and a green storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Fiber is vital because it pushes through the hairballs that constantly enter your pet's stomach. And it also has a lot of abrasive particles that help rabbits grind their teeth in time and in a natural way. Many people wonder if it is possiblegive nettles to rabbits. Allegedly, it can cause bloating and diarrhea. This gut reaction in rabbits is possible with any new herb in the diet. And in order not to doubt whether it is possible to give nettle to rabbits, you need to learn more about this plant.
Nettles in the diet of ornamental rabbits
Nettle is a wild medicinal plant. The first shoots appear as soon as the snow melts. In early spring, nettle for rabbits is an indispensable source of vitamins. It has antibacterial properties - it is a natural medicine for animals and humans. Green shoots are rich in protein, which accelerates intestinal motility. For adult rabbits who lead a sedentary life and are accustomed to grass feed, young shoots are simply necessary for normal bowel function.
Is it possible to give nettles to small rabbits? From 3 weeks of age, yes. But at first in very small quantities and no more than three times a week. For food, it is better to grow nettles in your own garden, on a balcony, or collect them away from roads and industrial enterprises. Useful young shoots before flowering plants. So that the nettle does not burn, it is thoroughly washed and scalded with s alted boiling water. Dry and finely chop with a vegetable knife with a ceramic blade that does not oxidize greens. In this form, it can be added to dry food or mixed with hay. So that your pets have a nutritional and vitamin supplement in winter, be sure to prepare nettles for the winter.
Nettles in farming
For the farmer or breederrabbits, the question of whether it is possible to give nettles to rabbits is unambiguously resolved positively. The reasons already listed are antibacterial properties, essential trace elements, vitamins. Plus, it is a source of valuable vegetable protein, which is better absorbed by rabbits than any dietary supplement. And most importantly, it is a safe source of protein, especially necessary for increasing the weight of animals.
Cereal bran, mixed with nettle leaf, sprinkled with s alted water, a favorite delicacy of rabbits, is indispensable on the farm. Nettle must be added to the feed for rabbits feeding small cubs for better lactation. And it is important to remember this always: rabbits should never be given grass wet in dew or freshly cut with a metal scythe. And such grass as dope, belladonna, backache, euphorbia, celandine, buttercups, hellebore, black root - for them, poison in any quantity and in any form.
Branch Feed
Besides grass, branch food for rabbits is very useful. In a cage for decorative rabbits, you can put branches of ash, birch, linden, pear and apple fruit trees. Pine or juniper bark is very useful. This is again a source of essential trace elements and useful vitamins. And it’s also convenient for rabbits to grind incisors on the bark of branches. For farms specializing in burrow breeds, branch feed for rabbits is even more relevant. Only branches of hazel, oak, elm, alder, in the bark of which there are a lot of tannins, will not work for rabbits.
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