Is it possible to give bread to rabbits: features of maintenance and care, diet, tips

Is it possible to give bread to rabbits: features of maintenance and care, diet, tips
Is it possible to give bread to rabbits: features of maintenance and care, diet, tips

Rabbits (like any other animals) need good nutrition. The gastrointestinal tract in these animals, unfortunately, is quite weak. And many farmers, as well as pet lovers, are thinking about what foods should be included in the diet of these cute animals. For example, is it okay to give rabbits bread? The reader will find the answer to this and other questions in this article.

Feeding Features

In order for rabbits to develop well, be active and cheerful, their menu must include the following types of products:

  • juicy;
  • concentrated;
  • rough.

Pet lovers who keep rabbits as pets in the apartment usually offer their wards ready-made commercial mixes. In most cases, such feed includes all the components necessary for these animals. However, choosing for rabbits in a pet store, of course,follows only high-quality mixtures from trusted manufacturers.

Feeding rabbits in an aviary
Feeding rabbits in an aviary

In farmsteads, farmers develop the diet of such animals in most cases on their own. At the same time, rabbits can be offered vegetables from the garden, weeds pulled from the beds, and even waste from the master's table.

Juicy food

Is it possible to give bread to rabbits - we'll talk about this a little lower. To begin with, let's figure out what kind of food is the basis of the diet of these animals.

Carrot for rabbits
Carrot for rabbits

From the group of juicy products in farmsteads, rabbits most often receive carrots and zucchini. It is this food that is considered the safest for the digestive tract of animals. Also in limited quantities, farmers can use to feed rabbits:

  • cabbage;
  • apples;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • beets.


Juicy and concentrated food is a must for rabbits. However, the basis of the diet of these animals on farms is still roughage. In winter, pets should receive hay in large quantities, in summer - grass. In any case, it is impossible to feed these animals with only root crops and grains.

Grass for rabbits should be selected carefully. Some representatives of the meadow and garden fauna are absolutely not suitable for them. For example, indigestion in rabbits can occur when eating herbs of the nightshade family, celandine, milkweed and others.

Rough feed for rabbits
Rough feed for rabbits


For good weight gain, rabbits should also be fed high protein diets. Of these products, crushed barley and corn are most suitable for these animals. Also, bran is often given to these fluffy concentrates. This reduces the cost of livestock maintenance.

Can I give a rabbit bread?

This product cannot be classified as the main type of food used for these animals. However, many pet lovers and farmers have probably noticed that these big-eared bread is very fond of bread.

In principle, you can give bread to rabbits. It will not cause any particular harm to he alth. However, before laying in the feeders, the bread must be dried to the state of crackers. In no case should rabbits be offered fresh baked goods. This can lead to indigestion in the animals.

It is best to give rabbits, among other things, only dried white bread. It is undesirable to include rye in the diet of these animals. Experienced farmers give a positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to give black bread to rabbits. If the animal eats a piece of rye pastry, it will not die. However, such bread, unfortunately, can cause fermentation in the animal's gastrointestinal tract.

Can rabbits eat bread?
Can rabbits eat bread?

The answer to the question of whether bread can be given to rabbits is thus clear. White dried pastries will not be harmful to such animals in any case. But how often should you offer your pets such food?

Evendried white bread should not be given too often to rabbits. Offering such a delicacy to eared pets is worth no more than once every 2-3 days.

Feeding schedule

Place food in cages or aviaries for rabbits should be at least three times a day. At the same time, concentrates should be offered to animals in the morning and evening. During the day, rabbits can be given succulent feed. It is advisable to put grass and hay in cages at each feeding. Above in the article, we found out what kind of bread can be given to rabbits and with what frequency. It is best to put this in cages with animals during the day.

Of course, the farmer must make sure that the rabbits always have access to water. At the same time, it is supposed to be changed daily.

Features of caring for rabbits

The question of whether it is possible to give white bread or black bread to rabbits, as well as what and when to feed these animals, is interesting for every novice farmer. But in order for the farm to eventually become profitable, the owners of the farmstead, of course, should be aware of the peculiarities of caring for such animals.

In apartments and farms, rabbits are kept in most cases in cages. This technique makes it much easier to care for animals. However, rabbits are active animals. In order for the animals to develop well, they still need to be given more opportunities for movement.

Content in the aviary
Content in the aviary

Now readers know if decorative rabbits can be given bread. Doing so is permitted. However, the consumption of any high-calorie foods at home can lead tosuch a problem in a pet as obesity. Of course, you can pamper a decorative rabbit with bread from time to time. But the animal kept in the cage, in any case, sometimes you still need to let go for a walk around the apartment.

Farmers who want to increase the profitability of their farm should think about arranging spacious enclosures for rabbits instead of cages. In this case, the animals will get sick less and begin to gain commercial weight faster.

The care of these animals, in addition to timely feeding, should also include such a procedure as cleaning. He alth in rabbits, unfortunately, is not very strong. And they pick up various kinds of infection very easily. Therefore, you need to clean the enclosures and cages of these animals daily.

Helpful tips

Thus, we found out whether it is possible to give bread and crackers to rabbits. There are many nuances in feeding and keeping such animals. And it's hard to see them all. But still, below are some useful tips from experienced farmers.

Rabbits get sick, unfortunately, easily. Epidemics in case of non-compliance with the technology of caring for such animals flare up very, very often. At the same time, in case of infection, the farmer can lose almost the entire herd.

Keeping cages clean in animals reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases to a minimum. However, this is often not enough. Various kinds of infections can be transmitted to rabbits through feed. In particular, this applies to crushed and bran imported from nowhere.

Greens for rabbits
Greens for rabbits

To protect rabbits from death due to disease, the farmer should only purchase concentrates for his farm from trusted suppliers from farms that are safe in terms of epidemics.

Before buying rabbits or breeders, new cages or aviaries should be carefully examined. In the "dwelling" of the rabbits should not be any sharp objects - protruding nails, wire and other things. These animals are known to be very shy. In a panic, they can make absolutely mindless jumps. If the rabbit runs into a nail while doing this, it may die.
